ok doser
lifeguard at the cement pond
because he's an idiot?
I may be an idiot, but at least I'm not red :banana:
because he's an idiot?
President Trump is doing his best.
Watch his regular News briefings.
Best to follow his decisions.
You know he makes sense.
Ah, but just listen to the government's medical experts sing their praises to Trump's greatness:
Duh! They were both violent! Which part of violent don't you understand?
panic buying or preparation for difficulties?
Some are, but preparing for difficulties is common-sense.
Common-sense is calm careful preparation and planning.
It's not all panic and fear.
But it would be hard to know (or judge) what preparations are not 'panic' actions.
I may be an idiot, but at least I'm not red :banana:
Yes, that is a very low estimate.
The death rate % in Italy is way above that.
The problem for some countries is that the % of self-appointed experts who think that the virus is no more than a sniffle, and that our government medical officers are all daft, is that they won't be following the common sense advice and guidelines communicated in daily news flashes.
This means that the virus might spread much more quickly than hoped ........
In a few weeks these could well be the people that are panicking and hysterical........ knee-jerk reactions and stampedes.
You can't help them, I'm afraid to say.
Oh dear. I know that you think you are very clear minded, but you just keep showing how naive you are.Why do you consider such thinking as that of these shoppers, unreasonable?
Remember that, thus far, you've failed to even attempt to defend (let alone actually defend) your original stupidity--your false dichotomy:
But you do not consider yourself an expert, right? And, obviously you do not expect anybody reading this thread to consider you an expert, right? Yet, you demand those whose views you find distasteful to come to (like yourself) revere and agree with the dictates of those whom you revere and call "experts".
Do you call people "experts" because they formulate and issue whatever it is you are pleased to call "common sense advice and guidelines"? What (if anything) would you say is the difference between what you would call "expertise" and what you would call "common sense"?
Perhaps the real problem for some countries is the % of anti-individualist, state-worshiping bootlickers there are--bootlickers of those whom the state is pleased to call "experts"--that constitutes the populace.
Again..... you're making yourself look daft. I have not mentioned 'experts'..... hate the word, I only mentioned 'self-appointed experts'.
Do I consider myself an 'expert'? Certainly not.
After writing in our national security magazine for 15 years, specializing in Retail Security, I know that there are no experts.
But I think that you consider yourself to be a bit of a brain...... on everything.
We call that 'Jack of all trades, master of none'.
He is right. The hype will skyrocket before it dies down
Get this in your head....... Remember this.... How people think is private to them, it is their actions that are accountable..... it's all about actions.
I like it when daft folks call me stupid...... it releases me just a little bit from my standards regarding manners.![]()
Where I live many people are shopping for a longer time than usual. You can't figure that out so I'll explain that this country is just about to enter an intense lock-down stage and they have figured out (unlike you) that they'll need extra provisions.
Our Government is passing legislation today to give Police special powers to detain/arrest people who do not have reasonable excuse to be out.
So it is reasonable to shop for (say) a month rather than a week.
But some people are buying much more than they need, much more,
and the media's open ridiculing and despising of such people is intended to SLOW DOWN this panic impetus whilst SUPPORTING the larger shopping needs of reasonable people.
Obviously this sensible manipulation through the use of media communications is beyond you.
Another media manipulation has been the constant repetition to us that hand-washing is more effective than hand cleanser.
Why? The brains figured early on that hand cleanser would be gone' in a couple of days. It was! I have been making my own for family and friends.
By your phrase, "self-appointed experts", did you not mean "people who appoint themselves experts"? Did you not mean by it people whom you consider to not be experts? Did you not mean it as something of a barb against those whom you call "self-appointed experts"? To say that certain people are not experts is to mention experts.
Why do you like your own phrase, "self-appointed experts", in which you use the word, 'experts', which you hate?
Why do you put your (as far as I can tell) unnecessary quotes around your word, "expert", here? Are your quotation marks designed to advertise that (as you said above) you hate the word which you've enclosed within them?
If there are no experts--if nobody is an expert--then please tell me wherein is supposed to lie the force in singling out certain people and calling them "self-appointed experts", or, if you will, "pseudo-experts"?
When you say that someone is not an expert, what is it you are saying he does not, or cannot, do?
Only a bit, though. And definitely not on everything. Far from it. And yet, I consider that the area (for lack of a better word at the moment) which seems to dominate my interest--to which my mind is naturally, most often, most intensely drawn--is an area which has important bearing on, and logical priority over, very many other things.
I've always somewhat admired the idea of that, and those who seem to embody it in any considerable degree. For the most part, I'd have to consider myself little more than a smatterer in most areas.
