The Salvation Army and Sodomites


New member
Crucible;4799619]They tell people that they have a savior. They just aren't leaving gays hungry and out in the cold. The LGBT gave donations because there are people on the street who are there because their families disowned them for being gay.

No they do not tell anyone about Jesus , and you know that. Have trouble telling the truth I see.

You are the filth. I hope you find yourself out on a street corner, for real- if I knew who you were, I'd beam you in the face with a roll of quarters.

The filth is accepting what God calls an abomination like it is no big deal. Yes, by all means take care of their physical needs then watch them drop off into eternal hell, and all because you do not want to offend anyone.

You might try and possibly succeed at throwing something at me , but I assure you you would not like the consequences.

I am not that hard to find. Bring your A game.

Coming on here with that nonsense, go on somewhere with that bullcrap.

Since you do not own TOL you might want to take your own bad and liberal advice.


New member
If you really follow the Bible, you will realize that sodomites are NOT gay people - they are wicked, cruel, greedy, callous people who think only of their own wealth and prosperity and do nothing to help the poor and unfortunate. America's REAL sodomites are all GOP members of congress and certain greedy rich people such as the Koch brothers .
The GOP in Washington has done NOTHING good for poor people within the past 40 years or so, or those out of work and struggling to stay afloat. It has consistently voted to slash and eliminate
government programs to help the poor and those down on their luck . It has destroyed and outsourced millions of jobs so greedy CEOs can rake in the billions while paying slave wages to poor people in other countries .
The Repugnican party has done nothing but increase poverty, unemployment and hopelessness exponentially in America, and electing Donald Chump president will only worsen this misery .
Yes, Trump is probably the worst sodomite in America .

You might want to look at the conditions in Chicago, which has been in Dumb-o-crap control for over 70 years. Then compare that to the conditions in Dallas , which has been under Republican control for many years.


I have no doubt that you people would condemn a charity because they don't leave gays out on the street...

My pastor says come as you are--leave forever changed. He doesn't apologize for preaching and teaching God's word. :poly: Lev 18:22, 20:13, 1 Ki 14:24, Ro 1:24, 26, 27 :vomit:


No they do not tell anyone about Jesus , and you know that. Have trouble telling the truth I see.

The filth is accepting what God calls an abomination like it is no big deal. Yes, by all means take care of their physical needs then watch them drop off into eternal hell, and all because you do not want to offend anyone.

You might try and possibly succeed at throwing something at me , but I assure you you would not like the consequences.

Since you do not own TOL you might want to take your own bad and liberal advice.

The Salvation Army not only does not 'support' homosexuality, but they also have a history of opposing it. They opposed same sex marriage, and still do. And they ask that gays remain abstinent while they are in their program.

What you people are doing is trying to condemn them for no good reason. You see the acronym 'LGBT' and lose your little minds. If there's anything of 'filth', it is in your extreme ignorance.

If I threw something at you, you would run like a little girl. I seriously have no patience for your kind of ilk. You're the abomination, and this world would be better off without it. You'd see a charity go down and have people on the street- of all types- just so you can wage your little petty war that you've already lost anyway. Tells me all I need to know :wave:


New member
Crucible;4799627]The Salvation Army not only does not 'support' homosexuality, but they also have a history of opposing it. They opposed same sex marriage, and still do. And they ask that gays remain abstinent while they are in their program.

The Salvation Army has caved to the PC nonsense like most including yourself.

What you people are doing is trying to condemn them for no good reason. You see the acronym 'LGBT' and lose your little minds. If there's anything of 'filth', it is in your extreme ignorance.

Since God thought same sex folks ( Sodomites ) was bad enough to not allow a homosexual to live among the folks of Israel , and said to kill them I will stay with God's opinion and not yours. I do not advocate killing anyone because God said vengeance belongs to Him, but I do share the gospel with them when opportunity arise.

If I threw something at you, you would run like a little girl. I seriously have no patience for your kind of ilk. You're the abomination, and this world would be better off without it.

Nothing like a liberal key board warrior. Folks like you are generally all mouth and no action anyway.

You might want to re-read Roman chapter 1. God gives folks in same sex at some point a reprobate mind and calls THEM abominable.

Do you even know what reprobate means ? Obviously NOT.

YOU might want to ignore God's decrees but I assure Christians will not follow your ilk.


I seriously have no patience for your kind of ilk. You're the abomination, and this world would be better off without it. You'd see a charity go down and have people on the street- of all types- just so you can wage your little petty war that you've already lost anyway. Tells me all I need to know.
We'll put you down for :scripto: in Satan's camp (Mk 8:38, Josh 24:14-15, Mt 12:30).


