The Left Is Officially Insane


New member
Russia is still actively trolling our elections and interfering ... and I do believe the outcome of the election was swung due to the election meddling and Comey's partisan assault on democracy.
Democrats, leftists, progressives, and other socialists loved the Soviet Union during the Cold War when they were the enemy of the United States.
Now they complain because Russia doesn't like Democrats, leftists, progressives, and other socialists.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Rachel Maddow - poster child for why the insane should never interbreed with the retarded


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
So one of the big headlines yesterday that I didn't bother posting here was that the Soros-stooge district attorney in New York City, Alvin Bragg decided not to press charges against any of the violent occupiers and kidnappers and terrorizers who had been terrorizing the Jewish students at Columbia lately.

And so it's no surprise to see this headline today:

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