The Salvation Army and Sodomites



The People Who Support Us

Many people - including those in the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) community - support us with time and financial resources because of a common cause and commitment: To serve people in need.

"I called (Harbor Light) and told them everything - that I was on a fixed income, disabled, transgendered and trying to get away from my ex. It wasn't even an hour later that they called back and said they'd hold a spot for me. I arrived with nothing but a hope to start my life over and a desire to be strong again. A year and a half later, I was back on my feet. Living there was drama-free and I was never disrespected. They started a community service bug in me that's kept me active to this very day."

- Jacquelynn Massengill, Salvation Army volunteer
and former transitional housing resident

Note how the gender confused man/woman didn't say that because of their spiritual message, the Salvation Army helped him/her out of his/her morally confused lifestyle, a lifestyle that disproportionately leads to suicide.

Suicide rate for transgender

41 percent

That 41 percent suicide rate among transgender people is more than 25 times the rate of the general population, which is 1.6 percent. And among trans people ages 18-44, the suicide attempt rate was 45 percent.


Note how the gender confused man/woman didn't say that because of their spiritual message, the Salvation Army helped him/her out of his/her morally confused lifestyle, a lifestyle that disproportionately leads to suicide.

Being transgender is not a 'lifestyle', it is a 'life change'. Some live on with it and some don't- either way, the success rate of actually changing them is already low, now consider that they are homeless or in need and you start blowing in their face how their gender change is wrong.

You don't understand the reality you are breaching in on- all you see is whatever you can impose upon with your self-righteousness. Did Jesus do a sin check before he fed the poor and healed the sick?

The Salvation Army is a charity, not a sin seer. Case closed.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Note how the gender confused man/woman didn't say that because of their spiritual message, the Salvation Army helped him/her out of his/her morally confused lifestyle, a lifestyle that disproportionately leads to suicide.

Being transgender is not a 'lifestyle', it is a 'life change'.

Being that you were up close and personal with the LGBTQ 'lifestyle' at one time in your life, I stand corrected.

Note how the gender confused man/woman didn't say that because of their spiritual message, the Salvation Army helped him/her out of his/her morally confused 'life change', a 'life change' that disproportionately leads to suicide.

(And who sez I can't be politically correct when it comes to LGBTQ lingo?).

Some live on with it and some don't- either way, the success rate of actually changing them is already low, now consider that they are homeless or in need and you start blowing in their face how their gender change is wrong.

You don't understand the reality you are breaching in on- all you see is whatever you can impose upon with your self-righteousness.

From the Salvation Army's website:

The Salvation Army is a Christian organisation and part of the universal Christian Church.

Its message and the lifestyle it advocates are based on the Bible's teaching. Its work is to make known the good news about Jesus Christ and to persuade people to become his followers.

Everything The Salvation Army does is rooted in the faith of its members. The confidence Salvationists have in a loving and caring God finds outward expression in their love for humanity and their practical response to human need.

Did Jesus do a sin check before he fed the poor and healed the sick?

I'm pretty certain that a sermon followed every meal.

The Salvation Army is a Christ centered charity, case closed.

As shown, when it comes to the LGBTQ movement, "Christ" is no longer a big part of the Salvation Army.


The Salvation Army works a lot like may other churches work. They do not allow gays or transgenders into ministry. In SA's case, they cannot be officers.

Whereas in most churches, they aren't allowed to be part of other things like, let's say, the choir, the SA takes exception to them doig volunteer work. In fact, they, like many other charities, have a 'give back' pogram in which one is obligated to serve them after having gotten their life together through them.

That's how charities are, and if some people don't like it then tough- start a charity or shut it, because it takes a lot to work with little.


The Salvation Army works a lot like may other churches work. They do not allow gays or transgenders into ministry. In SA's case, they cannot be officers.

Whereas in most churches, they aren't allowed to be part of other things like, let's say, the choir, the SA takes exception to them doig volunteer work. In fact, they, like many other charities, have a 'give back' pogram in which one is obligated to serve them after having gotten their life together through them.

That's how charities are, and if some people don't like it then tough- start a charity or shut it, because it takes a lot to work with little.

If salvation (deliverance from sin and its consequences, believed by Christians to be brought about by faith in Christ) is no longer it's central theme, perhaps the Salvation Army should change it's name.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

If salvation (deliverance from sin and its consequences, believed by Christians to be brought about by faith in Christ) is no longer it's central theme, perhaps the Salvation Army should change it's name.

Perhaps you should change yours.

I see that I have a new stalker.

Regarding names: Don't change yours as it fits you perfectly.



...[T]hose are the kind of people you simply just stay away from before you find yourself actually wasting your time with that nonsense. Like now :rolleyes:
:idunno: You cry out for a world where you may continue to live out your wickedness. :listen: Your day is coming to an end. :burnlib:


"Ge 19:13 ...Here its object is “this place,” that is, wicked Sodom. The motif of “their cry” (ṣaʿăqātām) is repeated from 18:21 —it was an accusing cry, the crime crying out for judgment (cf. 4:10, where Abel’s blood was crying out from the ground)..." Ross, A. P. (1998). Creation and blessing: a guide to the study and exposition of Genesis (pp. 360–361). Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

I see that I have a new stalker.

You are so paranoid - :noid:

If it's any consolation Aaron, the guy who sent my former pastor an email asking if he supports the recriminalization of homosexuality is and always will be my favorite stalker.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

I see that I have a new stalker.

If it's any consolation Aaron, the guy who sent my former pastor an email asking if he supports the recriminalization of homosexuality is and always will be my favorite stalker.

I'm sorry your fundament got hurt

Not to worry Aaron, perhaps someday I'll give you my current pastor's name and you can email him like you did the last one.

.....says the stalker of gay people.

I have been in quite a few pro Donald Trump threads...


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I have been in quite a few pro Donald Trump threads...

The Donald appreciates you support !!

Without Trump's Libertarian/LGBTQueer fan base, I wouldn't have nearly as much to talk about in my WHMBR! Part 4 thread as I do now.

BTW, if you promise to be a good little boy Aaron, I'll ask the moderators to lift your ban. I know it's been extremely rough on you not being able to make intelligent comments like:

Trump will win big!