Since God thought same sex folks ( Sodomites ) was bad enough to not allow a homosexual to live among the folks of Israel , and said to kill them I will stay with God's opinion and not yours.

The world will be a much better place without Sodomites (Re 2:27). :burnlib: Believe me. :greedy:


The Salvation Army has caved to the PC nonsense like most including yourself.

I'm very outspoken in my opposition on LGBT on here- there's a few of you, such as aCW, who constantly feel the need to label anyone a supporter of such things if they aren't vicious idiots like themselves.

Since God thought same sex folks ( Sodomites ) was bad enough to not allow a homosexual to live among the folks of Israel , and said to kill them I will stay with God's opinion and not yours. I do not advocate killing anyone because God said vengeance belongs to Him, but I do share the gospel with them when opportunity arise.

Homosexuality is not the definition of 'sodomy'. Sodomy is unnatural sex, and something that heterosexuals routinely participate in whether it be orally or anally.

That's not an opinion, that's a fact. The people whom God killed were those of all kinds of sexual immorality. The reason homosexuality is targeted is because it is, in and of itself, a culture of sodomy.

When you get your facts straight, maybe you'll see the complexity of the problem for what it is instead of being some Westboro Baptist type retard.

Nothing like a liberal key board warrior. Folks like you are generally all mouth and no action anyway.

Again, I am not liberal- but anyone who slightly disagrees with you, you will label as such. Just like aCW :rolleyes:

You might want to re-read Roman chapter 1. God gives folks in same sex at some point a reprobate mind and calls THEM abominable.

I'm a Reformed Christian, nobody knows more about the term 'reprobate' than my tradition- it doesn't even pop up in your pseudo theology, so stop trying to borrow from a theology you no doubt oppose any other time.


People petty enough to target the homeless. It tells you all you need to know- those are the kind of people you simply just stay away from before you find yourself actually wasting your time with that nonsense. Like now :rolleyes:


New member
Crucible;4799638]I'm very outspoken in my opposition on LGBT on here- there's a few of you, such as aCW, who constantly feel the need to label anyone a supporter of such things if they aren't vicious idiots like themselves.

Taking a stand for God is not vicious it is simply obedience.

Viciousness is watching folks drop off into hell and remaining P.C. at their eternal expense.

Homosexuality is not the definition of 'sodomy'. Sodomy is unnatural sex, and something that heterosexuals routinely participate in whether it be orally or anally.

You might want to re-read Genesis the MEN of Sodom wanted to have sex with the 2 angels who were MALE. God's response was he destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for the same sex ( homosexual ) abominable behavior.

That's not an opinion, that's a fact. The people whom God killed were those of all kinds of sexual immorality. The reason homosexuality is targeted is because it is, in and of itself, a culture of sodomy.

Sodomites= homosexuals Re-read Genesis you have no clue.

When you get your facts straight, maybe you'll see the complexity of the problem for what it is instead of being some Westboro Baptist type retard.

I notice you have a limited vocabulary. YOU are quick to threaten and call folks names. Why not address the actual problem you have and act like a grown up ?

Again, I am not liberal- but anyone who slightly disagrees with you, you will label as such. Just like aCW :rolleyes:

You sure fooled me . If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck has webbed feet and quacks it is usually a duck.

I'm a Reformed Christian, nobody knows more about the term 'reprobate' than my tradition- it doesn't even pop up in your pseudo theology, so stop trying to borrow from a theology you no doubt oppose any other time.

What did you reform from ?

Now you claim exclusive rights to the bible ?

I own several bibles so I don't borrow my beliefs from anyone I go directly to the source i.e. the scriptures UNLIKE you.


Taking a stand for God is not vicious it is simply obedience.

Jesus rescued an adulteress whom he no doubt knew was guilty. Likewise, he slammed the Pharisees for what you are doing now. They were targeting the poor.

You might want to re-read Genesis the MEN of Sodom wanted to have sex with the 2 angels who were MALE. God's response was he destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for the same sex ( homosexual ) abominable behavior.

Cool story.

Sodomites= homosexuals Re-read Genesis you have no clue.

You think everyone in Sodom were gay? It has never been true that it was solely on account of homosexuality, that is simply something uneducated Bible thumpers produced.

I notice you have a limited vocabulary. YOU are quick to threaten and call folks names. Why not address the actual problem you have and act like a grown up ?

If they deserve it, then I don't have much qualms with it. And neither do the people who run this site apparently if you choose to read the rules, though I expect there is a bias therein.

