Says a lot about you.
He said what he said. He made the comparisons he made. He used an utter fallacy to make an argument. And where is your proof that Biden is not a pedophile? He certainly acts the part.
My wife can tell you stories of "handsy" old men that molested her when she was a little kid. Handsy old men have very definite pedophile tendencies and many are nothing but pedophiles. An old man that thinks he has the right to put his hands all over other people's children and sniff their hair is not an innocent old man. He's sick in the head. I would not even consider doing what Biden does on a regular basis. No normal man would.
If I remember correctly you are a mother. If some old guy walked up to your little girl and started putting his hands all over her and sniffing her hair you'd be fine with that? I very much doubt it. I definitely would not be OK with some stranger, or even someone I knew, walking up to my grand daughters and putting their hands on them and sniffing their hair. That is very creepy behavior. I would put a stop to it immediately.
And last of all Joe's own daughter says he took inappropriate showers with her as a kid. That's sick behavior. Unbelievably sick behavior. It left her so screwed up that she self-medicated herself into drug addiction. That's exactly the results of kids being molested. So, the evidence of creepy joe being a pedophile is pretty strong.
If you think Biden is so innocent why not start a poll here and ask how many men here would do what Biden does? I'll bet even your socialist buddies wouldn't do it.
I know what it's like to be groped
with intent by someone who had no right. On multiple occasions, by different men, the first as a young teen. The same kinds of stories, unfortunately, can be related by many women and girls. I think most women know the difference between unintentional and
with mal intent.
You're assigning intent to Joe Biden that you cannot prove yet apparently the mind-reading MAGA know it with certitude, never mind the fact that none of the parents involved has filed charges or made a public statement against Joe Biden.
Feel free to provide a credible source for Ashley's alleged diary. And by credible, don't offer up a right-wing conspiracy site. Interestingly enough, in trying to find a credible source (couldn't find one), I came across a board where someone's claiming the diary's authenticity with a vagueness that's almost impressive in its viscosity, and this commenter sounded so, so familiar - not saying it's you, but it's quite the doppelgänger:
"Anytime I post any topic on this board I do extensive research on that topic to be able to have a deep and intellectual conversation concerning that topic. This topic is no different. The whole diary has been uploaded along with the calls to her confirming it is her diary. The only thing lame is your political bias against Trump and laziness or possibly lack of intellectual capacity to research anything these allegations for yourself. You are a sheep who goes wherever mainstream guides you."
[After getting pushback from other posters, the commenter doubles down:]
says the trolling poster who never creates posts, just trolls. You believe everything you see and read on mainstream. I have told you multiple times that for the most part, mainstream media is pure propaganda. When you know and understand that, you recognize the need to do independent research outside of mainstream media outlets. Your laziness or fear to do that ostracizes you from many conversations..."
So yeah. You can keep pushing that conspiracy narrative, but it's sad to think that your 12 hours a day of reading takes you through such a vast and unhealthy conspiracy swamp.