You and I are One in the Original Spirit......
You and I are One in the Original Spirit......
You say truthful things as a saved believer in Christ would say. Really wonderful truth you speak. I do wonder how you have not gone further from Jesus with all the other teachings you have gotten into.
Blessings in the Shekinah
Thank you, I've been sharing the same essence, ethic and principles pretty much here for many years, since those laws and principles are universal. I was raised in the Christ-tradition so have explored, researched many different denominations within Christianity, from ancient to modern developments. As a student of comparitive religions and being eclectic in my approach, I synergize both east and western religious traditions and cultures, since there is at HEART one Universal Reality, One Primal God-source, One infinite SPIRIT from which all derives and all is but a creative extension of. The UB calls 'God' the Universal Father, the
First Source and Center of all things and beings. It also expounds upon the glory of the Paradise Trinity. Yet all is a
universal unity.
Catholic was our family's life, but when the kids were all grown, my mom did venture out into other teachings, she got into new age teachings, mostly Vernon Howard, Taoism, Wayne Dyer, Scientology, etc.
:thumb: - Vernon Howard was a unique teacher, I had some of his video lectures, cassettes, books/booklets, - a profound book that awakened me to a new dimension of esoteric wisdom and insight years ago was his "The Mystic Path to Cosmic Power" - now the title may seem somewhat sensational, but it caused a shift in me.
I did have my own 'Taoism' thread here, and we were about half way doing commentary on the Tao Te Ching, but it got 'deleted' in one of the last system purges, when older threads were being expunged. I know Wayne was getting into the Tao in his teachings. Scientology has little appeal to me.
She really pushed her beliefs on me. I wasn't born again yet, but recognized many of the things from the Bible she said she learned at her meetings, things that I felt were stolen from Jesus and credited to these other new age teachers. That is why I speak of the thief that does not go by the gate.
You may recall we shared the passages affirmed and expanded upon in the UB which WHOLLY agree with Jesus teaching about he being the Door or Gate, and he being the WAY. Anyone can read Part 4 of the UB and discover what Jesus teaches there for themselves, if they want to know. You may note that Jesus is pointing to himself, therefore it his own personhood, NOT a particular book or record about him, that he is emphasizing.
He is the Door, the Vine, Bread, Lamb, Living Water of the Father. His words are spirit and life. Therefore any religious writing or 'script' that affirms the gospel records, and AGREES with his words, would be serving his cause, his will, his gospel-message, GOOD NEWS for man regarding entrance into the kingdom.
I just want you to understand more of why I said that to you about the thief.
I do,...however I do not limit the words of Jesus only to the 4 canonized gospels in the NT, since I'm cognizant of other accounts, records, both ancient and modern which purport to contain Jesus words/teachings, and weigh all of them on the scales of truth and wisdom, and let the Spirit of truth guide, lead and teach. I have no fear in considering other books or words purported to be of Christ, but enjoy expanding my knowledge, continually researching, learning, integrating, evolving. Any who have followed freelight's journey of soulpioneering and creative dialoguing, knows its been this way since 2003 here