the seven heads


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the seven heads

the seven heads are the seven dynasties of the Roman Empire

Julio-Claudian dynasty 68
Flavian dynasty 96
Adoptive and Antonine Emperors 192
House of Severus 235
Tetrarchy and the House of Constantine 364
House of Valentinian 455
Family of Leo I the Great 476

many have been counting the kings

not many understand that there were seven dynasties
the historians are the ones who determined this when they came up with the Byzantine Empire to separate the eastern Roman empire from the western one

isaac newton agrees they are dynasties

back to
the apocalypse

this is just one piece of the puzzle
it does fit


New member
the seven heads

the seven heads are the seven dynasties of the Roman Empire

Julio-Claudian dynasty 68
Flavian dynasty 96
Adoptive and Antonine Emperors 192
House of Severus 235
Tetrarchy and the House of Constantine 364
House of Valentinian 455
Family of Leo I the Great 476

many have been counting the kings

not many understand that there were seven dynasties
the historians are the ones who determined this when they came up with the Byzantine Empire to separate the eastern Roman empire from the western one

back to
the apocalypse
the key here is

the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed 13:12

instead of empires or kingdoms
we should be looking at religions as the beasts
it was the religion of the roman empire that was the real problem
it was mortally wounded st the beginning of the byzantine empire
it was soon replaced by islam
the black stone is at the kaaba, a sacred shrine of muslims, which was originally a pagan shrine

These are nowhere close to being the Seven Heads. In Rev. 17 we are told the Mystery, so it is no longer a Mystery. The woman that sat on Seven Mountains (Rode the Seven Headed Beast)is explained.

Rev. 17:7 And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns.

9 And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.10 And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.

{{ The Seven Mountains have absolutely nothing to do with 7 Hills. It is self explanatory, the angel says come I will show you the MYSTERY of the Woman and the Beast she rides. IT IS NO MYSTERY anymore. The Seven Mountains are Seven Kings, not Hills, just like the Seven Heads on the Beast are Kings, they are Rulers that Arose. Five have Fallen (before AD 96) One is (Rome) and one is YET TO COME (Revived Rome/Anti-Christ and the 10 Kings) so there are your 7 in a nutshell. }}

Each Kingdom has a King at its helm when it falls hence 5 Kings had Fallen. Each head of the Beast have one thing in common, they conquered or enslaved Israel. Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece are the Five that had Fallen. Rome was the one that IS [Currently ruling at Johns time] and the one that is to come is the Anti-Christ/Little Horn and his 10 Confederate Kings.


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Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece are the Five that had Fallen. Rome was the one that IS [Currently ruling at Johns time] and the one that is to come is the Anti-Christ/Little Horn and his 10 Confederate Kings.

what is a beast
they are kings?
beasts are empires
heads are dynasties
horns are dynasties
antichrist is a man
the harlot is a city
how can you confuse all that?


New member
what is a beast
they are kings?
beasts are empires
heads are dynasties
horns are dynasties
antichrist is a man
the harlot is a city
how can you confuse all that?

A Beast is an Empire per Daniel 7, a Beast or empire has a King, they are one and the same. An Empire or Beast though has many kings not just one. But there is only one king at the helm when the empire loses its "power". The reason Kings are used in Rev.17 is the Angel did not want to confuse us about the last Beast, he will be A MAN not a Beast Kingdom per se. And then there will be an 8th King also, it will be Satan possessing the Anti-Christ. In order to keep us from thinking the last two will be NATION KINGDOMS instead of a MAN that is evil and a Demon that possesses a man, the BEASTS were presented as Kings that have Fallen. That is true, all of the Kingdoms had a KING at the helm when the nations fell. So there was 7 KINGS and five had fell, one King was at Johns time, and the Anti-Christ King is yet to come, then the 8th King will be Satan who is of the 7. THAT'S WHY KINGS WAS USED....

The Harlot is not a City, it is a METAPHOR.

