The Politically Incorrect Truth About Martin Luther King Jr.


Both Senator Joseph McCarthy and FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover were great men. Of course because they were avid anti communists, they were smeared by the mainstream media .....

On our nation’s birthday, it is appropriate to honor the five men who did the most to defend our freedom in the last century. The names are easy to remember – they are the five men most loathed by liberals: Joseph McCarthy, J. Edgar Hoover, Richard Nixon, Whittaker Chambers and Ronald Reagan...
Joseph McCarthy

J. Edgar Hoover

Richard Nixon

Whittaker Chambers

If it is possible to lean so far to the "right" that you run the risk of falling off the end of the political spectrum, "aCultureWarrior" has reached that point!


Joseph McCarthy

J. Edgar Hoover

Richard Nixon

Whittaker Chambers

If it is possible to lean so far to the "right" that you run the risk of falling off the end of the political spectrum, "aCultureWarrior" has reached that point!

The current topic is communists that infiltrated the US government, as proven in the Venona Intercepts.

Those communists, as shown in earlier posts, had a HUGE influence on the civil rights movement, which your hero Martin Luther King Jr. lead.

Now either contribute to the debate or go hang out at a black abortion clinic and marvel at the amount of dead babies that are murdered in the womb with the rest of your racist buddies.


You do realize you go to Hell for bearing false witness just as fast as you do for mass-murder, don't you?

So you didn't vote for the most pro abortion President in US history, someone who is inseparable with Planned Parenthood whose founder Margaret Sanger was a hardcore racist: Barack Hussein Obama?


The current topic is communists that infiltrated the US government, as proven in the Venona Intercepts.

Those communists, as shown in earlier posts, had a HUGE influence on the civil rights movement, which your hero Martin Luther King Jr. lead.

Now either contribute to the debate or go hang out at a black abortion clinic and marvel at the amount of dead babies that are murdered in the womb with the rest of your racist buddies.
Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan also accused Nelson Mandela of being a "communist."

When the history of the late 20th and early 21st C is written, its Mandela who will be recognized as making the greatest contribution to the advancement of human rights!




Do you mean this Nelson Mandela?

Boy, it's beyond me how Thatcher and Reagan ever got that idea.
Mandela was in a political struggle where "blacks" and visible minorities had been relegated to 2nd class citizens in their own country - given the lack of British and American aide, he was forced to seek support where ever he could find it.

South Africa faced the very real possibility of becoming another failed state but Mandela is credited with making it one of the few successful democracies in Africa.

Pierre Trudeau, a forrner Canadian Prime Minister, was also a personal friend of Fidel Castro - but that didn't make him, the Liberal Party or Canada a communist nation.

Over a million Canadians holiday in Cuba every year, but the majority of seats in Parliament belong ro the Conservatives who are currently the Party in power.
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Pierre Trudeau, a forrner Prime Minister of Canada, was a personal friend of [mass murdering communist] Fidel Castro...

I fixed that sentence for you.

Introduction -Fidel Castro's greatest atrocities and crimes
1. Fidel Castro's firing squads in Cuba
2. Fidel Castro sank the 13 de Marzo tugboat killing Cuban women and children
3. Fidel Castro's shoot down of American civilian aircraft killing 4 people including 3 American citizens
4. Fidel Castro's Cuban political prisoners
5. Fidel Castro's Cuban forced labor camps, the UMAPs
6. Fidel Castro's religious repression against Cubans
7. Fidel Castro separates Cuban families
8. Fidel Castro restricts the movement of Cubans
9. Fidel Castro's foreign interventions resulting in thousands of deaths
10. Fidel Castro's espionage


I fixed that sentence for you.

Introduction -Fidel Castro's greatest atrocities and crimes
1. Fidel Castro's firing squads in Cuba
2. Fidel Castro sank the 13 de Marzo tugboat killing Cuban women and children
3. Fidel Castro's shoot down of American civilian aircraft killing 4 people including 3 American citizens
4. Fidel Castro's Cuban political prisoners
5. Fidel Castro's Cuban forced labor camps, the UMAPs
6. Fidel Castro's religious repression against Cubans
7. Fidel Castro separates Cuban families
8. Fidel Castro restricts the movement of Cubans
9. Fidel Castro's foreign interventions resulting in thousands of deaths
10. Fidel Castro's espionage

