The Men's Rights movement


Hall of Fame
Not being nasty or dismissive but, what would be the point? You know as well as I that the "It's her body" crowd trumps all arguments to the contrary, even a father (husband or not) who says, "But THE BABY is half ME!" That counts for zip today.

The point is ... that it doesn't make it right. Children have two parents, not.. I will always defend a man's right to not have their fatherhood denied from them via abortion.


Well-known member
Though we could go deeper into the issue and discuss the right of fathers to stop adoption proceedings and the right of legal and physical custody of children, including newborns.

Paternity testing. :juggle:


Hall of Fame
Paternity testing. :juggle:

Well, that would be a start. I will go further and state that there are many good men and father's who are the superior parent and deserve to have sole physical custody. My father was one in regards to my two half brothers.

The quality of the parent should be the determining factor, not the gender.

I say this as a woman who was given sole *physical* custody of my children and shared joint legal custody.


Well-known member
In the case of a pregnancy, the woman has far, FAR more invested in the process than the man does. And so should have far more of a say in how it proceeds.

If we were to allow a man to insist that a woman he made pregnant carry the pregnancy to term, he should at the very least be willing, able, and forced to pay for all the expenses incurred by the pregnancy, and then to raise the child from birth, onward. Otherwise, I don't see how he thinks he should have any say in the matter when he has no investment in the process or the outcome.


Hall of Fame
In the case of a pregnancy, the woman has far, FAR more invested in the process than the man does. And so should have far more of a say in how it proceeds.

Father's are invested insomuch as not wanting their unborn child to die.

If we were to allow a man to insist that a woman he made pregnant carry the pregnancy to term, he should at the very least be willing, able, and forced to pay for all the expenses incurred by the pregnancy, and then to raise the child from birth, onward. Otherwise, I don't see how he thinks he should have any say in the matter.

I don't see a problem with that. At all. Any father that opposes abortion for the right reasons (the health and welfare of their unborn child) would not have an issue with taking on ALL of the responsibility that goes hand in hand with fatherhood.


Well-known member
Father's are invested insomuch as not wanting their unborn child to die.
So what?

If the man wants the child to live, then he should have to invest in that desire as much as he wants to make the woman invest in it. She has to invest her body for at least 9 months of her life. And another 20+ years if she is to keep the child. So if a man wants to have the right to force that upon her, then he should also be forced to invest in that decision, with an equal sacrifice.

Most of the men who would force a woman to have their baby couldn't or wouldn't make that kind of an equal sacrifice. And so do not deserve that right.
I don't see a problem with that. At all. Any father that opposes abortion for the right reasons (the health and welfare of their unborn child) would not have an issue with taking on ALL of the responsibility that goes hand in hand with fatherhood.
That will rule out a whole lot of men.


Hall of Fame
So what?

If the man wants the child to live, then he should have to invest in that desire as much as he wants to make the woman invest in it. She has to invest her body for at least 9 months of her life. And another 20+ years if she is to keep the child. So if a man wants to have the right to force that upon her, then he should also be forced to invest in that decision, with an equal sacrifice.

And ... you are saying this as though it is an argument for abortion. OF COURSE men should be responsible for their children, including the unborn.

Most of the men who would force a woman to have their baby couldn't or wouldn't make that kind of an equal sacrifice. And so do not deserve that right.
That will rule out a whole lot of men.

You are making an assumption. The only thing a man cannot provide is a womb for nine months and the ability to nurse a baby. They are perfectly capable of taking care of a newborn and offering nutrition via formula IF the mother wants no part of raising her child.


New member
Hall of Fame
Yes, yes! I agree with you on that. They are like the misandrists within the feminist movement; we don't dismiss the feminist movement because of them, right? There may be legitimate reasons to dismiss claims from both feminists and masculinists, but some claims are compelling, like the right to choose circumcision or to prevent the abortion of one's child.

The MRM doesn't really make a big deal out of either issue so I'm not really sure why you guys keep bringing them up.


New member
Agreed ... and I actually mentioned that in my reply to you.

The biggest problem I can see for this would be the right of men to demand that women abort their unborn baby.
Being that a woman can choose to remove the child from her body >>>>> I wonder if there has ever been a case where the father provides a surrogate to remove the child from womb to womb. Not being a medical expert by any stretch of the imagination, I would assume that could only be done before the umbilical cord attaches. :think:


Well-known member
And ... you are saying this as though it is an argument for abortion. OF COURSE men should be responsible for their children, including the unborn.
I was not referring to abortion one way or another. I was referring to personal autonomy and self-determination. If the man wants to take that away from the woman he made pregnant, then he should be willing to give it up for himself, as well.


Hall of Fame
I was not referring to abortion one way or another. I was referring to personal autonomy and self-determination. If the man wants to take that away from the woman he made pregnant, then he should be willing to give it up for himself, as well.

How? You know very well that this is the only situation in which a man is not able to IMMEDIATELY care for an unborn baby.


Hall of Fame
Being that a woman can choose to remove the child from her body >>>>> I wonder if there has ever been a case where the father provides a surrogate to remove the child from womb to womb. Not being a medical expert by any stretch of the imagination, I would assume that could only be done before the umbilical cord attaches. :think:

I am not sure how that would work OR if it's even possible. When this issue has come up before, most pro-abortion women will argue that it wouldn't make a different because they would not want to take the chance of their child being abused via adoption.

I know ... nutty logic, but I have seen that argument come up many times.


Well-known member
Paternity testing. :juggle:

That's the aspect of the video that makes me really interested in seeing it, if it comes out.

Me, too, especially considering some of the estimates of paternity fraud that I've seen. A child has a right to know who his father is; a father has a right to know who his child is; a man should not be misled to believe he fathered a child when he didn't; there are at least three victims in paternity fraud.


New member


Give me a beer and a Remote and I am satisfied.


Well-known member
... even a father (husband or not) who says, "But THE BABY is half ME!" That counts for zip today.

It should count when it's about preventing the death of a child but not when it's about causing the death of a child. What's needed are compelling arguments to convince people that is true until abortion is finally abolished.