The LORD is my strength and song, and he is become my SALVATION


Well-known member
Of course not. What I posted is "beyond explanation".


You are an accuser of people being "hateful".
I find that offensive.

It is not "beyond explanation".
And some of your previous posts have in fact been hateful, whether or not you admit it.


Well-known member
Of course not. What I posted is "beyond explanation".


You are an accuser of people being "hateful".
I find that offensive.

You are often offensive. Here is an example of one of your offensive posts:

I'm certain that you meant to say Talmud, as the great majority of Jews, from my experience, are "unfamiliar" with the Tanakh.
So, I'm not surprised that you know nothing of the role of the goel... (pre-70 A.D. Mosaic Judaism).
Obviously, you are not that intelligent, as you haven't figured out how to do an internet search. It's the "I'll just ask my rabbi" excuse, no doubt.

How about that ancestry ("family tree") going back to Abraham?