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Yes, perhaps it's ET aliens using mind control? :shocked:
Nope. Just satanists.
Yes, perhaps it's ET aliens using mind control? :shocked:
Jewish Satanists perhaps?Nope. Just satanists.
Jewish Satanists perhaps?
Yes, these atheist Jewish Freemason/Mafia Dons are the paradigm of evil.
ET alien mind-controlled Jewish Freemason Mafia Dons Satanists perhaps?All sorts of satanists.
ET alien mind-controlled Jewish Freemason Mafia Dons Satanists perhaps?lain:
Just pedophiles who hate God, hate mankind, and hate children.
I've long given up thinking that anything sensible will ever emanate from Naz.:idunno:Says the man who said he wanted to nail homosexuals ... :noway:
Says the man who said he wanted to nail homosexuals ... :noway:
Fox News: U.S. Prosecutor Accused of Seeking Sex With Girl, 5 Published September 18, 2007 A U.S. prosecutor was arrested in an Internet sting operation after flying from Florida to Michigan allegedly to have sex with a 5-year-old girl, officials said. John David Roy Atchison, 53, appeared Monday in U.S. District Court in Detroit on a charge of interstate travel to have sex with a minor. He is an assistant U.S. attorney in northern Florida. The arrest followed several weeks of Internet conversations between the prosecutor and a detective posing as the mother of a 5-year-old girl, authorities say. The prosecutor is charged with using interstate communication to entice a minor to have sexual contact and with traveling across state lines with the intent of engaging in illicit sexual contact. The charges carry a possible sentence of up to 30 years in prison. Atchison, of Gulf Breeze, Fla., was arrested Sunday at Detroit Metropolitan Airport as part of an undercover sting operation by the Macomb Area Computer Enforcement Team. "There wasn't much reaction from him at all," said Macomb County Sheriff Mark Hackel, whose department runs the team. He said Atchison was cooperative with authorities. Atchison brought a Dora the Explorer doll, hoop earrings and petroleum jelly with him from Florida, the Detroit Free Press reported. Click here to read the Detroit Free Press report. According to court records, Atchison initiated an online chat Aug. 29 with an undercover officer posing as a mother interested in letting men have sex with her daughter. In several conversations, he said he wanted to have oral, vaginal and anal sex with the woman's fictitious daughter, Hackel said. "I'm always gentle and loving; not to worry; no damage ever; no rough stuff ever ever," Atchison said at one point, according to an affidavit filed in court. "I've done it plenty," he said. Hackel said his department brought in federal authorities after it became clear that the case involved an out-of-state suspect. The arrest has come as a shock in Florida, where Atchison is president of a community sports organization, the Gulf Breeze Sports Association, where girls as young as 4 can participate in the soccer program. Teresa Hawthorne, the organization's youth sports coordinator, told FOXNews.com no one from the association would comment on the case. Atchison was a soccer and baseball coach, Lt. Rick Hawthorne of the Gulf Breeze police told the Detroit News. Click here to read the Detroit News report. "I'm shocked," Edwin "Buz" Eddy, the city manager of Gulf Breeze told the Pensacola News Journal. "That's about all I can say. I hope this is something that can be cleared up by some explanation. What that might be, I don't know." Eddy told the paper that he had known Atchison for more than a decade and considered him a "pillar of the community." Click here to read the Pensacola News Journal report. Atchison's wife is a science teacher at Gulf Breeze High School. The couple have three children high school age or older, according to the Detroit News. The fact that an Internet child sex suspect is a law enforcement official shouldn't be unexpected, Hackel said. "The people who are doing it come from all walks of life," the sheriff said. "It doesn't surprise us anymore." Atchison asked for a court-appointed lawyer. A detention hearing was scheduled for Tuesday. |
Wednesday, September 29, 2010 The Strange Tale of a Pedophile in the U.S. Justice Department ![]() The U.S. Department of Justice generated plenty of strange stories during the George W. Bush years. But one of the strangest involved John David "Roy" Atchison, an assistant U.S. attorney in Pensacola, Florida, who committed suicide after being caught in a pedophilia sting in Detroit. Atchison's sad story has many connections to Birmingham and Alabama. And it raises this question: How did a guy with a shaky work record and a history of run-ins with the law get hired by the world's supposedly foremost crime-fighting organization? Did Atchison attain his lofty position because he had connections to powerful figures in the Alabama legal world? Investigative journalist Margie Burns examines these questions, and much more, in a series of posts about the