The Late Great Urantia Revelation

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Literal lunatic

here is what Jesus says about the enemy:

27But I say unto you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you,
28Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you.
29And unto him that smiteth thee on the one cheek offer also the other; and him that taketh away thy cloak forbid not to take thy coat also.
30Give to every man that asketh of thee; and of him that taketh away thy goods ask them not again.
31And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.
32For if ye love them which love you what thank have ye? for sinners also love those that love them. 33And if ye do good to them which do good to you, what thank have ye? for sinners also do even the same.
34And if ye to them of whom ye hope to receive, what thank have ye? for sinners also lend to sinners, to receive as much again.
35But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again; and your shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest: for he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil.
36Be ye therefore merciful, as your Fatheralso is merciful.

Not one place in there is a discription of one attacking you with intent to kill.

and some more:

Matthew 26:52
“Put your sword back in its place,” Jesus said to him, “for all who draw the sword will die by the sword.

This is not more of the same as you think.

The Lord is teaching spiritual truth even here.

All who live (spiritually) by the sword(which is the word of God) must die (spiritually) by the sword.(which is the word of God)

This here is a little bit of meat, meshak, so chew it slowly.

Hopefully your persistence has paid off for you.

Luke 11:8 KJV
I say unto you, Though he will not rise and give him, because he is his friend, yet because of his importunity (persistence) he will rise and give him as many as he needeth .
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Literal lunatic
Good gosh, is the circus in town!?!? The UB gives a long description of the migrations of the Neanderthals and other races corresponding with different ice ages when the ice sheets grew and receded a number of times over hundreds of thousands of years.

Yes the circus is in town, it's called urantia.

Yer so busy watchin' the show that you missed the trick.

Or are you so bedazzled by the show you dont want it ruined by knowing how the trick was done?

UB readers already knew this and many other facts that science had not yet discovered during the time of the revelation.

Originally posted by 1Mind
This goes against the directives that they cannot speak what isn't already known by man.

While they used that as an escape hatch when truth is discovered that makes them liars, here they are doing it when it suits them.

Come on Caino surely you can see this double standard. :think:

Originally posted by Caino

(727.6) 64:7.9 In Europe they soon encountered the Neanderthal descendants of their early and common ancestor, Andon. These older European Neanderthalers had been driven south and east by the glacier and thus were in position quickly to encounter and absorb their invading cousins of the Sangik tribes.

So they were driven quickly by a glacier that takes hundreds of thousands of years to move.



Eclectic Theosophist
Twisting my words.............

Twisting my words.............

Hi Sandy,

It appears you are 'posing' here under another 'guise' as it were, with an ulterior motive perhaps? Lets revisit my former post to you here and then do some corrections below as you're twisting my words to suit your own preconceptions, rather stealthily I might add -

Originally Posted by freelight

Whats wrong with a paraphrased version of something?

You don't see anything wrong with it? ...

No, why would something be wrong with paraphrasing anything? Multiple bible versions are a 'paraphrase' of passages. Did you not read that the revelators state they are using the gospel accounts in the NT and other planetary sources that are available to compile a more complete portrayal of the life and teachings of Jesus?

Then you deliberately 'paraphrase' my former commentary below with your own 'interjections' -

The bold is what you placed into my commentary, to make it seem I was saying what you've 'implanted' into the text.

Hi Sandy,

... Part 4 of the papers is not what it appears to be, it's really an expanded, plagiarized and fictitiously embellished version of Jesus life, much from and contorting the NT gospel accounts. The fakers claim to be using all the extant knowledge and records and adding to it as they feel the need (from other sources), so that would naturally include any gospel-accounts existing, as well what was available from phony records and the delusions from other schizophrenics not present at the time of Jesus bestowal -

It is what it is,...believe it to be true by the revelators claim, or take it as inspired human embellishments or religious fiction,...each are free to take it or leave it since, in reality, it is meaningless anyway.

So we see how you've interpolated and superimposed a commentary I wrote to misrepresent me. There you go folks.

... deliberate deception and misinformation for one thing.

