The People Who Support Us
Many people - including those in the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) community - support us with time and financial resources because of a common cause and commitment: To serve people in need.
"I called (Harbor Light) and told them everything - that I was on a fixed income, disabled, transgendered and trying to get away from my ex. It wasn't even an hour later that they called back and said they'd hold a spot for me. I arrived with nothing but a hope to start my life over and a desire to be strong again. A year and a half later, I was back on my feet. Living there was drama-free and I was never disrespected. They started a community service bug in me that's kept me active to this very day."
- Jacquelynn Massengill, Salvation Army volunteer
and former transitional housing resident
Note how the gender confused man/woman didn't say that because of their spiritual message, the Salvation Army helped him/her out of his/her morally confused lifestyle, a lifestyle that disproportionately leads to suicide.
Suicide rate for transgender
41 percent
That 41 percent suicide rate among transgender people is more than 25 times the rate of the general population, which is 1.6 percent. And among trans people ages 18-44, the suicide attempt rate was 45 percent.