The Late Great Urantia Revelation

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Literal lunatic
No, dad would go to church fairly often up until he died. He had a country preacher do his funeral. The preacher went first, then I prefaced from the UB. :)

Looks like you got to enjoy yours longer than I did mine.

My dad died before I was 30, around 25 years ago.

Good thing my Father was with me, sent me my first baby girl same year.

You may come to know Him someday.
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Looks like you got to enjoy yours longer than I did mine.

My dad died before I was 30, around 25 years ago.

Good thing my Father was with me, sent me my first baby girl same year.

You may come to know Him someday.

Thanks for sharing that with us 1Mind1Spirit, I was very fortunate to have two great parents, a good home, great siblings.

I've had a relationship with God now for half my life, I will defend him and my creator brother Christ vigorously.


Neanderthals and humans had 'ample time' to mix

Aug. 20, 2014 1:09 PM EDT

UB readers already knew this and many other facts that science had not yet discovered during the time of the revelation.

(727.6) 64:7.9 In Europe they soon encountered the Neanderthal descendants of their early and common ancestor, Andon. These older European Neanderthalers had been driven south and east by the glacier and thus were in position quickly to encounter and absorb their invading cousins of the Sangik tribes.

(727.7) 64:7.10 In general and to start with, the Sangik tribes were more intelligent than, and in most ways far superior to, the deteriorated descendants of the early Andonic plainsmen; and the mingling of these Sangik tribes with the Neanderthal peoples led to the immediate improvement of the older race. It was this infusion of Sangik blood, more especially that of the blue man, which produced that marked improvement in the Neanderthal peoples exhibited by the successive waves of increasingly intelligent tribes that swept over Europe from the east.

(727.8) 64:7.11 During the following interglacial period this new Neanderthal race extended from England to India. The remnant of the blue race left in the old Persian peninsula later amalgamated with certain others, primarily the yellow; and the resultant blend, subsequently somewhat upstepped by the violet race of Adam, has persisted as the swarthy nomadic tribes of modern Arabs.​



Eclectic Theosophist
UB introduction points......

UB introduction points......

Dad was a UB reader from the 60's, he was a dentist, heard about it from one of his patients. After my spiritual awakening in 85' I started my search. He was Methodist.

I was introduced to the UB from a fellow co-worker in a factory laboratory,...he had this big blue book with a white cover on it, which caught my attention,...remember the old hard back blue book with the white Urantia Foundation cover on it with the 3 blue concentric rings? Now they have at least 3 cool newer paper back cover-versions:

Amazon Review

Anyways,....he would read it during his breaks, and we began to discuss some subjects in it, and he allowed me to browse thru it during my breaks. The sheer volume of the info. was impressive, and in the beginning the material on Melchizedek, the creation, the angelic orders and the Jesus Papers in Part 4 were of primary interest. Since then among many other studies, I've read or consulted the UB off and on as a correlary resource with other works. It holds its own on many levels/contexts, yet also has some parts that don't interest me as much. You have to go with what resonates :)

Time to hit the hay ;)



I was introduced to the UB from a fellow co-worker in a factory laboratory,...he had this big blue book with a white cover on it, which caught my attention,...remember the old hard back blue book with the white Urantia Foundation cover on it with the 3 blue concentric rings? Now they have at least 3 cool newer paper back cover-versions:

Amazon Review

Anyways,....he would read it during his breaks, and we began to discuss some subjects in it, and he allowed me to browse thru it during my breaks. The sheer volume of the info. was impressive, and in the beginning the material on Melchizedek, the creation, the angelic orders and the Jesus Papers in Part 4 were of primary interest. Since then among many other studies, I've read or consulted the UB off and on as a correlary resource with other works. It holds its own on many levels/contexts, yet also has some parts that don't interest me as much. You have to go with what resonates :)

Time to hit the hay ;)


WOW! You are up late, It's Thursday morning here and I'm in the Lab already! Good night! Don't let the demonic forces and the Satan God get you in your sleep! Check under the bed, in the closet for the bogyman. :devil:


A) something is true

B) nothing is true

C) everything is true

I choose A), to search for God is to search for everything.

from Freelight:
You have to go with what resonates.

The comment from Freelight sums up very nicely what I'm about to say.

Just because your choice resonates well with you doesn't make it a universal truth.
You created the list from which you made your selection, consciously, or subconsciously including an option that you wanted to select. You then selected "A" because it was what you wanted to select.
You obviously left out my option, "D) - One's man truth is another man's lie" because you didn't like that option... it contradicted your preferred choice.