- Brothels flourished. A major industry grew up around them; government officials received bribes, policemen collected protection money. Prostitutes could be seen standing in doorways, strolling the streets, or leaning from windows. One report estimated that 11,500 of them worked their trade in Havana. Beyond the outskirts of the capital, beyond the slot machines, was one of the poorest, and most beautiful countries in the Western world. ”
- David Detzer, American journalist, after visiting Havana in the 1950's

- ..... Batista became the Army Chief of Staff, with the rank of colonel, effectively putting him in control of the presidency. The majority of the commissioned officer corps were forced to retire or, some speculate, were killed. Grau remained president for just over 100 days before Batista, conspiring with the U.S. envoy Sumner Welles, forced him to resign in January 1934

- "It is becoming increasingly apparent that President Batista intends to discomfit the incoming Administration in every way possible, particularly financially. A systematic raid on the Treasury is in full swing with the result that Dr. Grau will probably find empty coffers when he takes office on October 10. It is blatant that President Batista desires that Dr. Grau San Martin should assume obligations which in fairness and equity should be a matter of settlement by the present Administration."
- dispatch to the U.S. Secretary of State, U.S. Ambassador Spruille Braden, July 17, 1944

Although Batista supported capitalism and admired the United States, he was endorsed by the old Communist Party of Cuba, which at the time had little significance and no chance of an electoral victory. This support was primarily due to Batista's labor laws and his support for labor unions, with which the Communists had close ties. In fact, Communists attacked the anti-Batista opposition, saying Grau and others were "fascists" and "reactionaries."

On March 10, 1952, three months before the elections, Batista, with army backing, staged a coup and seized power. He ousted outgoing President Carlos Prío Socarrás, canceled the elections, and took control of the government as "provisional president." Shortly after the coup, the United States government recognized his government.

When asked by the U.S. government to analyze Batista's Cuba, Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. said "The corruption of the Government, the brutality of the police, the government's indifference to the needs of the people for education, medical care, housing, for social justice and economic justice ... is an open invitation to revolution."

To quell the growing discontent amongst the populace—which was subsequently displayed through frequent student riots and demonstrations—Batista established tighter censorship of the media, while also utilizing his anti-Communist secret police to carry out wide-scale violence, torture and public executions; ultimately killing anywhere from 1,000 to 20,000 people. For several years until 1959, the Batista government received financial, military, and logistical support from the United States.

- Batista held an election in 1954, running as the candidate of a political coalition that included the Progressive Action Party, the Radical Union Party, and the Liberal Party ..... The CIA had predicted that Batista would use any means necessary to ensure he won the election. Batista lived up to their expectations, utilizing fraud and intimidation to secure his presidency. This led most of the other parties to boycott the elections. Former President Ramón Grau San Martín, leading the electoralist factions of the Cuban Revolutionary Party, participated through the political campaign but withdrew from the campaign days before election day, charging that his supporters had been terrorized.

- in the 1950s, Havana served as "a hedonistic playground for the world's elite", producing sizable gambling, prostitution and drug profits for American Mafiosos, corrupt law-enforcement officials, and their politically elected cronies. In fact, drugs, be it marijuana or cocaine, were so plentiful at the time that one American magazine in 1950 proclaimed "Narcotics are hardly more difficult to obtain in Cuba than a shot of rum. And only slightly more expensive."

- In a bid to profit from such an environment, Batista established lasting relationships with organized crime, notably with American mobsters Meyer Lansky and Lucky Luciano, and under his rule Havana became known as "the Latin Las Vegas." Batista and Lansky formed a friendship and business relationship that flourished for a decade. During a stay at the Waldorf-Astoria in New York in the late 1940s, it was mutually agreed that, in return for kickbacks, Batista would give Lansky and the Mafia control of Havana's racetracks and casinos.]

- After World War II, American mobster Lucky Luciano was paroled from prison on the condition that he permanently return to Sicily. Luciano secretly moved to Cuba, where he worked to resume control over American Mafia operations. Luciano also ran a number of casinos in Cuba with the sanction of Batista.

At the beginning of 1959 United States companies owned about 40% of the Cuban sugar lands—almost all the cattle ranches—90% of the mines and mineral concessions—80% of the utilities—practically all the oil industry—and supplied two-thirds of Cuba's imports. ”
- John F. Kennedy

As a symbol of this relationship, ITT Corporation, an American-owned multinational telephone company, presented Batista with a Golden Telephone, as an "expression of gratitude" for the "excessive telephone rate increase" that Batista granted at the urging of the U.S. government.]