Babylon is not Mecca, Rome, NYC, USA, Jerusalem, Old Babylon and it is not a Mystery, the Angel said COME and I will show you the Mystery of the Woman and the Beast she rides on. Since the Angel is telling the Mystery in Rev. 17, it looks like we have erred in not understanding the angels explanation. The Beast with 7 Heads is explained, it is 7 Kings, 5 have fallen, one is and one is yet to come. THERE IS THE BEAST Explained. Since this 7 headed Beast in Rev. 13 has the Leopard, Bear and Lion integrated in it, we understand these seven are kingdoms that have conquered or enslaved Israel. So Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia and Greece are the 5, Rome was the one that was in Johns time still intact, and the Anti-Christ and his 10 Kings will be the coming 7th Head. MYSTERY SOLVED/EXPLAINED.

Woman was on waters, which the Angel says is many Nations, Peoples, Tongues and Multitudes. Which means she is all over the world. She is destroyed by the Kings. and she is that Great City that rules over Kings. So lets add this up. She is all over the world, she gets killed of in the end times by the Kings in league with the Beast and the Angel calls her a city that reigns over many Kings. In the vision BABYLON THE GREAT was Written on her forehead !! The Angel is explaining the vision John SAW !! It is Babylon not Rome, the Seven Mountains are Seven Rulers, they are not 7 HILLS. Since Babylon will never again be a city per prophecy we understand this is metaphorical. So we have a metaphorical city that represents the woman, she is all over the world and the last clue is the Kings Destroy her. Who can she be ?

So since she is killed off how can she be metaphorical ? Because she is a Slut Harlot !! She is all over the world !! Hmmmmm what could that be ? Only ONE THING, she is False Religion.

False Religion is no doubt all over the world, False Religion is a Harlot prostitute, False Religion will be Destroyed by the Anti-Christ and his Kings because they will demand the Beast be worshiped as GOD !! There will be no room for Islam, Buddhism, or any Religion, they will also come after Christians and the Jews will have to Flee Judea, but the Harlot is JUDGED just like Rev. 17:1 says, she is destroyed.

This can't be the Babylon of Rev. 18 because the Kings cry and lament her destruction....What gives ? Well the Babylon of Rev. 18 is the False Gov. System, the Last Head of the Seven Headed Beast. God destroys her with Plagues, Grasses and Tress burn, the Devils are loosed out of the Pit (Apollyon and his horde of Demons)and the earth/Babylon is become a habitation of devils.

There is NO MYSTERY......The Angel explains the Mystery.

Seven Headed Beast is Seven Governments which come against Israel.

Woman is False Religion which is a Harlot before God and has murdered the Saints and Martyrs of God.


New member
did you read 17 and 18?


Read Rev. 16, when the NATIONS FALL, Babylon comes into remembrance before God. The Nations mentioned in Rev. 16 are seen as Babylon by God. Rev. 16 ends Revelation until Jesus comes in Rev. 19 to conquer, Rev. 16 is Jesus conquering at Armageddon. There is no Rev. 17 and 18 in Reality, its just a retelling of things that have already happened. Rev. 16 at the 7th Vial says what ? IT IS DONE !!

Rev. 17 is only God explaining how False Religion is destroyed (All Islam and Religions will be destroyed by the A.C. right after the Abomination of Desolation).

Rev. 18 is only God telling us about the Seal, Trump and Vial Judgments on Babylon.(World/Last Gov System)


New member
city is mentioned in 18 seven times

So, it is still a metaphor. Babylon will never be again, that is foretold. The Key is Rev. chapter 16. You must remember there is no Rev. 17 or 18 as per time equation. The key is Rev. 16 and how it ends,

The Sixth Vial brings forth the battle of Armageddon, or should I say draws the armies of the nations towards Jerusalem to destroy her, but Jesus meets them at Armageddon. Then the SEVENTH VIAL is the Key:

Rev. 16:17 And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done. { There is no Rev. 17 and 18 in essence. }

Verse 18 says there was a GREAT EARTHQUAKE....THEN Rev 16:19 And the great city was divided into three parts,[B and the cities of the nations fell: and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath[/B].