This is similar to you stocking your closet full of clothes and selecting what you will wear today based on reasons that justify your choice.

You may have shorts, jeans, and dress slacks hanging in your closet. You choose the shorts instead of the dress slacks since you have the day off of work.... but you still have the other options for other days. Because you choose to wear shorts today doesn't mean that someone else is wrong for choosing to wear their jeans, or dress slacks.
Someone else may have only dress slacks in their closet which would make it impossible for them to choose anything else but dress slacks.

Same with our choice of religion, or non-religion; we simply choose what is appropriate for our circumstances.

For people who feel lost, hopeless, depressed, lonely there are gods to choose from that will fit their specific needs... from the wicked OT terrorist-god to the all-loving all-forgiving liberal-god.


from Freelight:

The comment from Freelight sums up very nicely what I'm about to say.

Just because your choice resonates well with you doesn't make it a universal truth.
You created the list from which you made your selection, consciously, or subconsciously including an option that you wanted to select. You then selected "A" because it was what you wanted to select.
You obviously left out my option, "D) - One's man truth is another man's lie" because you didn't like that option... it contradicted your preferred choice.

This is similar to you stocking your closet full of clothes and selecting what you will wear today based on reasons that justify your choice.

You may have shorts, jeans, and dress slacks hanging in your closet. You choose the shorts instead of the dress slacks since you have the day off of work.... but you still have the other options for other days. Because you choose to wear shorts today doesn't mean that someone else is wrong for choosing to wear their jeans, or dress slacks.
Someone else may have only dress slacks in their closet which would make it impossible for them to choose anything else but dress slacks.

Same with our choice of religion, or non-religion; we simply choose what is appropriate for our circumstances.

For people who feel lost, hopeless, depressed, lonely there are gods to choose from that will fit their specific needs... from the wicked OT terrorist-god to the all-loving all-forgiving liberal-god.

* A lie is when one knows the truth yet distorts it.

* So then, is everything true just because someone believes it to be so? I said I believe that there is ultimate truth and I'm looking for it, I didn't say that what I believe is that truth. The finite can only be relatively right about infinity.


Happy birthday Jesus:

"All that night Mary was restless so that neither of them slept much. By the break of day the pangs of childbirth were well in evidence, and at noon, August 21, 7 B.C.with the help and kind ministrations of women fellow travelers, Mary was delivered of a male child. Jesus of Nazareth was born into the world, was wrapped in the clothes which Mary had brought along for such a possible contingency, and laid in a near-by manger.


* A lie is when one knows the truth yet distorts it.

* So then, is everything true just because someone believes it to be so?
kind of

I said I believe that there is ultimate truth and I'm looking for it, I didn't say that what I believe is that truth. The finite can only be relatively right about infinity.

Just because you believe there is ultimate truth doesn't mean there is... but the fact that you believe there is, and you are looking for "it" odds are pretty good you will find what you are looking for... according to what your acceptable definition of the truth is.
Why would you believe something that you didn't believe is the truth you are seeking?
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Happy birthday Jesus:

"All that night Mary was restless so that neither of them slept much. By the break of day the pangs of childbirth were well in evidence, and at noon, August 21, 7 B.C.with the help and kind ministrations of women fellow travelers, Mary was delivered of a male child. Jesus of Nazareth was born into the world, was wrapped in the clothes which Mary had brought along for such a possible contingency, and laid in a near-by manger.

It appears you made an error in the date.


kind of

Just because you believe there is ultimate truth doesn't mean there is... but the fact that you believe there is, and you are looking for "it" odds are pretty good you will find what you are looking for... according to what your acceptable definition of the truth is.
Why would you believe something that you didn't believe is the truth you are seeking?

If there is no ultimate truth, no beauty and no goodness then your questions are baseless, any answer would be valueless by contrast to the meaninglessness of your supposition.

If you are looking for meaninglessness it appears you have found it.

(2077.7) 195:6.11 To say that mind “emerged” from matter explains nothing. If the universe were merely a mechanism and mind were unapart from matter, we would never have two differing interpretations of any observed phenomenon. The concepts of truth, beauty, and goodness are not inherent in either physics or chemistry. A machine cannot know, much less know truth, hunger for righteousness, and cherish goodness.​


It appears you made an error in the date.