"Until Castro, the U.S. was so overwhelmingly influential in Cuba that the American ambassador was the second most important man, sometimes even more important than the Cuban president." In addition, nearly "all aid" from the U.S. to Batista's government was in the "form of weapons assistance," which "merely strengthened the Batista dictatorship" and "completely failed to advance the economic welfare of the Cuban people." Such actions later "enabled Castro and the Communists to encourage the growing belief that America was indifferent to Cuban aspirations for a decent life."
- Earl T. Smith, former U.S. Ambassador to Cuba, testified to the U.S. Senate in 1960

- the U.S. government essentially became a "co-conspirator" in the arrangement because of Batista's strong opposition to communism, which, in the rhetoric of the Cold War, seemed to maintain business stability and a pro-U.S. posture on the island. Thus, in the view of Olson, "The U.S. government had no difficulty in dealing with him, even if he was a hopeless despot."
- James S. Olson, historian and author

"Fulgencio Batista murdered 20,000 Cubans in seven years ... and he turned Democratic Cuba into a complete police state—destroying every individual liberty. Yet our aid to his regime, and the ineptness of our policies, enabled Batista to invoke the name of the United States in support of his reign of terror. Administration spokesmen publicly praised Batista—hailed him as a staunch ally and a good friend—at a time when Batista was murdering thousands, destroying the last vestiges of freedom, and stealing hundreds of millions of dollars from the Cuban people, and we failed to press for free elections."
- Senator John F. Kennedy, in the midst of his campaign for the U.S. Presidency, described Batista's relationship with the U.S. government and criticized the Eisenhower administration for supporting him, October 6, 1960

I believe that there is no country in the world including any and all the countries under colonial domination, where economic colonization, humiliation and exploitation were worse than in Cuba, in part owing to my country's policies during the Batista regime. I approved the proclamation which Fidel Castro made in the Sierra Maestra, when he justifiably called for justice and especially yearned to rid Cuba of corruption. I will even go further: to some extent it is as though Batista was the incarnation of a number of sins on the part of the United States. Now we shall have to pay for those sins. In the matter of the Batista regime, I am in agreement with the first Cuban revolutionaries. That is perfectly clear. ”
- U.S. President John F. Kennedy, to Jean Daniel, October 24, 1963

- on New Year's Day 1959. Batista immediately fled the island with an amassed personal fortune to the Dominican Republic, where strongman and previous military ally Rafael Trujillo held power. Batista eventually found political asylum in Oliveira Salazar's Portugal (another dictator), where he lived until dying of a heart attack on August 6, 1973, near Marbella, Spain.
For all his faults, Fidel Castro was a "choirboy" when compared to the dictator Fulgencio Batista, who relied on American military support to allow him to use Cuba as his private domain and to loot the nation's assets to acquire a personal fortune.

If American government's embargo was truly based on Castro's violation of "human rights" that "aCultureWarrior" has so graciously itemized, the question remains as to why the same standard was never applied to Batista Regime when successive Administrations were repeatedly informed of his flagrantly violations of those same rights?

Based on the record, Batista's only redeeming feature was that he wasn't a communist which was more enough to convince the American government to look the other way while he turned Havana over to the "tender mercies" of the American Mafia (Meyer Lansky, Lucky Luciano) for a cut of the profits.

Its estimated that from 1952 to 1959, Batista's army and secret police succeeded in executing as many as 20 000 Cubans - all with the help of US military supplied weapons and training.

Unlike Batista, Castro has never been accused of looting the Cuban treasury or sending $millions to private off-shore accounts in Swiss banks.

I realize that no amount of proof could ever change "aCultureWarrior's" preconceived ideas about anything, but these observations aren't just my opinions but those of:
- U.S. President John F. Kennedy
- Earl T. Smith, former U.S. Ambassador to Cuba
- Spruille Braden, former U.S. Ambassador to Cuba
- the Central intelligence Agency
- Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., political observer, historian
- James S. Olson, historian and author
- David Detzer, American journalist
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New member
Do you mean this Nelson Mandela?



Boy, it's beyond me how Thatcher and Reagan ever got that idea.
You mean that 1st picture found on the Herstigte Nasionale Party website? Yet another White supremacist organization. Only this time it is a South African White supremacist group site that wants to reinstate segregation and Apartheid, and the adoption of Afrikaans as the only official language.

Do you ever check your sources?

