The Substitutionary and Representative Work of Christ on Our Behalf

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I didn't read your post because you are resorting to name calling, again.

You have a very hostile personality. You call people names because you also have a bad case of low self esteem. You like to put people down, this makes you feel better about yourself.

I will not respond to any post where the poster calls me names. You really need to go get some help John W.

Translated: I picked you apart, leaving you bloodied, and reduced you to a cry baby, emotional response. Weighty, Pate.

Why you condescending, disingenuous, pompous fool, and hypocrite, actor, as you wine above, about name calling(even though it is scriptural), crying, about my alleged "hostile personality," out of one side of your mouth, when I was responding to this, fool, from the other side of your mouth:

"Since it is very apparent that you don't know what an ordinance is, I will explain it to you."-Pate the blowhard

You're as puffed up as a bullfrog in heat, Pate the fool, the condescending repeller of the lost.

And stuff your Oprah like opinion, "you have a bad case of low self esteem." No, lost one, only children of the devil, like yourself, have low self esteem, not adopted children, forever justified saints, like myself. And I, in contrast to you, am feared, respected on TOL, one of it's main gunslingers, wolf hunters, to rid it of dead weight, such as yourself, as you are laughed at, ridiculed, on this site, for all your errors,made up "doctrine," sloppy misstatements of facts, from the book, winging it, making "doctrine" up, on the fly,as you would not know the difference between the book of Isaiah, and Isaiah Washington. You're an embarrassment to the cause of the Lord Jesus Christ. Leave. Even respective members of the boc don't take you seriously. I only pay attention to you, to protect the babes/sheep, and to protect the lost, from going to a lower level of hell, after they read you, and perhaps give them the correct doctrine, "sound doctrine," by which they can be saved.

Ans stuff your "You really need to go get some help" devlish advice. You need to get help on how to read, and make an argument, and get saved, pawn of the devil.

Get help, you emotionally cliche me?

Your page:This page has had 1,022 visits


The great, humble, saint John W's:

This page has had 16,362 visits


Sure, Pate. I need help....

So there. Watch the fool come back with more emotional rants/kid stuff, as I called him on his made up jazz, and he is having a tantrum, even though he asserts that "I will not respond to any post where the poster calls me names."

Sure, you won't. Kids say that all the time, and come back for more, and pout. You talk like them. They talk like you.


New member
okay,if the law was abolished at the cross, who decided that the event abolished the law? god commanded the
law and a man abolished it. who could have been more powerful than god to undo what he did, paul.

The NT is all about love you deluded ignorant Judaizer. Love, love, love, not law, law, law.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Translated: I picked you apart, leaving you bloodied, and reduced you to a cry baby, emotional response. Weighty, Pate.

Why you condescending, disingenuous, pompous fool, and hypocrite, actor, as you wine above, about name calling(even though it is scriptural), crying, about my alleged "hostile personality," out of one side of your mouth, when I was responding to this, fool, from the other side of your mouth:

"Since it is very apparent that you don't know what an ordinance is, I will explain it to you."-Pate the blowhard

You're as puffed up as a bullfrog in heat, Pate the fool, the condescending repeller of the lost.

And stuff your Oprah like opinion, "you have a bad case of low self esteem." No, lost one, only children of the devil, like yourself, have low self esteem, not adopted children, forever justified saints, like myself. And I, in contrast to you, am feared, respected on TOL, one of it's main gunslingers, wolf hunters, to rid it of dead weight, such as yourself, as you are laughed at, ridiculed, on this site, for all your errors,made up "doctrine," sloppy misstatements of facts, from the book, winging it, making "doctrine" up, on the fly,as you would not know the difference between the book of Isaiah, and Isaiah Washington. You're an embarrassment to the cause of the Lord Jesus Christ. Leave. Even respective members of the boc don't take you seriously. I only pay attention to you, to protect the babes/sheep, and to protect the lost, from going to a lower level of hell, after they read you, and perhaps give them the correct doctrine, "sound doctrine," by which they can be saved.

Ans stuff your "You really need to go get some help" devlish advice. You need to get help on how to read, and make an argument, and get saved, pawn of the devil.

Get help, you emotionally cliche me?

Your page:This page has had 1,022 visits


The great, humble, saint John W's:

This page has had 16,362 visits


Sure, Pate. I need help....