Oh dear........... so you don't have much respect for your government or what it is trying to do at this time, eh?You, yourself, in this very thread, have voluntarily been making public how you think; how you think--some portion of your thinking--has been deprivatized by your post-writing. Unless, of course, you wish to say that you don't really think the stuff that you write. (Had I written most of the stuff you've written in your posts to me, I, too, would want to say that I don't think that stuff.) You still haven't answered the question I asked you: why do you consider such thinking as that of these shoppers, unreasonable? But, don't worry about it....it's not the end of the world.
Well, no difference in manners comes through in your posts; evidently you intend to keep your change of manners private to you.
Yeah. I get that. How is saying that supposed to be a defense of your false dichotomy, "panic or preparations for difficulties"?
False. Only the masses, duped into reverential fear by, and for, the Satanist tyrants you call "Our Government", give those whom you call "Police" power to do what they want to do; they can only get away with so much as the benighted masses, whom they intend to pray on, let them.
"people who do not have reasonable excuse to be out": pure slavespeak
Needing to buy groceries is one of practically innumerable reasonable excuses for people to be out--wanting to be out purely for the sake of being out also being one of them. Nobody
How is it any more reasonable to shop only for what you consider to be a month's supplies than it is to shop only for what you consider to be a week's supplies, when you do not know that you will not be able to shop again for (say) two months?
How much would you say they need? How much more than you would say they need would you say they are buying?
More slavespeak from you. The fiends you call "the media" program you on how they'd like you to use words like "reasonable" and "unreasonable", and you happily march to their beat. The hypocritical fiends you call "the media" are to blame for propagating and stoking this panic impetus.
That's more slavespeak.
You can't be that thick....... can you?Do you mean that they privately consider it false that hand-washing is more effective than hand cleanser, but that they, nevertheless, constantly repeat to the public that hand-washing is more effective than hand cleanser? You actually approve of such lying by those whom you call "the media"?
And, "more effective" to what effect?
How many wash bowls will you see, nearby, when you next go out?By "hand cleanser", you're talking about gel-type products that one rubs into their hands, which are said to kill some microbes, right? Do you, personally, consider use of those things better, in some way, than washing hands with soap? If so, how so? I, personally, have not looked into what (if anything) "most people" think regarding any comparative merits/demerits between use of hand sanitizers and washing hands with soap. Personally, I've always had a bit of a hang-up with using hand sanitizers instead of washing my hands with soap. If circumstances prohibit me from washing my hands with soap, causing me to have to settle for using a hand sanitizer, I'm always left feeling psychologically unsatisfied....that is, I can't shake the feeling of my hands still being gross and unclean. Whereas, I'm never left with such a feeling of unsettledness from washing my hands with soap (except, perhaps, if only cold water, and not hot water, is available). Once, somebody told me that hand sanitizers will get you clean just fine, as if you'd washed your hands. But my notion is that, if I have any microbes on my hands, my primary interest is not to see to it that they die; rather, all I care about is that they stop being on my hands. If the microbes die, they die, and if not, then so what?--I couldn't care less either way. I just want them off of my hands, going down the drain, away from me. And, psychologically, my mind has a pretty strong, constant Perhaps you've read about, or thought on this topic, more than, or differently than I have thought about. What do you say to it? What's your preference?
It's out of hand. It's something to take seriously but fights over toilet paper are ridiculous.
Why did we hire someone to create a graphic which shows 101% of the US population in their graphic? :hammer:
Oh dear. I know that you think you are very clear minded, but you just keep showing how naive you are.
Get this in your head....... Remember this.... How people think is private to them, it is their actions that are accountable..... it's all about actions.
I like it when daft folks call me stupid...... it releases me just a little bit from my standards regarding manners.
Where I live many people are shopping for a longer time than usual. You can't figure that out so I'll explain that this country is just about to enter an intense lock-down stage and they have figured out (unlike you) that they'll need extra provisions.
Our Government is passing legislation today to give Police special powers to detain/arrest people who do not have reasonable excuse to be out.
So it is reasonable to shop for (say) a month rather than a week.
But some people are buying much more than they need, much more, and the media's open ridiculing and despising of such people is intended to SLOW DOWN this panic impetus whilst SUPPORTING the larger shopping needs of reasonable people. Obviously this sensible manipulation through the use of media communications is beyond you.
Another media manipulation has been the constant repetition to us that hand-washing is more effective than hand cleanser. Why? The brains figured early on that hand cleanser would be gone' in a couple of days. It was! I have been making my own for family and friends.
Think about it......... you'll learn.![]()
Yeah, I went to the supermarket earlier. No bread, no canned products, empty shelves galore...
I can't help that you made yourself look very silly with your attempt to make a comparison between two violent, aggressive bullying shoppers.
It looked stupid.
The above post just shows thast you can't get over yourself.
Move on and educate yourself...... is my advise.
Yeah, I went to the supermarket earlier. No bread, no canned products, empty shelves galore...