For you.

Yes he is. Way to shut me down before even 'hearing' and being a good Berean. Par for the course, no? Sad.
Again, "arxa" from where we get archaic and archeology. It is, what it is. You think as you like. You and I had a 'beginning.' God only 'relates' to our beginning. He has none. This is philosophically true, whether you grasp it or not.

lain: And you are about to do EXACTLY that:
:sigh: It is a convenient and inept lie. "was" with God. Do you understand verbs? The Word "was already" with God. "Before Abraham was, I AM?" No? Listen to your betters?
Because it is childish.
:nono: You are on a Christian website. I'd be remiss to allow this without strong rebuttal. We are to be ready in season and out of season. There is no way your ideas and imaginings are tenable. It is just 'self' trying to protect itself. You have whoever would save his life, must lose it backwards. We are told "you are NOT your own, you were bought with a price." This is the Christian message. You have no other place to go with us.
My job is to point you back to the Savior. Salvation is found in NO ONE else!
This is foolish. Truth is the only thing there is. Jesus Christ is the Cornerstone of believers and stone of stumbling for those who reject because truth is precisely this way and no other. Hard facts are hard, not malleable. They
cannot be.
Agreed, we are born our own gods, masters of our own destiny. "If any man would follow Me, he must take up his/her cross and follow." It is self negating. Love is ever sacrificial. Because it puts others first, it is always life on the line. That kind of love doesn't make sense to us. Love on that level hurts us, helps others. HOWEVER, it also has repercussion that makes us live, truly live "whether here or with the Lord, I don't know which is better!" Paul said.
Not being our own gods and masters of our own destiny. I've done church where the community sacrifices for one another. We were in Alaska and had to depend on one another in loving and dedicated community. The salvation of the world is coming to Christ. My family background is not loving, it was a lot of takers. People who would put self first and be their own masters and gods. It was awful. Christ saved me!