So there. Watch the fool come back with more emotional rants/kid stuff, as I called him on his made up jazz, and he is having a tantrum, even though he asserts that "I will not respond to any post where the poster calls me names."

Sure, you won't. Kids say that all the time, and come back for more, and pout. You talk like them. They talk like you.

John, I am so sorry that I caused you such mental anguish because of what I wrote and believe. For your sake it would be better if you did not read or respond to my post. I will pray that the Lord will bring you peace in your life.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
John, I am so sorry that I caused you such mental anguish because of what I wrote and believe. For your sake it would be better if you did not read or respond to my post. I will pray that the Lord will bring you peace in your life.

As I predicted, blowhard Pate "responds," after he had said:

"I will not respond to any post where the poster calls me names. You really need to go get some help John W."

I will pray that the LORD God will remove your "spirit" of condescension, and, if not, remove you from this site, as you are a repeller of the lost, to Christ, with your made up "doctrine," sloppy, inaccurate "interpretation" of the facts of scripture, and corrupting it, by changing the words.

Ben Masada

New member
The NT is all about love you deluded ignorant Judaizer. Love, love, love, not law, law, law.

And you seem not to realize how much of love you need to learn. Perhaps you have no idea what love is. Here is a Christian midrash for you to put into your mind: "God so loved the world that to teach men what love is, He became a Jew. Big mistake He made because, to show that men could not learn what love is, they killed Him."


New member
Paul was the champion of faith not law you ignorant woman. I suffer not you to speak in my presence.
Hilarious. What are you, 15? Didn't your mother ever correct you or did yer pa put her in her place? Dumb, Cheese, increasingly dumber.

Let's also keep in mind that he was one of the most learned men in his time..... And what did that mean? He knew law better than anyone. Even in all of that, he did not have disparaging remarks against the Law. Sad that's not how you see him.

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TOL Subscriber
The law was abolished at the cross where every type and shadow was fulfilled by Christ. The new spiritual law of Love reigns supreme for believers. Unbelievers like you can still return to the ministry of death and wallow in your sins. The law can't forgive sin only Jesus can.

Where does the Bible say the law was abolished at the cross? I recognize that we are in the but now where the righteousness of God without the law is manifest, but the law comes into play in the future for the Hebrews thru Revelation crowd after the Body of Christ is caught up.


New member
Hilarious. What are you, 15? Didn't your mother ever correct you or did yer pa put her in her place? Dumb, Cheese, increasingly dumber.

It's just verbal abuse from someone who talks about "love" and doesn't know what love is. (1 Corinthians 13:13)

I ignore verbal abuse.


New member
Where does the Bible say the law was abolished at the cross? I recognize that we are in the but now where the righteousness of God without the law is manifest, but the law comes into play in the future for the Hebrews thru Revelation crowd after the Body of Christ is caught up.

That's a can of worms I don't care to open. Suffice to say I am not a Darby proponent. The vast majority of dispensational Christians are Arminian and Darby was a Calvinist. Calvinists keep stinkin' it to the Arminians and they just lap it up.


TOL Subscriber
That's a can of worms I don't care to open. Suffice to say I am not a Darby proponent. The vast majority of dispensational Christians are Arminian and Darby was a Calvinist. Calvinists keep stinkin' it to the Arminians and they just lap it up.
You opened a can of worms by saying the law was abolished at the cross. You made a claim so please show it from the scriptures otherwise stop making the claim.


New member
You opened a can of worms by saying the law was abolished at the cross. You made a claim so please show it from the scriptures otherwise stop making the claim.

The law was abolished at the cross. We live under grace today. The Jews that you idolize are required to believe in Jesus and live by his grace not law. Law keeping is a sign of rebellion and a rejection of the gospel.


TOL Subscriber
That was directed to a different woman. Women who preach the gospel of grace like yourself I have no problem with.
By all means, charge some that they teach no other doctrine as Paul exhorted Timothy (1 Timothy 1:3 KJV), but stop making it look like you have a problem with women. The whole "in my presence" is a bit over the top too.


TOL Subscriber
The law was abolished at the cross. We live under grace today. The Jews that you idolize are required to believe in Jesus and live by his grace not law. Law keeping is a sign of rebellion and a rejection of the gospel.
I know we are not under the law, but grace. Please show where the Bible says what you claim, though. Jews in the kingdom program were zealous of the law at the time of Acts 21 (Acts 21:20 KJV) and that was not a bad thing for them (Matthew 5:18 KJV).