The One True Church


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Actually, comes authority COMES from its teaching and is affirmed by the hearer through the holy spirit.

Some who claims authority who is in a position where they are not accountable to the ekklesia is a false teacher.

sounds like a circular argument
why does the Holy Spirit seem to effect everyone differently?


Well-known member
Another interesting viewpoint. But isn't everyone's name written in the book of life? After all, we are all alive. How are we to interpret who or what is this book of life?

We don't. Christ is the one who does the reading and the judging. Rev 20.


New member
sounds like a circular argument
why does the Holy Spirit seem to effect everyone differently?

Because he deals with us all as individuals.

Also, most people who say what you do, don't have the spirit, nor do their teachers... because the way is Narrow... very view people are actually saved. Given this fact, it makes sense that people who want to be saved, but have no hope, would make a religion to cover for their lack of the Holy Spirit and force God into a box they can control.

The spirit of Christ is peace and harmony... its about servant leadership and forgiveness. It is NOT about executing people who have theological differences. Executing people was the bread and butter of how the RCC maintained control for so many centuries... they cared not if you were right or wrong, they only cared that you had a different opinion and that opinion was deserving of death.

When you take the long view of things, it really is quite laughable that people are defending this man made institution... how can people in the 21st century, where we now have information at our finger tips, still support the RCC.... the only reason can be ignorance.

Although people are leaving in droves due to the child abuse racket the RCC was running... about half the RCC members were I work have changed over to Lutheranism or Episcopalian because they do not feel right with their offering money going to pay the legal defense costs of the priests and bishops, let alone the financial compensation.


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Because he deals with us all as individuals.

Also, most people who say what you do, don't have the spirit, nor do their teachers... because the way is Narrow... very view people are actually saved. Given this fact, it makes sense that people who want to be saved, but have no hope, would make a religion to cover for their lack of the Holy Spirit and force God into a box they can control.

that doesn't make sense

that is nonsense


New member
that doesn't make sense

that is nonsense

Its absolutely true... and you know it.

Your church is not the one that Jesus started and not a single person in its entire history has ever had the Holy Spirit in them... because if it had, things would be vastly different.

Or, the better possibility, is that those that were gifted with the Spirit were executed because it exposed the pagan church leadership.

Food for thought.


New member
Another interesting viewpoint. But isn't everyone's name written in the book of life? After all, we are all alive.
Everyone's name was written but only overcomers will not be blotted out.

How are we to interpret who or what is this book of life?
Revelation 21:27 And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life.


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Everyone's name was written but only overcomers will not be blotted out.

you have to believe this

it is the only thing that makes sense

you can overcometh
you will need help
all you have to do
ask for it


New member
We don't. Christ is the one who does the reading and the judging. Rev 20.

So then why is the reading and judging handed down by men who claim to have authority based on their own interpretation? Does that interpretation come from man or God?


New member
Everyone's name was written but only overcomers will not be blotted out.

Revelation 21:27 And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life.

Here we go with terms and conditions based on interpretation. Does the interpretation come from man or God?


Well-known member
So then why is the reading and judging handed down by men who claim to have authority based on their own interpretation? Does that interpretation come from man or God?

For some reason that I can't fathom man seems to be in a great hurry to do Jesus' work for Him. Impatience I suppose.


New member
No need to interpret. Simply believe what Scriptures say.
Every appeal to Scripture is an appeal to some human being's interpretation of Scripture. The Bible---like every other written document---must be interpreted in order to derive its proper meaning.


New member
There is only ONE TRUE CHURCH. It is the ONE that God through Christ created on the cross. It is the Body of Christ Who is its Head. And one good news: all of us are members. But only overcomers will not be blotted out from its registry of members, the book of life.

Any objection? Then let's discuss, lovingly.

(( UUUUHHHHHHHHH!!!! ))!!!!! -- You ALL Cannot Believe T-H-I-S!!!!!

I don't think God said anything like that!!!

I-F, You Are IN Christ's BODY; -- I-F YOU ARE; - What do You have to Quote From the Word of God I-N the Bible??? --- NOTHING!!!! -- ""I-F"" you Are In Christ's Body, Y-O-U Receive Most Everything From ""ABOVE""; - NOT From The Scriptures!!!!!!!

(((((( Where do you ALL Think I Have Received Any Or "ALL" I Speak of, O-R Anything I Teach ))))))?????

(( I Haven't Read "Anything" of the Scriptures for at least THREE YEARS!! )) -- ( I Don't D-O Any Studying The Word of God IN the Bible A-T -- A-L-L )!!!!!! --- I Don't Have TO!!!!

((( Watch Your N-E-W-S )))!!!!!!

PAUL, DAVID -- 022016


New member
Everyone's name was written but only overcomers will not be blotted out.

Revelation 21:27 And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life.

How do ANY of You Think, OR Know That Your "N-A-M-E" - I-S Written In the "Book of Life"??? --- ( NONE Of You have Any Idea What the Book Of LIFE I-S )!!!!!!

IF You Want to Know What the ""BOOK Of LIFE"" I-S, -- Just Ask M-E!!! - But None of You CARE!!!!!!!!

(( Watch Your N-E-W-S ))!!!

PAUL, DAVID -- 022016


peter was given the keys
the power to bind and loose
he was in charge ...
:listen: Your Peter doesn't exist. Perhaps you mean Jupiter sitting in there as Peter worshipped as a god? :mock: All those gods you have at the Vatican. :eek:linger: I think some have gone to relieve themselves (1 Ki 18:27).
Too bad you don't know the Lord, idolater. :dizzy:

"Too bad." :chz4brnz: ~ Seth Brundle, The Fly


Mark of the Beast and Paganism


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
:listen: Your Peter doesn't exist. Perhaps you mean Jupiter sitting in there as Peter worshipped as a god? :mock: All those gods you have at the Vatican. :eek:linger: I think some have gone to relieve themselves (1 Ki 18:27).
Too bad you don't know the Lord, idolater. :dizzy:

"Too bad." :chz4brnz: ~ Seth Brundle, The Fly


Mark of the Beast and Paganism

just keep paying attention to what the pope says
-it is your job


New member
Every appeal to Scripture is an appeal to some human being's interpretation of Scripture. The Bible---like every other written document---must be interpreted in order to derive its proper meaning.

Why don't you just say what you believe ? You suggest everyone STOP reading their bible and like good little lemmings follow your pagan church correct ?

You keep pushing that only the RCC has correct interpretations as they ( RCC ) are rife with IDOLATRY, Mary worship, pope worship, and have replaced the scriptures with man made traditions.

So your recommendation is that folks stop appealing to scripture and follow the clown with the fish hat. Not going to happen.

FYI, not only has the RCC the wrong interpretations they read scripture and do EXACTLY as scripture says NOT to do.