The Salvation of God


1 Corinthians 2:11 For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God.

1 Corinthians 2:12 Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.

1 Corinthians 2:13 Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.

Are you a holy spirit?


TOL Subscriber
Are you a holy spirit?

1 Corinthians 2:12 Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.

1 Corinthians 2:13 Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.



1 Corinthians 2:12 Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.

1 Corinthians 2:13 Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.

Are you evil?


New member
Yes, but 'was' is the verb of being, as in 'already.' A seventh grade education won't serve here. You can use Greek helps and lexicons.
Also, Arka/arxa means 'a very very long time ago.' It is where we get archaic and archeology. Translations aren't trying to mislead you, but they surely will if you get the wrong idea.

For many of us, time is a property of change. A frozen moment is one in which nothing happens. God moves from quality to quality and isn't constrained by succession.

It is an artificial construct from a misdirection regarding English translation.

It is literal, but the translation may be misleading to some. Logistics weren't necessarily entertained when translating scripture. Some of the translators were my professors and they all agree with me, or me with them rather.

What beginning is the verse speaking about?

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Well-known member
What beginning is the verse speaking about?
Again, 'arxa' means 'a very very long time ago.' it doesn't have to mean beginning. Why was it translated this way? I can start a story 'once upon a time...' What time? Well, children ask that, but it isn't important.
Charles Dickens began thus: "Marley was dead, to begin with." 'To begin with what?' Not important. It is a literary device of introduction. So, the most important thing with Marley, is not 'to begin with' but that he was 'dead.' "To begin with" is a literary device of introduction.

So, we have "A very very long time ago" from the word "arxa." The KJV wrote 'in the beginning.' Why? I don't know, but that it is a literary construct of introduction given here, in place of the Greek word "arxa."


New member
Again, 'arxa' means 'a very very long time ago.' it doesn't have to mean beginning. Why was it translated this way? I can start a story 'once upon a time...' What time? Well, children ask that, but it isn't important.
Charles Dickens began thus: "Marley was dead, to begin with." 'To begin with what?' Not important. It is a literary device of introduction. So, the most important thing with Marley, is not 'to begin with' but that he was 'dead.' "To begin with" is a literary device of introduction.

So, we have "A very very long time ago" from the word "arxa." The KJV wrote 'in the beginning.' Why? I don't know, but that it is a literary construct of introduction given here, in place of the Greek word "arxa."

A very long time ago huh? Is God not eternal? How can an eternal Jesus come from a long time ago? The adversary is slick indeed. I understand the literary device of introduction but this is the Word of God we're talking about. Sounds to me more like the word of man. Maybe it's not as infallible as we thought. Or maybe it's the interpretation that is not so infallible. That doesn't necessarily mean anything bad. It just means we need to re-examine and realize that it points to something other than what we thought. I think about 90% of people shoot themselves in the foot with their own ammunition by not being willing to investigate this. The bottom line is the Bible proves Jesus is not infinite and eternal. How could this NOT be important?

You are entitled to your own opinion but Jesus Christ makes much more sense as symbolism for the infinite eternal soul. Yes, people will abuse this kind of interpretation but getting overly concerned with what everyone else is doing is part of the trap. All we can do is be an example. Forfeiting our own priceless souls because it is more important to be right about our beliefs is not worth it but most people don't know any better. The traditional interpretation encourages looking for self-worth outside the self and that just doesn't make sense. God gave us the soul for a reason. It is the feeling of infinite self-worth and eternal salvation. It's very important to know the soul while we are alive not only for us on an individual basis, but for the future of mankind and the future of this earth.
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Well-known member
A very long time ago huh? Is God not eternal? How can an eternal Jesus come from a long time ago?
For you. :plain:

The adversary is slick indeed.
Yes he is. Way to shut me down before even 'hearing' and being a good Berean. Par for the course, no? Sad.

I understand the literary device of introduction but this is the Word of God we're talking about. Sounds to me more like the word of man.
Again, "arxa" from where we get archaic and archeology. It is, what it is. You think as you like. You and I had a 'beginning.' God only 'relates' to our beginning. He has none. This is philosophically true, whether you grasp it or not.

Maybe it's not as infallible as we thought. Or maybe it's the interpretation that is not so infallible. That doesn't necessarily mean anything bad. It just means we need to re-examine and realize that it points to something other than what we thought. I think about 90% of people shoot themselves in the foot with their own ammunition by not being willing to investigate this.
:plain: And you are about to do EXACTLY that:

The bottom line is the Bible proves Jesus is not infinite and eternal.
:sigh: It is a convenient and inept lie. "was" with God. Do you understand verbs? The Word "was already" with God. "Before Abraham was, I AM?" No? Listen to your betters?

How could this NOT be important?
Because it is childish.
You are entitled to your own opinion but Jesus Christ makes much more sense as symbolism for the infinite eternal soul.
:nono: You are on a Christian website. I'd be remiss to allow this without strong rebuttal. We are to be ready in season and out of season. There is no way your ideas and imaginings are tenable. It is just 'self' trying to protect itself. You have whoever would save his life, must lose it backwards. We are told "you are NOT your own, you were bought with a price." This is the Christian message. You have no other place to go with us.

Yes, people will abuse this kind of interpretation but getting overly concerned with what everyone else is doing is part of the trap.
My job is to point you back to the Savior. Salvation is found in NO ONE else!
All we can do is be an example. Forfeiting our own priceless souls because it is more important to be right about our beliefs is not worth it but most people don't know any better.
This is foolish. Truth is the only thing there is. Jesus Christ is the Cornerstone of believers and stone of stumbling for those who reject because truth is precisely this way and no other. Hard facts are hard, not malleable. They cannot be.
The traditional interpretation encourages looking for self-worth outside the self and that just doesn't make sense.
Agreed, we are born our own gods, masters of our own destiny. "If any man would follow Me, he must take up his/her cross and follow." It is self negating. Love is ever sacrificial. Because it puts others first, it is always life on the line. That kind of love doesn't make sense to us. Love on that level hurts us, helps others. HOWEVER, it also has repercussion that makes us live, truly live "whether here or with the Lord, I don't know which is better!" Paul said.

