It has often occurred to me that almost every truly saved Christian experiences or has experienced the Holy Spirit in some kind of communicative way as the Pentecostal/Charismatic experiences Him in the operation of the gifts of the Spirit.
All Christians receive guidance, a teaching, perhaps an admonition from the Lord. And they often testify to it.
They say stuff like "I just KNEW God wanted me to do so and so" or "God showed me something I was doing that displeased Him so I quit doing it" sometimes these intimations from the Lord are quite dramatic.
I was sharing with some dear Plymouth Brethren, some of the soundest bible believers in the body of Christ, PBs and sweet. Of course they were critical of Pentecostalism.
But I knew that part of their ministry are what they call Readings, where all the brethren gather to study a doctrine or subject [such as Abraham] systematically. They read a passage and then one by one the breths will give their insight into the passage, howsoever many brethren there are [the sisters do not speak.]
I knew that these contributions they believe came by direct inspiration of the Holy Spirit going from one to another, giving insight into the passage being studied.
But that is exactly the Pentecostal experience in the meeting, that is how the gift of the word of knowledge or word of wisdom is operated, even prophecy.
See when this illumination or guidance comes to evangelical christians in their private life, it may be a scripture is brought to mind, or just a thought or strong impression but the saint knows it is the Lord.
Often the gifts of utterance in the meeting comes in one sentence. But if it is longer then quite obviously it has to be dressed in way to make it suitable for sharing to the assembly....but still it comes to the one who speaks it line by line, one sentence at a time. This is the same when tongues are interpreted. You will just receive one line, when you share it the next line, then the next etc.
But it is still all operating upon exactly the same principle and in the same manner as guidance or admonishment came to the individual.
Or else someone may feel led to get up and go pray for a bro or sis.