Trump Gurl
Credo in Unum Deum
I meant, nobody I know is afraid of China Virus
But you won't be specific, of course.
But you won't.
Go to
Watch the videos (which includes the audio from the good doctor above.
Tell me why you think the masks are effective, especially after you watch video number 2.
He is.
It's lust to control others. Also known as being control freaks.
The desire to lord it over one's neighbor, especially when doing so means more money goes into one's own pocket.
Considering the fact that he (in opposition to all the democrats) back in March closed down international travel to China and the regions thereabouts, I'd say it was a good move to try to get ahead of the Wuhan Flu.
Again, I have never said it hasn't killed anyone.
I (and others) are trying to point out that the cure that has been proposed is worse than the disease, that far more people can and will die and ARE dying from these extreme measures.
Study: Coronavirus restrictions killing 10,000 children per month and ‘wasting’ and ‘stunting’ millions more - Washington Examiner
A new study shows that coronavirus restrictions and lockdowns are leading to the deaths 10,000 children per month and stunting the growth of millions more.“It’s been seven months since the first COVID-19 cases were reported, and it is increasingly clear that the repercussions of the pandemic
Your country has the highest level of fatalities from this virus in the world. It is not "the flu".Of course it can, but not for the majority of the population who at the most will either not get sick at all, or have flu-like symptoms for a few days and then get over it.
It comes back to the fact that these measures that are being taken are unlike any we've seen before, for a disease that is less deadly than most others.
Or you can just be responsible and wear a mask...The point is this:
My neighbor has the right to choose to be afraid.
If he is afraid that I unknowingly carry an illness, he has the right to be afraid of me. He has the right to stay away from me. But he does not have the right to control me, detain me, or deface me.
If he comes near me and I am ill, he may catch my illness. If he fears my illness he can stay away.
I will come to him if he needs me, even if he’s sick.
When we are well, I’ll eat with him in a restaurant, sit next to him in a theatre or wait in line with him at the grocery store. I’ll never force him to do anything against his will and I expect the same respect from him.
I accept the inherent risk of death in life. If I should inadvertently catch an illness from him, I will not hold him responsible. Even if I perish. This is how it’s always been, and it’s how it should always be.
If I am knowingly ill, I pledge to respect my neighbors and contain my illness as best I can while still providing for myself and my family. I cannot guarantee that I will not spread a pathogen, but I will be considerate.
I promise to never rob, murder, envy, vandalize or bear false witness against my neighbor.
When you make comments about people being Nazi sympathizers or akin, solely on a differing view to your own then the only way is up, for you.I think we all know what level that is. I wont verbalize it though lest I actually descend to it.
Whacked out garbage doesn't need to be disproved, it can just be dismissed.I said, "Fighting for Liberty and Freedom is not easy. Rosa Parks willingly got arrested for it. Every generation must fight to preserve it. The people who gladly give it up and embrace socialism and Liberalism are the enemy within, worse than any Nazi."
Prove me wrong.
That's almost like listening to an infowars podcast...Seriously? You really don't know what is going on do you.
The atmosphere is created to destroy a free nation and impose socialism and also strip people of freedom. You have spent so long brushing off conservatives and their warnings that now that their dire warnings have arrived you have no clue what is about to fall upon the nation.
You are in pure denial that there are literally millions of Americans who HATE America, HATE capitalism, and truly want a Marxist sate. You are also in denial that groups like BLM (not the idea but the actual official organization) are purely Marxist groups, and now companies feel obliged to pay homage to them.
You are in pure denial that all of this is because of your side of the political aisle!
You have just been poking along year after year regurgitating the same lies about Republicans and Trump, and you are about to come face to face with the fact that you have enabled a Marxist coup.
"what political gain is there for anyone to enact measures that are hardly popular and detrimental to the economy" ???
These Marxists don't give a crap about the economy. They are destroying businesses left and right, and allowing big companies to profit, the very leftwing companies that embrace socialist control.
How is it that me as a young person sees all this plain as day and tools like you are WILLINGLY blind to it.
Interesting how this article rails against conservatives being supposedly pigeonholed into labels and yet plenty on the far right do this all the time and ignorantly so in regards to people who have differing views. Aka "Liberal - Marxist" etc. Kinda funny.For far too long now conservatives have turned the other cheek. They accepted the labels they were given. Afraid to fight back when attacked both verbally and physically. IT ALL ENDS NOW. We will fight back. We will shed those labels of “racist” “this phobic” and “that phobic” “this ism” and “that ism” They have backed you into a corner. They cannot, will not ever again define who we are. WE define ourselves. The capitulation is done and over. The deep state has declared a war on freedom by attempting to steal this election effectively silencing the people’s voices. We will form the greatest army of patriots the world has ever seen. We will march to your gates and we will take this country back from the evil, globalist empire. We will no longer be slaves to your comforts and modern day conveniences. We will fight back now before it’s too late. For the future generations of this free nation will NEVER be socialist subjects to the machine. We will show you the heart of the patriots.
Parler Free Speech Social Network
Parler is an unbiased social media focused on real user experiences and engagement. Free expression without violence and no censorship. Parler never shares your personal
When you make comments about people being Nazi sympathizers or akin, solely on a differing view to your own then the only way is up, for you.
Whacked out garbage doesn't need to be disproved, it can just be dismissed.
Seriously? You really don't know what is going on do you.
The atmosphere is created to destroy a free nation and impose socialism and also strip people of freedom. You have spent so long brushing off conservatives and their warnings that now that their dire warnings have arrived you have no clue what is about to fall upon the nation.
You are in pure denial that there are literally millions of Americans who HATE America, HATE capitalism, and truly want a Marxist sate. You are also in denial that groups like BLM (not the idea but the actual official organization) are purely Marxist groups, and now companies feel obliged to pay homage to them.
You are in pure denial that all of this is because of your side of the political aisle!
You have just been poking along year after year regurgitating the same lies about Republicans and Trump, and you are about to come face to face with the fact that you have enabled a Marxist coup.
"what political gain is there for anyone to enact measures that are hardly popular and detrimental to the economy" ???
These Marxists don't give a crap about the economy. They are destroying businesses left and right, and allowing big companies to profit, the very leftwing companies that embrace socialist control.
How is it that me as a young person sees all this plain as day and tools like you are WILLINGLY blind to it.
That's almost like listening to an infowars podcast...
Why Democrats Happily Lie about Cheating in the Election: This is very simple:
Democrats are people who burn down cities, murder cops, terrorize neighborhoods, have roving Nazi brownshirts (BLM and Antifa), shut down churches, impose Nazi curfews, and so much more. Do any of you think for a moment that a little thing like election fraud bothers them? Lying about an election is peanuts compared to the crimes against humanity they happily commit.
I have said it before:
Democrats are the party of infanticide, socialism, government control, smashing Free Speech rights, giving free stuff to illegal aliens, and now they are the party of mobs in the streets burning and destroying cities. See the burning cities and torn down statues, and you see the democrat party world. Mobs.
Republicans are the party of Traditional Values, Liberty and freedom. Donald Trump gave us the lowest unemployment rates since John F Kennedy until the virus hit, and now Democrats are trying to keep the virus going because they are so evil they are happy to destroy the economy simply to defeat Trump. That’s right. Masks and continued shutdowns are a joke, based totally on fear. There is a 0.04 death rate for Corona. People have more chance of dying from the Flu.
A totalitarian socialist state of mobs is what the Democrats offer, and liberty and freedom and jobs-not-mobs is what Trump offers.
And I can provide a link to prove each claim in this post.
Efficacy of masks and face coverings in controlling outward aerosol particle emission from expiratory activities - Scientific Reports
The COVID-19 pandemic triggered a surge in demand for facemasks to protect against disease transmission. In response to shortages, many public health authorities have recommended homemade masks as acceptable alternatives to surgical masks and N95 respirators. Although mask wearing is
See above.
No thanks. See above again. Plenty more that supports it and you can check it out for yourself.
Pfft, why, cos you say so? Pass...
Um, no.
Except that he deliberately and knowingly downplayed it and lied to the American people about just how serious it was going to get. Not only that, he enjoyed doing so...
Lockdowns aren't a "cure",
they're a curtailment measure and do they have drawbacks? Absolutely
and I'll admit that I don't agree with the latest proposals in the UK. They're inconsistent and there's not enough provision made for people who need support. There's no perfect solution here but AFAIC there's an imbalance between meeting health requirements and reducing the spread of this virus.
Your country has the highest level of fatalities from this virus in the world. It is not "the flu".
Yes, because it's a pandemic.
Or you can just be responsible and wear a mask...
Um the dude in video 2 (who is a doctor) is using a vape pen (or whatever they're called) to demonstrate HOW the masks do not protect anyone.
If you won't go to the site, at the very least, watch the video:
Um, yes.
That is the root cause.
If you can't understand figurative language, I can't help you.
The curtailment measure is killing people.
You sure you want to support that?
That's nice.
A total of less than 10,000, last I checked?
That's from the virus alone.
Sure I did. What exactly is it that you think I missed?You didn't bother to read what I said, did you?
Responsible is, again, not promoting fear tactics for a political agenda.
Well, let's have a look at the facts shall we? Biden won the election by (to use Trump's own terminology when describing his win in 2016) a landslide. His baseless and petulant claims of election fraud have been thrown out all over because of a complete lack of actual evidence to support said claims and his team of lawyers aren't fighting it because of the above.Brain is like a paid lawyer. He does not care the tiniest bit about facts or truth, right or wrong, or morals or ethics. He cares about arguing and winning the argument.
If the Democrats ran Satan in an election and the GOP ran Jesus, Brain would argue endlessly why Satan is the better candidate, and he would never admit once that Satan is evil or a liar.
I don't need to "refute" any of your diatribes. Just like I don't need to check that there isn't a winged horse in the back garden because someone happens to pass by and swears they've seen Pegasus in it...That's the type of ignorant remark one would expect from someone who does not know truth from lies from fact from fiction.
It is noteworthy that you did not refute once single thing I say. Neither can you refute anything here:
Once you're silly enough to equate democrats or anyone on the left or moderate side of the political aisle with Nazis, then you've just embarrassed yourself all ends up.When your Democrat Party becomes exactly like Nazis and you are too blind to see it, then the only way is up, for you. So start climbing out of your pit.
And so your posts are all dismissed.
Once you're silly enough to equate democrats or anyone on the left or moderate side of the political aisle with Nazis, then you've just embarrassed yourself all ends up.
Denying juvenile fabrication and hyperbole is the opposite to denying actual facts. You're being remarkably silly and it's almost fascinating to behold...It has already been proven as fact that Democrats behave exactly like Nazis, that they use all the Nazi's tactics, that the are socialists just like the the Nazis, and so on. That is not even up for debate, You lying about it and denying it is your issue, not mine.
But thank you for proving my previous post to be true: "Brain is like a paid lawyer. He does not care the tiniest bit about facts or truth, right or wrong, or morals or ethics. He cares about arguing and winning the argument."
Well, let's have a look at the facts shall we? Biden won the election by (to use Trump's own terminology when describing his win in 2016) a landslide. His baseless and petulant claims of election fraud have been thrown out all over because of a complete lack of actual evidence to support said claims and his team of lawyers aren't fighting it because of the above.
You got a problem with paid lawyers? Take it up with Trump's...