The Trinity: the Father is God, the Son is God, the Holy Spirit is God.


We all agree that the name appears in the book of Revelation.

You have given no proof whatsoever that this refers to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Jude refers to an archangel Michael who is clearly NOT the Lord Jesus Christ.

Your theory is found a failure.

There is more than one Michael in the Bible. The Michael of the BOR is not called an archangel.
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Right Divider

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Its just "Michael". We don't know what was there before it was edited by apocalyptic writers.
And yet you previously claimed that it was "Christ Michael".

And more unsubstantiated claims about "editing".

You're just full of anti-facts and gobbledygook.


Melchizedek was himself an incarnate celestial being. He was the forerunner of the incarnation of Christ Michael. It was Melchizedek, the visible representative of God that made the agreement with Abram. Melchizedek was on the earth for 90 years and established his monotheistic missionary colony in Salem which became Jebus and eventually Jerusalem.

That is the reason for the sudden appearance of Melchizedek into the history of Judaism.

Right Divider

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Melchizedek was himself an incarnate celestial being. He was the forerunner of the incarnation of Christ Michael. It was Melchizedek, the visible representative of God that made the agreement with Abram. Melchizedek was on the earth for 90 years and established his monotheistic missionary colony in Salem which became Jebus and eventually Jerusalem.

That is the reason for the sudden appearance of Melchizedek into the history of Judaism.
You've got a fairy tale for everything.

Still no support for "Christ Michael".


Asking questions is not supporting your assertion.

You have no answer because you don't know. The Urantia revelation reveals the answer. Our creator Son's name is Michael. After he returned to heaven he has become known as Christ Michael. Michael is mentioned in the BOR which I provided.

Right Divider

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You have no answer because you don't know.
I don't follow foolish distractions by your type.

The Urantia revelation reveals the answer.
UB is complete and utter crap. You can continue to push it all that you want. We are not buying it.

Our creator Son's name is Michael.
Nonsense. If that were true the Bible would say so... it doesn't!

After he returned to heaven he has become known as Christ Michael. Michael is mentioned in the BOR which I provided.
Once AGAIN... if that were true the Bible would say so... it doesn't!
And ONCE AGAIN, your assertion that your provided verse refers to Christ is complete conjecture.


I don't follow foolish distractions by your type.

UB is complete and utter crap. You can continue to push it all that you want. We are not buying it.

Nonsense. If that were true the Bible would say so... it doesn't!

Once AGAIN... if that were true the Bible would say so... it doesn't!
And ONCE AGAIN, your assertion that your provided verse refers to Christ is complete conjecture.

I understand your situation, its the same situation that the Jews were in when confronted with Jesus. They also hid behind their exaggerated scripture that their own priest class wrote, claiming God wrote it.

John 16:2 2 They will put you out of the synagogue; in fact, the time is coming when anyone who kills you will think they are offering a service to God.

You would do the same thing today to Jesus because you aren't allowed to think for yourself.

Right Divider

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I understand your situation, its the same situation that the Jews were in when confronted with Jesus. They also hid behind their exaggerated scripture that their own priest class wrote, claiming God wrote it.

John 16:2 2 They will put you out of the synagogue; in fact, the time is coming when anyone who kills you will think they are offering a service to God.

You would do the same thing today to Jesus because you aren't allowed to think for yourself.
We all really enjoy your cultist devotion to your UB fairy tale and your hatred for truth, your false accusations, etc. etc. etc.


Mark 3:20-22

Then Jesus went home, and once again a crowd gathered, so that He and His disciples could not even eat. When His family heard about this, they went out to take custody of Him, saying, “He is out of His mind.”

And the scribes who had come down from Jerusalem were saying, “He is possessed by Beelzebul,” and, “By the prince of the demons He drives out demons.”

Right Divider

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Mark 3:20-22

Then Jesus went home, and once again a crowd gathered, so that He and His disciples could not even eat. When His family heard about this, they went out to take custody of Him, saying, “He is out of His mind.”

And the scribes who had come down from Jerusalem were saying, “He is possessed by Beelzebul,” and, “By the prince of the demons He drives out demons.”
You bash the Bible and then quote it.

Are you crazy?


You bash the Bible and then quote it.

Are you crazy?

I don't bash the Bible, I respect it for what it is. Its as imperfect as we should expect it to be. Bible worshipers are "all or nothing", so when someone points out error they get all offended and hear things that aren't said. I quote what's true.

They thought Jesus was insane, his own family. The religious people thought that he was demonically possessed, working with Satan. The same thing will happen with the UB.

Right Divider

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I don't bash the Bible, I respect it for what it is. Its as imperfect as we should expect it to be.
Why should we expect it to be imperfect?

Your bias clouds your feeble mind.

Bible worshipers are "all or nothing", so when someone points out error they get all offended and hear things that aren't said. I quote what's true.
I'm no "Bible worshiper", but I do respect God and know what He has given us a book that we can trust.

How do you "know" that what you quote is "true" and not the "error"?

They thought Jesus was insane, his own family. The religious people thought that he was demonically possessed, working with Satan. The same thing will happen with the UB.
Apples and walruses.

The UB is not "God breathed".... it is just your favorite fantasy.

The UB is as reliable as the Book of Mormon or the JW "Bible".... not at all.


Why should we expect it to be imperfect?

Your bias clouds your feeble mind.

I'm no "Bible worshiper", but I do respect God and know what He has given us a book that we can trust.

How do you "know" that what you quote is "true" and not the "error"?

Apples and walruses.

The UB is not "God breathed".... it is just your favorite fantasy.

The UB is as reliable as the Book of Mormon or the JW "Bible".... not at all.

We should expect the Bible to have all the errors that it does because the Bible makes it clear that humans aren't perfect. The Jews vastly exaggerated their history, that is clear to normal people.

Stories like Noah's ark are obviously not accurate. It takes just a little common sense to realize that God never regrets his own actions such as his creation before the flood story.

Right Divider

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We should expect the Bible to have all the errors that it does because the Bible makes it clear that humans aren't perfect. The Jews vastly exaggerated their history, that is clear to normal people.
It's quite telling that you do not believe that God can handle keeping the Word intact.

Stories like Noah's ark are obviously not accurate. It takes just a little common sense to realize that God never regrets his own actions such as his creation before the flood story.
Wild-eyed speculation on your part.


It's quite telling that you do not believe that God can handle keeping the Word intact.

Wild-eyed speculation on your part.

Moses dropped and broke the first set of tablets that God supposedly wrote.....according to the Bible that the preachers wrote.