The Most Dangerous Teaching


Well-known member
Matt 15:24 (AKJV/PCE)
(15:24) But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
What's that got to do with Jesus saying that he was born and came into the world to bare witness to the truth?

He says clearly why he came and I believe him, don't you?


Well-known member
Where does Paul say that?

Hi and when Paul was praying in Acts 9:11 , Paul could not yet see !!

Paul already saved in Acts 9:6 and the proof is in 1 Cor 12:3 that no one can called Jesus LORD , EXCEPT by the HOLY Spirit !!

In a vision , Ananias was sent , for to recover his sight , and that is what happened in verse 12 !!

What all FAIL to see is that Paul , might recover his sight , and MIGHT BE FULL of Holy Spirit !!

This BAPTISM / BAPTISM is NOT WATER / HUDOR , because the Greek ARTICLE ( THE ) is not used and Paul was BAPTIZO / GIVEN the Power of the Holy Spirit and before you start STUTTERING check the Greek text and SEE !!

Paul already had the Holy Spirit as 1 Cor 12:3 has referenced !!

dan p


Well-known member
Please don't tell me you're not familiar with the conversion of Paul?

Hi and you believe that Paul was saved in Acts 9:6 and are you falling to those dispensationalist , are you ??

You should be able to explain why Paul is the PATTERN , as 1 Tim 1:16 means and then tell us how you were saved , should be EASY NOW ??

dan p


Well-known member
Paul was not saved in 9:6. It's obvious you don't know your bible very well, just "your" dogma.

Hi and if Paul was not the PATTERN of those that would follow Paul unto everlasting life in 1 Tim 1:16 , who then is the Pattern , unto salvation , and you are STUTTERING , BY NOT EXPLAINING how you were saved !!

I always quote scripture and you will never , can refute it , that SHOULD tell you some things , RIGHT !!

Do you believe that Paul was SAVED , so tell me HOW !!

dan p


New member
Hi and if Paul was not the PATTERN of those that would follow Paul unto everlasting life in 1 Tim 1:16 , who then is the Pattern , unto salvation , and you are STUTTERING , BY NOT EXPLAINING how you were saved !!
I agree with Paul's pattern.

I always quote scripture and you will never , can refute it , that SHOULD tell you some things , RIGHT !!
You cherry pick posting single verses and basing concepts off them. I suggest you prove the concept by keeping it in context. You haven't done that, THAT should tell you something.

Do you believe that Paul was SAVED , so tell me HOW !!

dan p
I would rather you read for yourself his conversion so that you will come to an understanding. I can tell by your comments you haven't really thought it through. Lay the timeline out from both Acts 9 & 22 and see what it tells you.


Well-known member
I would rather you read for yourself his conversion so that you will come to an understanding. I can tell by your comments you haven't really thought it through. Lay the timeline out from both Acts 9 & 22 and see what it tells you.

It tells me you're confusing salvation, which is an internal event, with the rituals and signs being performed by Ananias, a Jewish disciple.


New member
Of course, because trust comes with it.

Me too.

What are your thoughts on these men?
Jn. 12:42 Nevertheless, many even of the authorities believed in him, but for fear of the Pharisees they did not confess it, so that they would not be put out of the synagogue; 43 for they loved the glory that comes from man more than the glory that comes from God.


New member
It tells me you're confusing salvation, which is an internal event, with the rituals and signs being performed by Ananias, a Jewish disciple.

I agree that it's internal but based on what the bible says, it's external as well. At what point in Paul's conversion was he forgiven of his sins?