The Late Great Urantia Revelation

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New member
No, you are trying to create a problem with the word channeled.

Knock it off.
well it has been a problem since the FIRST mistake of man, God spoke the Word/Commandment, Eve misquoted it, added to ya oldest trick in the book.

that is why I was trying to explain to you the differences in how people perceive "Gods Word" .

It's like anything His Spirit does in man, man can be led by the Spirit to do many great things for the Kingdom, feed the poor, visit and look after the widows and orphans, etc. but the minute it gets written down as a commandment, and people are forced to obey it it is no longer His Word, IMHO.

that is why it was so easy for Jesus to sum up the law and the prophets Matthew 7:12, all those commands, all those penalties of the law are mute when His Spirit does the leading.

Don't get me wrong they are the schoolmaster as Paul says categorically, but they are not "God's Word".
His prophets already told us where His word/law will be in the New Covenant Jeremiah 31:33.

I'm not trying to create any problem as you claim btw, only sharing in Love.
If seven more wicked spirits enter a man it can be said they are channeling through him.

The urantia papers assert satan can no longer do this because Jesus just paid a visit not a price when he came to earth.

However, you did say you would believe the Son.

So hear him.

Luke 11:26 KJV
Then goeth he , and taketh to him seven other spirits more wicked than himself; and they enter in , and dwell there:and the last state of that man is worse than the first.

Matthew 12:45 KJV
Then goeth he , and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation.
it's best if you brought in the passage from the UT, I'd rather not debate your hearsay of what it does or doesn't say.


Literal lunatic
The nickel plates at R.L. Donelly were destroyed after the first printing (I have 3 first printings).

Changes or corrections to the mistakes made during transcription can be found here.

Took yuh 3 hours to dig that up?

I did it in 5 minutes.

My point was you didn't know the history of the book before I brought it to yer attention.

You and yer daddy didn't feel the need, you just swallered it down hook line and sinker.

You see now no matter how you answer, I have caught you with guile.

If you knew these things about the book before, you already did what you accused pnuema of doing.

Educating yourself.(puff, puff)

And as it stands, if you didnt know them, I just tricked you into doing it.

Damn, where is that thought adjuster when you need him?
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Literal lunatic
I'm not trying to create any problem as you claim btw, only sharing in Love.

Okay. :)

it's best if you brought in the passage from the UT, I'd rather not debate your hearsay of what it does or doesn't say.

You can believe I nailed it on the head.

None of our resident urantia prophets squawked in the least or deny it.

If I had to go back in the garbage pile and bring it out I could.

I got it off one of freelights links.


New member
The way the enemy tries to attack the Blood of the Lamb is to create a cult (UB) with half-truths such as Caino just quoted, but without the power of Christ. His Power is in His Blood. Without it one is as dead as the spirits behind the UB: completely and utterly without life.

and still these things you speak of above are metaphors for deeper spiritual meanings,

the blood is the lifeforce driving man, when it stops flowing man dies.

But since God is a Spirit this Blood is something flowing in a spiritual realm indeed, and we are to drink of that in the New Covenant, which some do symbolically in communion, but also spiritually in their walk.

Much like the metaphor Jesus gave the woman at the well Living Water, that he has that we would never thirst again.


Literal lunatic
and still these things you speak of above are metaphors for deeper spiritual meanings,

the blood is the lifeforce driving man, when it stops flowing man dies.

But since God is a Spirit this Blood is something flowing in a spiritual realm indeed, and we are to drink of that in the New Covenant, which some do symbolically in communion, but also spiritually in their walk.

Much like the metaphor Jesus gave the woman at the well Living Water, that he has that we would never thirst again.


Gotta ole antique picture of Jesus talkin' to her hangin' here on my computer desk.

John 4:10 KJV
Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink ;
thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water.


Literal lunatic
and still these things you speak of above are metaphors for deeper spiritual meanings,

the blood is the lifeforce driving man, when it stops flowing man dies.

But since God is a Spirit this Blood is something flowing in a spiritual realm indeed, and we are to drink of that in the New Covenant, which some do symbolically in communion, but also spiritually in their walk.

That living water is how we discern these.......

Philippians 3:18 KJV
(For many walk , of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping , that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ:

Philippians 3:19 KJV
Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things.)

Jude 1:19 KJV
These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit.


Took yuh 3 hours to dig that up?

I did it in 5 minutes.

My point was you didn't know the history of the book before I brought it to yer attention.

You and yer daddy didn't feel the need, you just swallered it down hook line and sinker.

You aren't a very good ambulance chaser, I've been a student of the book and the movement for 29 years. We've been talking about that history on this thread for a couple years now. :rotfl::rotfl:



TOL Subscriber
We can appreciate your frustration,

I'm not frustrated, neither do I frustrate the grace of God.

apparently a life spent using an education to blow yourself up into a prideful balloon!

No. That's your fallacious high-context English-thinking and -speaking lanuage-sculpted mind and its shallow concept of knowledge.

Love (agape), which is not puffed up, has abounded in knowledge (epignosis) in me according to knowledge (oida) of God's Spirit.

All of this is your own puffed up knowledge (gnosis) AT my knowledge (epignosis) and knowledge (oida). Since you don't "know" the difference, it MUST be so.