. Die Herstigte Nasionale Party

Wikipedia - Herstigte Nasionale Party



And now a word from someone who seems to defend every cold blooded mass murdering communist that there is:

For all his faults, Fidel Castro was a "choirboy" when compared to the dictator Fulgencio Batista,...

I'm not interested in reading your pro communist propaganda comrade jgarden.

I put this together article together several years ago showing how the US has betrayed its allies:

A pattern of betrayal.

Over the years, many have learned that if you have America for a friend you'll soon have no need to search for an enemy.

Betrayal "made in the U.S.A.": fifty years ago, Hungary's people made a brave stand against Soviet tyranny. They failed to win their freedom because they were betrayed by the U.S. government.

*Most Americans know little about the nation of Hungary. Few know anything of the heroic 1956 attempt to cast off the tyranny imposed on its people by the Soviet Union. And only a very small handful of contemporary Americans have any appreciation of an immense betrayal that first stimulated the Hungarian people's uprising but then left them defenseless at the mercy of their oppressors. Before dwelling on that horrible betrayal, we briefly recount the story of a remarkable people's brave attempt to be free.

What actually happened is something no real American can be proud of.

Other instances of betrayal would fill many pages in an article such as this. The following is a list of American betrayals and the names of books documenting the perfidy:

*A dwindling

* In 1958, Lebanon's pro-Western, anti-communist president Camille Chamoun sought help from the United States to thwart insurgency within his nation and found himself forced out of office: The Actor: A Study in Deception, a thorough look at the career of John Foster Dulles.

* The Belgian Congo's valiant Moise Tshombe faced a U.S.-backed attack by United Nations forces that decimated his region: 46 Angry Men.

* During the late 1960s and early 1970s, success in Vietnam was made impossible by incredible restrictions placed on our own forces by individuals in Washington who never wanted the communists to lose anything: Background to Betrayal covers the undermining of anti-communist groups in Vietnam, and Kissinger: The Secret Side of the Secretary of State points out that the peace arrangement which finally ended the conflict allowed the communists to leave 150,000 fully equipped troops in South Vietnam.

* America had no better friend in all of Latin America than West Point graduate Anastasio Somoza. But our government sided with the communist Sandinista movement and Somoza was forced into exile: Nicaragua Betrayed.,+Hungary's+people+made+...-a0154691163

How the West sentenced Rhodesia to Communism:

Rhodesia existed until 1980, which is the year that black Marxists seized the government and began calling the country “Zimbabwe.” The changes the Marxists implemented, however, involved more than just a change in name of the country.

According to the Central Intelligence Agency’s World Factbook, of Zimbabwe’s population of 12 million, nearly a quarter of them—24.6 percent—are infected with HIV or AIDS. The economy is in shambles: the inflation rate there is, as of August 20, 2008, at 11 million percent, the unemployment rate is approximately 80 percent, the GDP growth rate was last estimated at negative 6.1 percent, and the populace eats rodents for sustenance. In 2007, the people of Zimbabwe had the world’s shortest life expectancy—37 years for men and 34 for women. The population growth rate is currently 0.568 percent.

How great was white-controlled Rhodesia compared to black Marxist-controlled Zimbabwe? When Rhodesia existed, the country was considered the “breadbasket of Africa,” for it was an exporter of food. Until 1974 the Rhodesian economy prospered and so the country was oftentimes referred to as “the jewel of Africa.” If one does a search for “Rhodesia” on, one can find video footage of what Rhodesia once looked like: the cities—including the capitol city of Salisbury—appear no different than many American cities of the Midwest (excluding Detroit of course).

Evidence Jimmy Carter abandoned the Shah of Iran:

Long regarded as a U.S. ally, the Shah was pro-Western and anti-communist, and he was aware that he posed the main barrier to Soviet ambitions in the Middle East. As distinguished foreign-affairs analyst Hilaire du Berrier noted: “He determined to make Iran … capable of blocking a Russian advance until the West should realize to what extent her own interests were threatened and come to his aid.... It necessitated an army of 250,000 men.” The Shah’s air force ranked among the world’s five best. A voice for stability within the Middle East itself, he favored peace with Israel and supplied the beleaguered state with oil.

And yes, even Augusto Pinochet (GASP!)

"The left hates Pinochet because he overthrew the Communist regime of Salvador Allende in Chile. Yet, Pinochet voluntarily held a free election in 1990 and gave up power to a democratic government, after which the Chileans made him Senator for Life; and Chile has remained free and prosperous ever since.'

