The Sabbath


You said that I am an idiot. You said that I teach the old testament law. You said I don't keep (the old covenant) law itself.

That is not me having camouflage, covering up avoiding answering be it that I have done so if I have, or being stupid.

I said
Yes it is.


I said
I do observe Gods law through Jesus Christ. The new testament.

I think you meant God's
please confirm
by new testament do you mean Matthew through Revelation, Matthew to Revelation, the new covenant, or what Jesus taught?


I think you meant God's
please confirm
by new testament do you mean Matthew through Revelation, Matthew to Revelation, the new covenant, or what Jesus taught?

I said
lolol I am suppose to avoid stupid questions. That is one.

[2Ti 2:23
23 But avoid foolish and ignorant disputes, knowing that they generate strife.


You turn every conversation into a stupid conversation about you.
I do not know why anyone would teach the old testament. Some people use the law to condemn others. There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
Do you know what the Torah is?
The Law?
Torah Law?
The Law of Moses?
The Mosaic Law?
New Covenant Law?
The Law of Christ?
God's Instruction.
The Word of God.
God's Commands.
His Commandments.
What is old testament law?
Are you saying law being old testament?
Of course a person can learn about what the law was. If the testament or covenant is or was old. Otherwise something like "the Law was not abolished" must be maintained and taught if true.
It is the Law and the Prophets that Jesus did not come to abolish.
For there to be old covenant law there has to be an old covenant. For this to occur there had to have first been a covenant that was later called old. A first covenant is different from an old covenant.
Now I need to understand the TaNaK. I have read and accepted the Torah.
You said that I am an idiot. You said that I teach the old testament law. You said I don't keep (the old covenant) law itself.
That is not me having camouflage, covering up avoiding answering be it that I have done so if I have, or being stupid.
it was my response to you
you already believe that no one can prove that they observe God's Law? Maybe you don't.
I think you meant God's
please confirm
by new testament do you mean Matthew through Revelation, Matthew to Revelation, the new covenant, or what Jesus taught?
Enjoy the Sabbath. Shabbat Shalom. Sabbath Peace.
Today is Rishon (First), Ziv 7, Erev (Evening), Laylah (Night).
Good to know.
Today is Rishon (First), Ziv 7, It is Boker (Morning), It is Yom (Day).
Because it is a good sign if a person enjoys every day.