Not at all when the facts and statements of the revelators are taken into account, plainly stated. You're free to believe as you wish after the facts are considered, although not sure what an 'atheist' would care on a particular level concerning the UB or the Bible for that matter, except he/she has a penchant to dismiss the papers on some preconceived grounds.



Eclectic Theosophist
4th grade comedy projection.......

4th grade comedy projection.......

Your address did nothing but state your own misconceptions of scripture.

Not at all. You choose willful ignorance of the papers themselves, with so many other pre-conceived assumptions that your comprehension is retarded.

Anyone who has read a weeks worth of this thread knows your childish less than 4th grade mentality has been exposed.

I'd gather many who know me and my caliber of knowledge would find this statement rather comical, if not reflecting back to your own person the level of 'intelligence' you're working with by comparison ;) - whats been shared on this thread however, goes beyond any egoic-assumptions or 'contests' (such are petty), since we're covering the contents of the papers themselves, on the grounds of its own integrity and consistency as a whole. - lets remember the subject at hand.

Your credibility has been destroyed beyond repair.

Being a senior here with just over 10 years, I think my work in religion/philosophy/metaphysics, and elsewhere speaks for itself. As far as intelligent dialogue and discussion-manners of those engaged here go,....readers can make their own mind on that. No worries there.



Eclectic Theosophist
self defense

self defense

Caino and freelight,

are you pro-military too?

I'd have to give this one some thought, but in general I am more of a pacifist, - however,...a nation without a military cant really defend itself against an invasion or attack can it? I see nothing wrong with 'defending' oneself if necessary, so taking those measures and precautions would be prudent. We've shared here some of what the papers say about 'war',....from a historical perspective.

As you know, I'm all about "God is Love", and the clear teachings of Jesus in this regard, but these principles must be balanced with the circumstantial conditions of our modern times, and that one must 'defend' themselves at some point in a situation of danger.

The issue of we as a military initiating an offensive attack or pro-active military movement (or presence) somewhere would have to be weighed on multiple factors justifying such.



Yes the circus is in town, it's called urantia.

Yer so busy watchin' the show that you missed the trick.

Or are you so bedazzled by the show you dont want it ruined by knowing how the trick was done?

So they were driven quickly by a glacier that takes hundreds of thousands of years to move.

Errrrm, hello, Governor Nixon, one of your villages is missing its idiot!

"Quickly" is a relative term in context to the rest the paper on race migrations. You have to be joking with us right? You cannot be this stupid to keep humiliating yourself like this?
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Eclectic Theosophist
intellectual honesty

intellectual honesty

Originally Posted by freelight:

Whats wrong with a paraphrased version of something?

Can you prove the canonized gospels have all the words of Jesus ever spoke?

Can you prove there can be no more additional revelation of truth given to mankind since the canonization of the NT?

I really don't have to PROVE anything to you! Do I?

No GM, you don't have to prove squat to me. The questions above were given for you to honestly consider.



I'd have to give this one some thought, but in general I am more of a pacifist, - however,...a nation without a military cant really defend itself against an invasion or attack can it?

Ok, you are not committed to Jesus so for world's point of view, it is reasonable.

however I am talking about what Jesus teaches to His followers.

So when this kind of actual application, you are sitting on both fences. You are no different form 1Mint. YOur interpretation is for the world, not for His servants.

Here we have two major differences in our faith; trinity and the military position.


Not one place in there is a discription of one attacking you with intent to kill.

Ok, I cannot argue with this kind of worldly mind set. You apparent don't know Jesus much.

You are not willing to understand what Jesus is saying in His "love your enemy". It is self-explanatory.

Isn't people who are attacking you is your enemy?

Did Jesus and His followers kill anyone for self defense?

You need to know that what Jesus and His followers did in the NT is the example for His followers to imitate.

This is very basic principle of Christianity.


Literal lunatic
Yes the circus is in town, it's called urantia.

Yer so busy watchin' the show that you missed the trick.

Or are you so bedazzled by the show you dont want it ruined by knowing how the trick was done?

Killer(with satan and his thought adjusters) on the road.

His brain is squirmin' like a toad.

Into this world we're thrown....

Like a dog without a bone.

Killer on the road.