Cuba's Fulgencio Batista was only one of many anti communist-pro western allies that were sold out by their alleged "friends".


Do you ever check your sources?

Two things Morphie:

1).Check your blood soaked Klan costume at the door before entering this thread.

2). Your "check your sources" game got boring several pages ago.

In 1944, Nelson Mandela became a member of the ANC. In 1952, he was confined to the Magisterial District of Johannesburg, South Africa; in 1956 he was charged with high treason, tried, and acquitted. In 1961, when the ANC was outlawed, Mandela evaded arrest but was jailed in November 1962 for five years. Mandela and his fellow revolutionaries were caught red-handed with: 48,000 Soviet-made anti-personnel mines, 210,000 hand grenades, and documents showing proof of involvement of Moscow, Algeria, China, Czechoslovakia, and East Germany in financing and backing a communist revolution in South Africa. Mandela admitted his guilt, was convicted after a free and fair trial, and was sentenced to life imprisonment on June 11, 1964. He was charged under the Suppression of Communism Act and was tried between October 1963 and June 1964. During this trial, a 62-page document in Mandela's own handwriting entitled How To Be a Good Communist was offered as evidence. This was the famous Rivonia Trial, named after Johannesburg’s fashionable suburb in the north, where in June and July 1963 the South African authorities found huge quantities of equipment designed for civil war.
At that time, Mandela was incarcerated not because he held unpopular political opinions (communist), but because he was convicted of 23 acts of sabotage and of conspiring to overthrow the government. The South African President P. Botha offered him freedom if he would renounce violence, but Mandela always refused the offer.


Before jgarden and his fellow communist sympathizers come back to the thread and spew more hate and lies, I want to share this video showing what happens when atheists get control of governments:

Atheist atrocities

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I ran across this 2 part interview of the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. from Playboy magazine (because every good Christian Reverend should have his words published in a SMUT magazine).

Rather ironic coming from someone who used a whacked out white supremacist source as primary 'ammunition' to try and discredit the man...


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I ran across this 2 part interview of the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. from Playboy magazine (because every good Christian Reverend should have his words published in a SMUT magazine).

Rather ironic coming from someone who used a whacked out white supremacist source as primary 'ammunition' to try and discredit the man...

Had that good Christian Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. had his interview published in Playgirl, I'm pretty sure you would have come across his 2 part article Art.

That being said: I think that I'll wait until next January to critique King's SMUT magazine interview, as I'm all tired out from dealing with you baby murdering racists.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Had that good Christian Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. had his interview published in Playgirl, I'm pretty sure you would have come across his 2 part article Art.

My my, you're a bit more projective than usual this evening. It still bemuses me why a supposedly straight man has delusional fantasies about others being gay and also so compelled to type such out. :think:

At least the article appeared in a heterosexual publication and at the time it would have reached quite an audience. I'm surprised you have such a problem with it unless you think spreading a message applies only to the 'choir'?

That being said: I think that I'll wait until next January to critique King's SMUT magazine interview, as I'm all tired out from dealing with you baby murdering racists.

Which roughly translated means you haven't even read it, much like you don't even read your own sources properly. You really aren't the brightest crayon in the box aCW, in fact I wonder if there's any 'colour' in your world at all sometimes...


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Had that good Christian Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. had his interview published in Playgirl, I'm pretty sure you would have come across his 2 part article Art.

My my, you're a bit more projective than usual this evening. It still bemuses me why a supposedly straight man has delusional fantasies about others being gay and also so compelled to type such out.

Believe me Art, I don't "fantasize" about the perversion that you defend and promote, I do my best to erase it from my mind.

At least the article appeared in a heterosexual publication and at the time it would have reached quite an audience. I'm surprised you have such a problem with it unless you think spreading a message applies only to the 'choir'?

Hugh Hefner is a pervert. If you want to call the SMUT magazine that he has published for decades and henced ruined millions and millions of lives a "heterosexual publication", so be it.

That being said: I think that I'll wait until next January to critique King's SMUT magazine interview, as I'm all tired out from dealing with you baby murdering racists.

Which roughly translated means you haven't even read it, much like you don't even read your own sources properly.

I skimmed over the interview, it wasn't impressive.

You really aren't the brightest crayon in the box aCW, in fact I wonder if there's any 'colour' in your world at all sometimes...

I'm pretty sure if I were some cross dressing pedophile, I'd be the queen bee of your world Art.

On that note: I'll see you and your fellow baby murdering racists back here next January.