Atchison case at her blog, margieburns.com. Burns begins with the actions that turned Atchison into a national figure in fall 2007: This is not the story of a man who engaged in pedophilia for years or decades before being caught. It is the story of a man whipsawed by the strain of living up to a high-achieving family rooted in Birmingham, Ala., whose high-functioning connections assisted him for years in developing a career for which he turned out not to be suited. On Sept. 16, 2007, Assistant U.S. Attorney John David Roy Atchison, serving as a federal prosecutor in the Northern District of Florida, was arrested on credible charges of basically pedophilia. Atchison committed suicide in federal prison Oct. 5. Burns shows that Atchison's colleagues in the Northern District of Florida apparently were clueless about his suspicious behavior in the workplace:A dead pedophile might not sound like a tragedy. But Atchison was thought to be participating in a pedophile ring, and his death removed a useful informant from law enforcement resources. The question of how he was enabled to kill himself rather than being preserved for justice is one of the loose ends left hanging in his case. When Atchison was arrested, his personal laptops—two, one being used by his wife—were confiscated, along with his workplace desktop and removable flash drives. Setting aside the criminal acts under investigation, this is multiple computer drives to keep an eye on, just with a view to general security and privacy, and carrying laptops to and from the office is potentially a security breach. . . . Perhaps Atchison thought he good get away with questionable behavior because of his family connections. It appears, based on Burns' reporting, that such connections helped him move up in the legal world, even though he was adrift during his 20s and early 30s. He bounced from job to job and moved 18 times in one 14-year period. That doesn't sound like the attributes of a high achiever. But Atchison had one advantage: connections to the powerful Birmingham law firm of Starnes and Atchison. In fact, he worked at the firm as a law clerk for several years in the late 1970s and early '80s:The obvious question here is whether AUSAs are allowed to have personal ‘business on the side,’ conducted from the office. Officially federal policy prohibits moonlighting while on the job, for any federal employee and particularly for federal prosecutors. At that time, he was enrolled at Samford University’s Cumberland School of Law in Birmingham, Ala., returning to the place where his family had roots. During the same year--the exact dates are inconsistently given--he also worked as a clerk at the Birmingham law firm of Starnes and Atchison, co-founded by a cousin, W. Michael Atchison. Well-regarded local attorney Mike Atchison moved to another firm in 2010, and Starnes and Atchison changed its name; see later post. Repeated attempts to contact Michael Atchison have been unsuccessful. Michael Atchison now works at Burr Forman, one of Birmingham's large downtown firms, and he apparently is not anxious to discuss his late cousin. Is that because members of the Birmingham legal community once helped Roy Atchison get out of some jams? The answer appears to be yes. Through the Freedom of Information Act, Burns has studied FBI documents related to the Atchison case, and she writes:The tacit question in these records remains how Atchison got government jobs in the first place. Part of the development is clear—law school to a government agency to a more desirable federal job, then the lateral move from one federal jurisdiction to another. Questions about who provided references, who co-signed notes, etc., are not answered. Beyond that, attorney Maurice R. Mitts of Mitts Milavec replies matter-of-factly, “It’s not that hard” to get a job in the Justice Department. If you “have a good work ethic and keep your grades up,” Mitts says, “it’s really not that hard.” It's especially not that hard when you seemingly have members of the Alabama legal community helping to cover up your legal problems. Atchison, it turns out, had an arrest for reckless driving and drug possession. That's the kind of thing that might put a halt to a federal law-enforcement career for many people. But it did not stop Roy Atchison:On May 1, 1982, just a few weeks shy of getting the J.D., Roy Atchison was picked up by Birmingham police. Obviously any brush with the law is a potential concern in a background check, but the brief account transmitted by the FBI is innocuous enough: Atchison essentially blew off the incident on his application for an assistant U.S. attorney position. But Burns reveals how he was able to get off lightly for a crime that might have been a serious matter for someone who was not well connected:“Arrest check at Tuscaloosa, Alabama, revealed a violation for improper license plates and running a stop sign. Both charges were dismissed. Arrest check at Birmingham, revealed an arrest for reckless driving and