But you can't understand (suneimi and dianoia) that, so all you have is your bare assertions of false faith. A substanceless attempt at substance.

You CAN'T know, because your language (dialektos) hasn't delivered God's Logos as His Rhema. English patterns of thought are the bane of your very existence, and you have no escape. That's why you look to a false rhema.

The Hebrew language came long after Exodus and Moses. For thousands of years prior to Abraham the religions, customs and rituals evolved in completely different languages.

So? Same process of language (dialektos). Fail.

This may explain PneumaPsucheSoma :

Ummm.... Nope. Not even close.

"The priests have always sought to impress and awe the common people by conducting the religious ritual in an ancient tongue and by sundry magical passes so to mystify the worshipers as to enhance their own piety and authority. The great danger in all this is that the ritual tends to become a substitute for religion."

Nope. I don't present Greek except to format conceptual English thought to low-context. Nobody needs to learn Hebrew or Greek, just be aware of the effects of English by contrast and to correct that appropriately.


Now, contemporary thinking man is no longer held by the wizard behind the curtain of purely man made, contradictory holy writings. The gig is up and apart from respect for the function of primitive religion, todays religious fanatics are a joke to the world, your salt lost it's savor.

LOL. The U-Raunchy-A Feces is the joke. You just haven't yet seen the punch line.

"Ancient magic was the cocoon of modern science, indispensable in its time but now no longer useful. And so the phantasms of ignorant superstition agitated the primitive minds of men until the concepts of science could be born.​

Yep. Concepts. That's all it is. Concepts. No true conTENT. No substance (hypostasis).

Today, Urantia is in the twilight zone of this intellectual evolution.

And there's your problem. You think the soul evolves, and ultimately will be functionally spirit.

One half the world is grasping eagerly for the light of truth and the facts of scientific discovery, while the other half languishes in the arms of ancient superstition and but thinly disguised magic."

All while you're in a comatose state of existence with no underlying reality for substance. You're just a reflection, like Zeke and freelight.

Everything is the inverse of what you believe, think, feel, choose, desire, say, and do. Everything. You're the consummate anti- and non- in every respect. Totally reprobate.


You're a special kind of slow, I told PontiusPneumonia that he has used his education in linguistics and religion to blow himself up into a prideful balloon. I'm not impressed, maybe you are bedazzled?

Here, two years ago we were talking about the plates Boss Hogg's:

December 9th, 2011, 06:36 PM
Replies: 5,150
The Late Great Urantia Revelation
Views: 142,726
Posted By Caino
Aimiel is a dishonest person, the UB hasn't been...

Aimiel is a dishonest person, the UB hasn't been revised. There were a few single word corrections based on spelling etc but no revisions. The nickel plates were done in a time when all plates were...


I'm not frustrated, neither do I frustrate the grace of God.

No. That's your fallacious high-context English-thinking and -speaking lanuage-sculpted mind and its shallow concept of knowledge.

Love (agape), which is not puffed up, has abounded in knowledge (epignosis) in me according to knowledge (oida) of God's Spirit.

All of this is your own puffed up knowledge (gnosis) AT my knowledge (epignosis) and knowledge (oida). Since you don't "know" the difference, it MUST be so.

But you can't understand (suneimi and dianoia) that, so all you have is your bare assertions of false faith. A substanceless attempt at substance.

You CAN'T know, because your language (dialektos) hasn't delivered God's Logos as His Rhema. English patterns of thought are the bane of your very existence, and you have no escape. That's why you look to a false rhema.

So? Same process of language (dialektos). Fail.

Ummm.... Nope. Not even close.

Nope. I don't present Greek except to format conceptual English thought to low-context. Nobody needs to learn Hebrew or Greek, just be aware of the effects of English by contrast and to correct that appropriately.


LOL. The U-Raunchy-A Feces is the joke. You just haven't yet seen the punch line.

Yep. Concepts. That's all it is. Concepts. No true conTENT. No substance (hypostasis).

And there's your problem. You think the soul evolves, and ultimately will be functionally spirit.

All while you're in a comatose state of existence with no underlying reality for substance. You're just a reflection, like Zeke and freelight.

Everything is the inverse of what you believe, think, feel, choose, desire, say, and do. Everything. You're the consummate anti- and non- in every respect. Totally reprobate.

Could you repeat that in Latin just for the fun of it?


Literal lunatic
You aren't a very good ambulance chaser, I've been a student of the book and the movement for 29 years. We've been talking about that history on this thread for a couple years now. :rotfl::rotfl:

I didn't need to read two years of thread history to pull out what I wanted to know or make my point.

Like I said, you been played.

Caino: "Look at my book, puff, puff."


Well-known member
That living water is how we discern these.......

Philippians 3:18 KJV
(For many walk , of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping , that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ:

Philippians 3:19 KJV
Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things.)

Jude 1:19 KJV
These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit.


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I didn't need to read two years of thread history to pull out what I wanted to know or make my point.

Like I said, you been played.

Look at my book, puff, puff.

You made an accusation, you got your butt handed to you, now you are dishonestly spinning to win some childish point? Have you thought about what you want to be when you grow up?


Well-known member
The few followers of urantia don't have faith in Jesus but in Jebus... a false God that doesn't exist. There is redemption ONLY in The Blood of Jesus. Jebus never lived. His followers are all dead.

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