God gave us the soul for a reason. It is the feeling of infinite self-worth and eternal salvation. It's very important to know the soul while we are alive not only for us on an individual basis, but for the future of mankind and the future of this earth.
Not being our own gods and masters of our own destiny. I've done church where the community sacrifices for one another. We were in Alaska and had to depend on one another in loving and dedicated community. The salvation of the world is coming to Christ. My family background is not loving, it was a lot of takers. People who would put self first and be their own masters and gods. It was awful. Christ saved me!


New member
The Salvation of God

For you. :plain:

Yes he is. Way to shut me down before even 'hearing' and being a good Berean. Par for the course, no? Sad.

Again, "arxa" from where we get archaic and archeology. It is, what it is. You think as you like. You and I had a 'beginning.' God only 'relates' to our beginning. He has none. This is philosophically true, whether you grasp it or not.

:plain: And you are about to do EXACTLY that:

:sigh: It is a convenient and inept lie. "was" with God. Do you understand verbs? The Word "was already" with God. "Before Abraham was, I AM?" No? Listen to your betters?

Because it is childish.
:nono: You are on a Christian website. I'd be remiss to allow this without strong rebuttal. We are to be ready in season and out of season. There is no way your ideas and imaginings are tenable. It is just 'self' trying to protect itself. You have whoever would save his life, must lose it backwards. We are told "you are NOT your own, you were bought with a price." This is the Christian message. You have no other place to go with us.

My job is to point you back to the Savior. Salvation is found in NO ONE else!

This is foolish. Truth is the only thing there is. Jesus Christ is the Cornerstone of believers and stone of stumbling for those who reject because truth is precisely this way and no other. Hard facts are hard, not malleable. They cannot be.
Agreed, we are born our own gods, masters of our own destiny. "If any man would follow Me, he must take up his/her cross and follow." It is self negating. Love is ever sacrificial. Because it puts others first, it is always life on the line. That kind of love doesn't make sense to us. Love on that level hurts us, helps others. HOWEVER, it also has repercussion that makes us live, truly live "whether here or with the Lord, I don't know which is better!" Paul said.

Not being our own gods and masters of our own destiny. I've done church where the community sacrifices for one another. We were in Alaska and had to depend on one another in loving and dedicated community. The salvation of the world is coming to Christ. My family background is not loving, it was a lot of takers. People who would put self first and be their own masters and gods. It was awful. Christ saved me!

Even though the Bible refers to Jesus as that which was from the beginning you still think Jesus is eternal? You are refuting the word of your God like a hypocrite. There is no amount of rationalizing that is going to change the fact that you're wrong. You're just too proud to admit it. Talk to the hand.

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Well-known member
Even though the Bible refers to Jesus as that which was from the beginning you still think Jesus is eternal? You are refuting the word of your God like a hypocrite.
:nono: You, an unlearned man, are trying to correct a scholar, all humility aside for the moment.

There is no amount of rationalizing that is going to change the fact that you're wrong.
Even if I didn't know what I was talking about, I could rely on creeds of men who actually were scholars. It just so happens I can read Greek and you can't. It just so happens you are on a Christian website where all of us Christians, and 99% of others, agree with me, not you. "Why" do you think that is? :think:
You're just too proud to admit it.
That too. I have to work on humility.

Talk to the hand.
"Christian website"


New member
The Salvation of God

:nono: You, an unlearned man, are trying to correct a scholar, all humility aside for the moment.

Even if I didn't know what I was talking about, I could rely on creeds of men who actually were scholars. It just so happens I can read Greek and you can't. It just so happens you are on a Christian website where all of us Christians, and 99% of others, agree with me, not you. "Why" do you think that is? :think:

That too. I have to work on humility.

"Christian website"

Is being a scholar more important than your soul? Is the value you get from that worth forfeiting the most valuable part of yourself? God forgives you because you just don't know any better.

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Well-known member
Is being a scholar more important than your soul?
Because my and your soul are important, I am a scholar. Scripture says "study to show yourself and approved workman." This concerns theology as well. "My thoughts and ponderings on things" is not worthy fodder for soul contemplation imho. I am a social animal and my soul is a social entity. The 'god' in us would love us an island in homage to ourselves.

Is the value you get from that worth forfeiting the most valuable part of yourself?
Yes, "if you love your life, you will surely lose it. If you lose your life for My sake, you will surely find it!" -The Lord Jesus Christ
God forgives you because you just don't know any better.
Any forgiveness comes from the Lord Jesus Christ. Salvation is found in no one else. There is no other name, given by God to men, whereby they can otherwise be saved.


New member
The Salvation of God

Because my and your soul are important, I am a scholar. Scripture says "study to show yourself and approved workman." This concerns theology as well. "My thoughts and ponderings on things" is not worthy fodder for soul contemplation imho. I am a social animal and my soul is a social entity. The 'god' in us would love us an island in homage to ourselves.

Yes, "if you love your life, you will surely lose it. If you lose your life for My sake, you will surely find it!" -The Lord Jesus Christ

Any forgiveness comes from the Lord Jesus Christ. Salvation is found in no one else. There is no other name, given by God to men, whereby they can otherwise be saved.

You are overcompensating for feelings of worthlessness. Tell me where your self-worth comes from. Do you even have any self-worth at all?

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