The Salvation Army and Sodomites


[The Salvation Army and the LGBT Community] "The People We Serve

Each year, thanks to generous donations, The Salvation Army serves nearly 30 million Americans - or one person every second - from a variety of backgrounds. People who come to us for assistance will be served according to their need and our capacity to help - regardless of race, gender, ethnicity or sexual orientation.

The People We Hire

The Salvation Army embraces employees of many different faiths and orientations. Our hiring practices are open to all, and we adhere to all relevant employment laws, providing domestic partner benefits accordingly..." Full text: The Salvation Army and the LGBT Community

The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14]
heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Only an idiot like you could start a thread in the Politics forum comparing the Salvation Army to the wickedness of Sodom. Are you some kind of retard?


The Salvation Army is a non-profit charity. They give homeless people a place to stay and help them find jobs.

But never mind any of that, let's make it about LGBT


Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
The Salvation Army is a non-profit charity. They give homeless people a place to stay and help them find jobs.

But never mind any of that, let's make it about LGBT :AMR:

Its too bad you're so smart about this and other political issues, and so dead wrong about Catholicism. You'd make a great Catholic. Oh well.

Anyhoo, any human enterprise will have flaws because man is flawed. I'd say that the Salvation Army's good works far outweigh any missteps it has made on this tangential issue. I therefore decree that this thread is stupid, a waste of server space.


The Salvation Army is a non-profit charity. They give homeless people a place to stay and help them find jobs.

But never mind any of that, let's make it about LGBT...
They started out Christian--like the Red Cross, like World Vision. Is 5:20


They started out Christian--like the Red Cross, like World Vision. Is 5:20

The founders of the Salvation Army were military veterans with a heavy slant on Christianity. Their intended purpose has never been theological- they are a church of charity.


[The Salvation Army and the LGBT Community] "The People We Serve

Each year, thanks to generous donations, The Salvation Army serves nearly 30 million Americans - or one person every second - from a variety of backgrounds. People who come to us for assistance will be served according to their need and our capacity to help - regardless of race, gender, ethnicity or sexual orientation.

The People We Hire

The Salvation Army embraces employees of many different faiths and orientations. Our hiring practices are open to all, and we adhere to all relevant employment laws, providing domestic partner benefits accordingly..." Full text: The Salvation Army and the LGBT Community

The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14]
heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).

Thanks for the info on the LGBTQ friendly Salvation Army, an organization that was Christian based but like many others, have sold out God.

Speaking of sellouts: I was walking past the downtown Seattle YWCA (Young Women's Christian Association) and saw large rainbow flag in one of the front windows.

Add the YWCA to the list.


I have no doubt that you people would condemn a charity because they don't leave gays out on the street. Go figure :rolleyes:

How about you go spend some time out there.


I have no doubt that you people would condemn a charity because they don't leave gays out on the street. Go figure :rolleyes:

Since Christianity isn't your "thing", let me briefly explain to you how it works:

A Christian organization takes in lost souls (alcoholics, drug addicts, homosexuals, etc. etc. etc.) and shows them a better way through Christ; they're not supposed to embrace that sin.


A Christian organization takes in lost souls (alcoholics, drug addicts, homosexuals, etc. etc. etc.) and shows them a better way through Christ; they're not supposed to embrace that sin.

The Salvation Army does not waste it's time, nor does it have the resources, to join your crusade. They are a charity group you moron.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Since Christianity isn't your "thing", let me briefly explain to you how it works:

A Christian organization takes in lost souls (alcoholics, drug addicts, homosexuals, etc. etc. etc.) and shows them a better way through Christ; they're not supposed to embrace that sin.

The Salvation Army does not waste it's time, nor does it have the resources, to join your crusade. They are a charity group you moron.

You should be happy Crucible, like many other once Christian organizations, the Salvation Army has joined your cause.


You should be happy Crucible, like many other once Christian organizations, the Salvation Army has joined your cause.

You don't anything about 'my cause'. Quite frankly, it would go over your head because it's not dumbed down like yours.

Anyone who has ever spent even a day involved with these sort of charities would know that being controversial does nothing but cause problems. Doing that sort of work, which is largely in the cities, is difficult enough as it is. You sitting there being a judgemental twit reveals your character and ignorance very plainly.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

You should be happy Crucible, like many other once Christian organizations, the Salvation Army has joined your cause.

You don't anything about 'my cause'. Quite frankly, it would go over your head because it's not dumbed down like yours.

I've spent enough time in threads where you support adultery, prostitution, recreational drug use, homosexuality and abortion to know what your "cause" is.

Anyone who has ever spent even a day involved with these sort of charities would know that being controversial does nothing but cause problems. Doing that sort of work, which is largely in the cities, is difficult enough as it is. You sitting there being a judgemental twit reveals your character and ignorance very plainly.

Standing for God's Truth is controversial in this day and age. We'll see if the sodomites that the Salvation Army embrace keeps them afloat through charitable donations (yeah, like that's gonna happen), because this Christian won't drop any money in their bucket come Christmas.


New member
You don't anything about 'my cause'. Quite frankly, it would go over your head because it's not dumbed down like yours.

Anyone who has ever spent even a day involved with these sort of charities would know that being controversial does nothing but cause problems. Doing that sort of work, which is largely in the cities, is difficult enough as it is. You sitting there being a judgemental twit reveals your character and ignorance very plainly.

So telling folks they have a savior is to much trouble, got ya. YOU are the problem accepting all the filth in the name of charity.


So telling folks they have a savior is to much trouble, got ya. YOU are the problem accepting all the filth in the name of charity.

They tell people that they have a savior. They just aren't leaving gays hungry and out in the cold. The LGBT gave donations because there are people on the street who are there because their families disowned them for being gay.

You are the filth. I hope you find yourself out on a street corner, for real- if I knew who you were, I'd beam you in the face with a roll of quarters.
Coming on here with that nonsense, go on somewhere with that bullcrap.

The Horn

If you really follow the Bible, you will realize that sodomites are NOT gay people - they are wicked, cruel, greedy, callous people who think only of their own wealth and prosperity and do nothing to help the poor and unfortunate. America's REAL sodomites are all GOP members of congress and certain greedy rich people such as the Koch brothers .
The GOP in Washington has done NOTHING good for poor people within the past 40 years or so, or those out of work and struggling to stay afloat. It has consistently voted to slash and eliminate
government programs to help the poor and those down on their luck . It has destroyed and outsourced millions of jobs so greedy CEOs can rake in the billions while paying slave wages to poor people in other countries .
The Repugnican party has done nothing but increase poverty, unemployment and hopelessness exponentially in America, and electing Donald Chump president will only worsen this misery .
Yes, Trump is probably the worst sodomite in America .