New member
LOVELY?? There's another one of those 'odd' names for
one guy to call another! Very strange! Guess I grew up
in a different era than "you guys?" Back then, one guy
didn't call another guy; honey, sweetheart, darling, etc.!
Unless of course, they were a little bit of a "Fancy Boy!"
doesn't sound like you grew up with Jesus or his followers,
did your peers great each other with a Holy Kiss as Peters did?
I assume not, it's not entirely your fault tho, you can't chose your friends or who you associate with...oh wait a minute, yes you can.
Yes my brother Paul is lovely, he is often all the things Paul wrote about in Corinthians 13.
if you have not love, or are not lovely you are but a clanging cymbal.
do you live exclusively in the past, or did you ever progress into a new being when you repented and accepted Messiahs Way? 1 Corinthians 13:11, Colossians 3:10.
you still sound very worried about what others think of you, remember he who tries to save his life (including his old self and ways of judging the world) will lose it. Matthew 16:25
Do you have a scripture to bring to the table that confirms one man greeting another fondly is somehow sinful or wrong? remembering that which is not sin or wrong is by nature holy, social norms were not an issue with Jesus and his discples and shouldn't be one either to those whom claim to follow him.
You have no right to criticize us because we are not afraid to show our love for one another, John 13:35, Matthew 25:40 we are the least of these.