Do you notice that when the NATIONS ARE DEFEATED (FELL) Great Babylon came into God's Remembrance ? YOU CATCH THAT ? God sees them as Babylon, and thus pours at His Wrath on them, and we know the Seven Vials are Gods Wrath !! It is not a LITERAL CITY.........It is GODS PERCEPTION of how evil these Nations have become.
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New member
when is it literal for you?

The Message is literal, as were the parables of Jesus' message, you just have to dig for the truth. Revelation is encoded by the Old Testament. Once we realize that, it is not hard to decipher. Is there a Beast with Seven Heads ? Is there a Lamb that was Slaughtered in Heaven ? Is there woman dressed with the Sun, moon and 12 Stars ? NO............etc etc. etc.

REVELATION IS ENCODED FOR A REASON, Just like Jesus spoke in parables for a reason. An intense, in depth study of Rev. 17 and 18 show exactly what they are, and it shows Rev. 17 and 18 to be a retelling of things that have passed by the time Rev. 16 is finished.
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New member
where does it say that?

Why do you think in the book of Daniel that Babylon, Persia, Greece and Rome are called Beasts ? What common thread do they have ? They each Conquered, enslaved or Ruled Israel for a period of time and they were Super Powers of their time. NOW...Why wouldn't the USSR or the United States or even the British Empire be a BEAST? Because they never conquered Israel, and even though the Brits as well as the Ottoman Empire ruled the land Israel once was, Israel was not a nation at that time, thus Ezekiel's prophecy was fulfilled, the BONES WERE DEAD, but now they are ALIVE AGAIN (Circa 1948).

So how do we get to the Seven Beasts or the Seven Headed Beast ? Well looking at the Seven Headed Beast of Rev. 13 and 17, we see in Rev. 13 that the Lion (Babylon) Bear (Persia) and Leopard (Greece) are represented as a part of this Seven Headed Beast, so the symbolism continued, each nation (Head/Beast) had to of conquered Israel. On to Rev. 17, we see the Harlot riding the Beast with Seven Heads here, and in verse 7 the Angel says why did you Marvel ? Come and I will show you the MYSTERY of the Harlot and the Beast she Rides we get told exactly what the Seven Headed Beast is by the Angel of the Lord in Rev. 17.

The Angel starts out by saying there are Seven Kings, Five have Fallen, ONE IS, and ONE IS YET TO COME.....So we understand this Beast with Seven Heads represents Seven Kingdoms, Kings are used because each Kingdom had to have ONE KING at the helm when they lost power, BUT MAINLY, because the last Kingdom will be Dominated by ONE MAN/ONE KING the Anti-Christ/Little Horn who is the last BEAST !! So we have to figure out who the other Three Beasts are besides Babylon, Persia, Greece and Rome. WHO COULD IT POSSIBLE BE ?

We were told from Babylon on there would be Five Kingdoms, Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome and Revived Rome or the Anti-Christ and his 10 Kings, so who could the other Two Be ? WELL, THAT'S EASY.

Egypt, and Assyria also Conquered/Enslaved Israel, so let is now add it up using Rev. 17.

Five have Fallen (Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, and Greece) ONE IS (We know that Rome was Ruling Israel and most of the Known world at the time John wrote Revelation) and ONE IS YET TO COME (The Anti-Christ and his 10 Kings who WILL CONQUER Israel, see the Abomination of Desolation.)

Revelation is Coded, you have to use the Old Testament to figure it out, plus God is revealing much these days. God is giving me many things in these last days, because I sought out the truth, I banged my head against the wall day after day, learning a bit more till it all fit together. God is Revealing much in these last days. AMEN.
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