Dec 25th was also the birthday of a bunch of Gods:

•Horus (c. 3000 BCE)
•Osiris (c. 3000 BCE)
•Attis of Phrygia (c.1400 BCE)
•Krishna (c. 1400 BCE)
•Zoroaster/Zarathustra (c. 1000 BCE)
•Mithra of Persia (c. 600 BCE)
•Heracles (c. 800 BCE)
•Dionysus (c. 186 BCE)
•Tammuz (c. 400 BCE)
•Adonis (c. 200 BCE)


Thanks for sharing that with us 1Mind1Spirit, I was very fortunate to have two great parents, a good home, great siblings.

I've had a relationship with God now for half my life, I will defend him and my creator brother Christ vigorously.

You say Jesus is God and you call him your brother too?


You say Jesus is God and you call him your brother too?

Yes, only in the sense that he took on the human form, like one of us, as a child of our heavenly Father. We are all children of God, the Son is Gods child to, his divine Son.


Literal lunatic
A) something is true

B) nothing is true

C) everything is true

I choose A), to search for God is to search for everything.

(1118.4) 102:1.1 It is literally true, “Human things must be known in order to be loved, but divine things must be loved in order to be known.”

That was literally inverted and ignorant.

Everything, divine or human, must be known before you can love it or hate it.

We cannot love God until he first manifests His love to us.

1 John 4:19 KJV
We love him, because he first loved us.

Revelation 1:5 KJV
And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood,


That was literally inverted and ignorant.

Everything, divine or human, must be known before you can love it or hate it.

We cannot love God until he first manifests His love to us.

1 John 4:19 KJV
We love him, because he first loved us.

Revelation 1:5 KJV
And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood,

Its not rocket science, we must want God in our life.

I don't believe in the Pagan concept of human sacrifice, "theoretical salvation."


Literal lunatic

UB readers already knew this and many other facts that science had not yet discovered during the time of the revelation.

This goes against the directives that they cannot speak what isn't already known by man.

While they used that as an escape hatch when truth is discovered that makes them liars, here they are doing it when it suits them.

Come on Caino surely you can see this double standard. :think:

(727.6) 64:7.9 In Europe they soon encountered the Neanderthal descendants of their early and common ancestor, Andon. These older European Neanderthalers had been driven south and east by the glacier and thus were in position quickly to encounter and absorb their invading cousins of the Sangik tribes.

(727.7) 64:7.10 In general and to start with, the Sangik tribes were more intelligent than, and in most ways far superior to, the deteriorated descendants of the early Andonic plainsmen; and the mingling of these Sangik tribes with the Neanderthal peoples led to the immediate improvement of the older race. It was this infusion of Sangik blood, more especially that of the blue man, which produced that marked improvement in the Neanderthal peoples exhibited by the successive waves of increasingly intelligent tribes that swept over Europe from the east.

(727.8) 64:7.11 During the following interglacial period this new Neanderthal race extended from England to India. The remnant of the blue race left in the old Persian peninsula later amalgamated with certain others, primarily the yellow; and the resultant blend, subsequently somewhat upstepped by the violet race of Adam, has persisted as the swarthy nomadic tribes of modern Arabs.​

Now here they are wanting us to believe that a glacier chased people around.

Hey, you ever been to the national glacier park in Canada?

That thing has been there all my life that I know about.

I aint had any fine lookin' Canadian chicks been chased down here into my bedroom yet.
Ugly neanderthal ones either.

This gets better by the minute. :shocked:
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This goes against the directives that they cannot speak what isn't already known by man.

While they used that as an escape hatch when truth is discovered that makes them liars, here they are doing it when it suits them.

Come on Caino surely you can see this double standard. :think:

Now here they are wanting us to believe that a glacier chased people around.

Hey, you ever been to the national glacier park in Canada?

That thing has been there all my life that I know about.

I aint had any fine lookin' Canadian chicks been chased down here into my bedroom yet.
Ugly neanderthal ones either.

This gets better by the minute. :shocked:

The Gift of Revelation

(1007.1) 92:4.1 Revelation is evolutionary but always progressive. Down through the ages of a world’s history, the revelations of religion are ever-expanding and successively more enlightening. It is the mission of revelation to sort and censor the successive religions of evolution. But if revelation is to exalt and upstep the religions of evolution, then must such divine visitations portray teachings which are not too far removed from the thought and reactions of the age in which they are presented. Thus must and does revelation always keep in touch with evolution. Always must the religion of revelation be limited by man’s capacity of receptivity.
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