The Most Dangerous Teaching

God's Truth

New member
Just listen to the logic of these faith alone people. Common sense should tell one that Paul did not come with another gospel from the one God the Creator bothered to come here to preach. Common sense should tell one that it is never ever okay to tell anyone not to obey someone in authority. Don't have to obey God? The King? your Father? What?

Where is the person who can reason?

God's Truth

New member
Galatians 1:8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God's curse!

Do you not get it?

You say Paul preaches another gospel!

Do you really think Paul would say what he did and yet preach another gospel?!

So why couldn't another man come and preach another gospel since Paul did?

Why can't an angel come and preach another one since Paul did?

For goodness sake people, get some sense.


Give it up, GT.

You cannot teach anyone who are not interested.

They are happy accepting what has given out by their church.

Remember that Jesus says narrow is the gate that leads to life and only a few find it.

They don't value Jesus' word.

They get assurance from the majority and that makes them feel secure.

You are beating the dead horse.


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame

Every thread that catches her eye, no matter what the topic, ends up with God's Truth flooding the thread with her hobby-horse heresies. At present, she accounts for over 41% (84 posts) of this thread's 203 posts. The nearest member in this thread has but 20, many of which are attempts to shoo her away from this thread.

Are there no threads possible without GT's need to be seen and derail the discussion?

We all get it. She denies the Trinity. It has been formally debated with her. She has posted her views posted ad nauseum. She has been answered time and again. It is as if we are in some sort of Ground Hog Day dream world when she is allowed to run unabated across all the forums. With over 34,765 posts with the same basic content to her credit, it would seem she has run her horse to ground.

My Proposal for a GT Ignore-A-Thon:
For the next week, starting tomorrow, I will donate $10 each day to TOL for a pool to be used to fund upgrades of worthy members solely at the discretion of the TOL staff, if and only if no member responds to GT in a given day this week. I really cannot afford it at present, but am willing to actually skip a few meals if it means a day without GT being engaged and thus emboldened to continue with her one trick pony efforts. Maybe some other members will also join in for whatever amount they can manage. Think of the pool of money we could create for other members that actually bring some benefit to this site.​

I like the idea. It might encourage people that actually do dialog. I don't have the keys to such a function unless you have the ability to do it yourself. You would have to talk to Knight about actually rewarding the member that ignores GT for a week.

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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New member
Hall of Fame
Wait...GT has been cast off?


Coming back to this thread now is a bit like stepping out of your underground shelter after a mighty cyclone has blown through. Assess the damage, check to see if you've smashed any witches, and move on to more important and relevant discussions.

It may take the air a bit to clear of the Parfum Eau de Earn-Your-Own-Salvation that lays thick upon the land.


Well-known member
Wait...GT has been cast off?


Coming back to this thread now is a bit like stepping out of your underground shelter after a mighty cyclone has blown through. Assess the damage, check to see if you've smashed any witches, and move on to more important and relevant discussions.

It may take the air a bit to clear of the Parfum Eau de Earn-Your-Own-Salvation that lays thick upon the land.


I wish I'd have thought to say that.....exactly like that. :thumb: