The Politically Incorrect Truth About Martin Luther King Jr.


like marbles on glass
Are you a pathological liar, or do you simply choose to lie in some belief that somebody might be dumb enough to not see through it? Anna was not saying that and you know it. One other time you twisted what the Berean said to claim that he agreed with you when he was actually pointing out your error. Since I don't believe that you are actually stupid enough to believe what you're saying, it only leaves one conclusion. And since I tired long ago of words like disingenuous, hedging or misleading I prefer the more direct use of you're lying. And I'm pretty sure that others really don't appreciate you doing so and thereby attaching their names to your bitter, racist rant.

He has a long history of lies and innuendo, and he's very good at shooting off wildly in odd directions (often illustrated with garish gifs) in an attempt to divert attention from himself when his lies are refuted.


He has a long history of lies and innuendo, and he's very good at shooting off wildly in odd directions (often illustrated with garish gifs) in an attempt to divert attention from himself when his lies are refuted.

(Hence the reason annatebbedeni received the "LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE!" award in another thread).


like marbles on glass
The Highlander Folk School was founded in 1932 by Myles Horton and Don West, who were joined later that year by James Dombrowski upon the latter’s return from Russia. Paul Crouch, for over twenty years the top Communist official in the southern United States, testified before a United States Senate Committee, "the Highlander Folk School is operated ostensibly as an independent labor school, but actually is working in close cooperation with the Communist Party." (SCEF, p. 47.)"

Your link: "Excerpted from COMMUNIST REVOLUTION in the STREETS by Gary Allen"

The same Gary Allen who was a speechwriter for George Wallace. :chuckle:


Your link: "Excerpted from COMMUNIST REVOLUTION in the STREETS by Gary Allen"

The same Gary Allen who was a speechwriter for George Wallace. :chuckle:

Refute any of the information provided anna, any of it (she can't).

I have an idea and I want to run this by sexual anarchist annatennebetti:

How about next year when you sexual anarchists and communist sympathizers come back to worship the moral degenerate who you've given Sainthood to, you focus on defending him and not attacking me?*

*Unless in that period of time I've been given a national holiday in my name.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Refute any of the information provided anna, any of it (she can't).

I have an idea and I want to run this by sexual anarchist annatennebetti:

How about next year when you sexual anarchists and communist sympathizers come back to worship the moral degenerate who you've given Sainthood to, you focus on defending him and not attacking me?*

*Unless in that period of time I've been given a national holiday in my name.

What, 'National Crank Day'? I doubt that'll happen anytime soon...


New member
Refute any of the information provided anna, any of it (she can't).

I have an idea and I want to run this by sexual anarchist annatennebetti:

How about next year when you sexual anarchists and communist sympathizers come back to worship the moral degenerate who you've given Sainthood to, you focus on defending him and not attacking me?*

*Unless in that period of time I've been given a national holiday in my name.

Everyone has already refuted your information and you know it. Exposing your sources is all that is required. You never heard the first rule of reporting, "Check your sources"? TOL is not a hate group site, so I'm not really sure why you're here. Instead revisit your sources where they would welcome you with open arms.


Says the guy who posted a fake photo in his second post in this thread:

Ah but annanettedebbi, did your hero Margaret Sanger NOT speak to the KKK and was she NOT given numerous other invitations to speak to them again? (this topic was already covered in the early part of the thread).

I'd really love to stick around and chat with a bunch of racist sexual anarchists, but I have to travel south to Olympia to pay tribute to all of the babies Martin Luther King Jr. is responsible for murdering in the past 43 years, 10+ million of them black.

Klanned Parenthood (because lynching is for amateurs)



New member
He's just trying to get attention, like a neglected 3-year-old who repeatedly breaks things to get attention, since to him negative attention is better than being ignored, and he has never learned how to get positive attention. In the end it's still all about him. Some really damaged people never outgrow the stage.


New member
and the reason you decided to post this on a public board instead of just telling it to your dog?

Indicating to the other grown-ups that if we ignore him maybe eventually he'll go away. Since you are an expert on this subject I'll ask you. If we all ignore you will you go away?


Wow, that was quite the turn out at my 5th? pro life rally in Olympia. It was brought to our attention by one of the many pro life state legislators who spoke that parental consent is needed for these (tattoos and body piercings)


but not to end this precious human beings life:


Pretty crazy huh?

Anyway, I'm that much more inspired to fight evil after attending the March For Life rally in Olympia today.

Back later with a review of what type of person Martin Luther King Jr. really was.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
a shame you had to post in his thread to tell him how disappointed you were about posting in his thread :chuckle:
Honest...I wanted you to at least know how it's spelled.

So I took on a few of aCW's misstatements and miscalculations and then watched him remind me why I mostly don't bother.


I think the average citizen would take the credibility of Martin Luther King "in a hearbeat" over the likes of J Edgar Hoover!


New member
and the reason you decided to post this on a public board instead of just telling it to your dog?

I didn't know that dogs understood or read English. Now I know.

BTW, is resodko some kind of lawn care company, or is it reversed for OK doser, kinda like redrum, redrum? Just curious. Most handles have some significance.


I think the average citizen would take the credibility of Martin Luther King "in a hearbeat" over the likes of J Edgar Hoover!

Both Senator Joseph McCarthy and FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover were great men. Of course because they were avid anti communists, they were smeared by the mainstream media (McCarthy was right by the way, as revealed in the Venona Intercepts, Soviet agents did indeed infiltrate the US government:

Ann Coulter, whose late father was a Special Agent in the FBI under Hoover, wrote a great article about Hoover and the smear campaign against him. I found the following very informative:

On our nation’s birthday, it is appropriate to honor the five men who did the most to defend our freedom in the last century. The names are easy to remember – they are the five men most loathed by liberals: Joseph McCarthy, J. Edgar Hoover, Richard Nixon, Whittaker Chambers and Ronald Reagan...

Absurdly, liberals claim to hate J. Edgar Hoover because of their passion for civil liberties. The left’s exquisite concern for civil liberties apparently did not extend to the Japanese. As President Franklin D. Roosevelt rounded up Japanese for the internment camps, liberals were awed by his genius. The Japanese internment was praised by liberal luminaries such as Earl Warren, Felix Frankfurter and Hugo Black. Joseph Rauh, a founder of Americans for Democratic Action – and celebrated foe of “McCarthyism” – supported the internment.

There was one lonely voice in the Roosevelt administration opposed to the Japanese internment – that of J. Edgar Hoover. The American Civil Liberties Union gave J. Edgar Hoover an award for wartime vigilance during World War II. It was only when he turned his award-winning vigilance to Soviet spies that liberals thought Hoover was a beast.

Liberals deemed it appropriate to throw Japanese citizens into internment camps on the basis of no evidence of subversive activity whatsoever. But it was outrageous for the FBI director to spy on high government officials taking their orders from Moscow. As we now know, Hoover didn’t need to engage in much surveillance to know who the Soviet agents were – he already knew from decrypted Soviet cables.




BTW, is resodko some kind of lawn care company, or is it reversed for OK doser, kinda like redrum, redrum? Just curious. Most handles have some significance.


you don't know?

it's an amalgam of some of my more notable nom de plumes

resurrected aka res
some other dude aka sod
koban aka ko:blabla: aka kobanned