Literal lunatic
Ok, I cannot argue with this kind of worldly mind set. You apparent don't know Jesus much.

You are not willing to understand what Jesus is saying in His "love your enemy". It is self-explanatory.

Isn't people who are attacking you is your enemy?

Did Jesus and His followers kill anyone for self defense?

You need to know that what Jesus and His followers did in the NT is the example for His followers to imitate.

This is very basic principle of Christianity.

If you didn't want food why are you knockin'?


Eclectic Theosophist
relax, review the greater picture......

relax, review the greater picture......


Are you here to discredit Jesus?

I've shared my points on this subject earlier, succinctly, but clearly. We can further see if the papers give any light on the subject of war, which it does. Lets keep things in perspective, within the context of our modern age, which forces one to properly interpret any passage of more ancient times with the 'reality' of this age, and the evolution of mankind.

I thought you trust Jesus as pure and righteous Savior.

I do,...but would want to properly apply and interpret his sayings in the context of life and society as we know it,....the global-community and state of affairs of world-government relations at the present time.



Eclectic Theosophist
Considering important points and principles......

Considering important points and principles......

clear as mud, friend.

I am disappointed.

Jesus explained about how to love your enemy simply and clearly, no one can explain it better than He.

My former explanation was quite clear, including the points of 'self-defense' and the question of the benefit of having a 'military' at all, as a means of defending our country against a foreign invasion.

There is no need for disappointment, but opening your mind to consider these 'points' in the over-all reality of modern times and human relations. Ideally, we can all live in a Utopian state of peace and harmony, however some persons are insane and bent on killing, raping, conquering, oppressing, destroying other people, their resources and nations, naturally defense-measures are a wise provision.

Would you sit there twiddling your thumbs if soldiers invaded your city and broke into your by one shooting(murdering) your family members,...just idly sit there and watch it all without seeking to defend your loved ones? Then let them shoot you down too? There are forces and persons out there who don't give a squat about following Jesus golden rule or loving their enemies, since they are out to kill, plunder and destroy. So as long as these attitudes are held and humans are vessels of this kind of insanity and evil,...crimes against humanity will continue.

The key is a balanced understanding and approach to being a 'peace-keeper' or 'peace-maker' in this world we live in, putting rational defense measures in place for self-preservation as well. Here we also consider the principles of 'justice' as well as 'mercy' into the equation, for all parties involved.



Literal lunatic
Yes the circus is in town, it's called urantia.

Yer so busy watchin' the show that you missed the trick.

Or are you so bedazzled by the show you dont want it ruined by knowing how the trick was done?

QOriginally posted by Caino
Errrrm, hello, Governor Nixon, one of your villages is missing its idiot!

You should take a page outta his book.

He knew when to resign.

"Quickly" is a relative term in context to the rest the paper on race migrations. You have to be joking with us right? You cannot be this stupid to keep humiliating yourself like this?

Yeah theory of relativity, close one eye and look at it this way.



My former explanation was quite clear, including the points of 'self-defense' and the question of the benefit of having a 'military' at all, as a means of defending our country against a foreign invasion.

There is no need for disappointment, but opening your mind to consider these 'points' in the over-all reality of modern times and human relations. Ideally, we can all live in a Utopian state of peace and harmony, however some persons are insane and bent on killing, raping, conquering, oppressing, destroying other people, their resources and nations, naturally defense-measures are a wise provision.

Would you sit there twiddling your thumbs if soldiers invaded your city and broke into your by one shooting(murdering) your family members,...just idly sit there and watch it all without seeking to defend your loved ones? Then let them shoot you down too? There are forces and persons out there who don't give a squat about following Jesus golden rule or loving their enemies, since they are out to kill, plunder and destroy. So as long as these attitudes are held and humans are vessels of this kind of insanity and evil,...crimes against humanity will continue.

The key is a balanced understanding and approach to being a 'peace-keeper' or 'peace-maker' in this world we live in, putting rational defense measures in place for self-preservation as well. Here we also consider the principles of 'justice' as well as 'mercy' into the equation, for all parties involved.


You think your explanation is better than Jesus? you are kidding me.

Jesus is the author of Love, friend. That's why I am His follower.
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