What did you reform from ?

Now you claim exclusive rights to the bible ?

Reformed doctrine is Calvinism. You seem to have a hard time with definitions :wave:


New member
Crucible;4799661]Jesus rescued an adulteress whom he no doubt knew was guilty. Likewise, he slammed the Pharisees for what you are doing now. They were targeting the poor.

Bait and switch much ? We were talking about the salvation Army NOT sharing the Gospel. Keep up.

Cool story.

Would be much cooler if you actually understood what you read.

You think everyone in Sodom were gay? It has never been true that it was solely on account of homosexuality, that is simply something uneducated Bible thumpers produced.

The scriptures says the MEN of Sodom approached Lot's house. Sounds like all of them to me.

Gen 13:13
But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.

It does NOT say some of the men in Sodom now does it !

God would not be a just God if He destroyed everyone in Sodom if everyone in Sodom did not deserve to be destroyed.

If they deserve it, then I don't have much qualms with it. And neither do the people who run this site apparently if you choose to read the rules, though I expect there is a bias therein.

No problem ,I can dish out as good if not better than I receive.

Reformed doctrine is Calvinism. You seem to have a hard time with definitions :wave:

That explains a lot ! Calvinist disregard what Jesus and the Apostles taught and like Roman Catholics they ignore and change the meaning of what they do not like and change the context of what they do like to pervert the Gospel.



The scriptures says the MEN of Sodom approached Lot's house. Sounds like all of them to me.

You obviously don't know jack about Sodom's religion. Their belief was that having sex resulted in taking power from them. They had sex with animals, and especially with those they thought were supernatural. Most notably, ANGELS.

You're relying on extreme literal interpretation is also noted. They didn't ring the bells to the whole city and have everybody and their brother at the doorstep. Sorry to bust in on your notion with realism.

That explains a lot ! Calvinist disregard what Jesus and the Apostles taught and like Roman Catholics they ignore and change the meaning of what they do not like and change the context of what they do like to pervert the Gospel.

Calvinism is a perfect theology, being the fruit of the Reformation which liberated Christianity from Rome's clutches. There's no greater affront to orthodox belief than the heterodox, contemporary nonsense you all hold to, which amounts to nothing more than platitudes and shallow disdain for anything that conveniently isn't your bag of sin. So shut it :rolleyes:


New member
You obviously don't know jack about Sodom's religion. Their belief was that having sex resulted in taking power from them. They had sex with animals, and especially with those they thought were supernatural. Most notably, ANGELS.

You're relying on extreme literal interpretation is also noted. They didn't ring the bells to the whole city and have everybody and their brother at the doorstep. Sorry to bust in on your notion with realism.

Calvinism is a perfect theology, being the fruit of the Reformation which liberated Christianity from Rome's clutches. There's no greater affront to orthodox belief than the heterodox, contemporary nonsense you all hold to, which amounts to nothing more than platitudes and shallow disdain for anything that conveniently isn't your bag of sin. So shut it :rolleyes:

Got ya, everything Jesus and the Apostles taught in your opinion is affront to TRUTH.

Jesus said whosoever will yet Calvinist say nope NOT unless you were chosen.

You might want to actually read Romans 10 , which refutes the perversions and lies of Calvinism. Yep, same Paul PROVING that Calvinism is a perversion of the Gospel OF Jesus. Your loss not mine.


Jesus said whosoever will yet Calvinist say nope NOT unless you were chosen.

Whoever will come were preordained. That's what you all don't get. Have fun railing against a theology you all don't even understand.


The Horn

Dodge, the poorest , most backward U.S. states are all Red States in the south . All GOP-controlled . The troubles in Chicago are not Democrat-caused, but very complex in origin .
Southern states such as Mississippi, Alabama, etc. All filled with pathetic, ignorant right-wing Bible-thumping gun nuts and rubes who scream about "Obama's "socialism " but who rely on government handouts because there are no decent jobs there . And who would be starving on the streets without government "socialism ".
Southern states with the highest rates of poverty, unemployment, teen pregnancies , STDs,school dropouts etc.


New member
Crucible;4799695]Whoever will come were preordained. That's what you all don't get. Have fun railing against a theology you all don't even understand.

I will stay with scripture and avoid Calvinism !

Rom 10:13
For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.


I will stay with scripture and avoid Calvinism !

Rom 10:13
For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

Which is not against Calvinism. I just showed you that, but you're going to put on a blindfold and refuse to see it out of your obstinate nonsense.
Your lot has no love for the truth, you just want to believe whatever you want to believe, sitting there talking about the scriptures but you only take in what works for you.