The Pauline Paradox

Ben Masada

New member
Genesis 2:17 but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.

And you see from here that Adam died twice! For heaven's sake Jamie! Was that for the laughs or for the gags?

Ben Masada

New member
That's what it says.

Genesis 2:17 מ֥וֹת תָּמֽוּת׃

No Jamie, this has nothing to do with dying twice; and I don't think that any one of your fellow Christians will see the way you do. To die twice is possible only in the NT if you read about Lazarus, the brother-in-law of Jesus.


New member
No Jamie, this has nothing to do with dying twice; and I don't think that any one of your fellow Christians will see the way you do. To die twice is possible only in the NT if you read about Lazarus, the brother-in-law of Jesus.