violation of Alabama Uniform Controlled Substances Act. The charge of reckless driving was [amended] to running a red light. Applicant failed to appear on this charge and a writ was issued for his arrest. Applicant later appeared and paid a fine. The violation of Alabama Uniform Controlled Substances Act was dismissed by the Assistant District Attorney.” An Assistant District Attorney charged Atchison in the matter—he subsequently failed to appear in court, earning a contempt citation on top of the reckless driving and narcotics possession charges, and a writ was issued for his (re-)arrest. However, a second ADA, Don Russell, dropped charges and dismissed the case: “Subject had no prior arrests, or any evidence that he was selling narcotics.” (Atchison’s two previous traffic citations—one for running a stop sign, another for expired tags—in Tuscaloosa, had also been dismissed.) Generally speaking, possession of more than one bag of controlled substances might be taken as evidence of selling, but it might be noted that ADA Russell got his J.D. at Cumberland Law School, a year after his fellow alum, the highly-regarded Mike Atchison. It might also be noted that Roy Atchison was not only a soon-to-be law graduate and affiliated with an established law firm in town, but was not guilty of driving while black. This story hits close to home for your humble blogger. I have seen firsthand how powerful law firms such as Starnes and Atchison (now Starnes Davis and Florie) use their influence to help pervert our justice system and cheat regular citizens. In fact, Margie Burns referenced my experiences with the Starnes firm in her reporting:A check into the records by Birmingham law blogger Roger Shuler also does not turn up any mention of legal assistance for Atchison. Shuler notes, “I’m quite familiar with Starnes and Atchison. They are a major defense firm here, particularly in defending medical malpractice and legal malpractice cases. In fact, I filed a legal malpractice case one time against a local lawyer, and Starnes and Atchison represented him. The firm, I believe, has defended the University of Alabama in a number of matters. Also, one of their primary partners, Stancil Starnes, became the head of ProAssurance, a Bham-based company that provides malpractice insurance for doctors . . . My impression is that anyone with ties to Starnes and Atchison indeed is well connected” in Birmingham. Did the Starnes firm and other individuals in the Birmingham legal community help advance the career of a man who turned out to be a pedophile? Were taxpayers, through their support of Alabama's court system, forced to help fund this whole charade? Margie Burns paints a compelling picture that indicates the answer is yes. And her reporting is ongoing. Posted by legalschnauzer at 9:02 AM ![]() Labels: Burr Forman, Margie Burns, Michael Atchison, pedophiles, Roy Atchison, Starnes Atchison 2 comments: ![]() Robby Scott Hill said... The pedophilia claim is a stretch in this case. John Caylor wrote an analysis of this matter at insider-magazine.com The late Mr. Atchison had an adult "baby diaper" fetish. In other words, he liked to see fully grown adult women & possibly men (I have no idea if he was bisexual) in baby diapers. It's really not that much different than guys who get off on seeing women in high heels, pantyhose & short skirts or in some sort of uniform like the sexy nurse or flight attendant costume. Mr. Atchison had a very odd fetish, but I wouldn't characterize it as pedophilia. In fact, some pedophiles enjoy dressing their child victims up in adult style clothing, but that doesn't remove their behavior from the definition of pedophilia. Once again, the loyal Bushie prosecutors didn't fully comprehend the law and they misapplied the law to the facts. September 29, 2010 at 2:45 PM ![]() Robby Scott Hill said... This is a great piece of reporting! When I appeared before the Character & Fitness Committee Keith Norman & Robbie Lusk were overly concerned about my moving too many times & a single arrest in the US Marine Corps Reserve for a crime I did not commit & could prove I did not commit. In fact, two licensed Alabama Lawyers, were in my chain of command & they were more responsible than me. Additionally, my old section chief in the Marines works for the Alabama Bureau of Investigation which vets all bar applicants. I'm going to write more about this situation in a few days and name some names & juicy details. In fact, the action I was accused of, stealing a pair of night vision goggles, may have been a cover for an international smuggling ring with ties to the Iranian Government. According to my sources, the father of one of the Marines we suspect of actually taking the night vision goggles was a Colonel in Army Intelligence at Redstone Arsenal with connections to former Iran-Contra figures & the Fort Rucker Gang. I'll be posting the entire story after I take a midterm exam & polish the rough draft. September 29, 2010 at 3:01 PM Post a Comment |