The Late Great Urantia Revelation

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Literal lunatic
That Just shows everyone, just how SMART You are in Trying to Defend your total lack of any knowledge!!!!

"Thought Adjuster"??? - ( "Thought" ) "Adjustment" is What?? To Adjust anything is to "FINE" TUNE IT!!! -- That's what GOD Does, and Only GOD, and His Truth!!! - Not anyone of the Likes you total "trouble" makers, who are - ((( NOT )))(( "Trouble" Adjuster ))!!!!

Paul, David -- 081614

Easy little brother, she's yer big sister.

No sarcasm towards her at all.


Literal lunatic
It's not. Other than a valid concern for their souls, I don't care.

What's important is that they spew alleged absolutes of bare assertion, and demonstrate constant inequities of double standards without one shred of substantiation for their propagated "truths".

I despise inequities and double standards. It exposes the most heinous of all character in a person.

I was referred here by someone who knew I could nail all the Esotericist Jell-O to the wall, which is what I've done with freelight's drivel elsewhere and all the UB feces on this thread.

It's never been my goal to convert them or you. It's been my intent to expose their inequitous behavior and any form of Esotericism promoted on this Christian site.

And you know nothing of the Creator.


High stakes war my brother.

Not for our own souls only.


For you urantia folks, the urantia papers don't teach the Gospel of the Grace of God, and that's the only way to be saved. That's what the Apostle Paul taught, so the urantia papers left out the most important part - how to be Saved. You are lost also.

If you read the Jesus papers you would know:

5. What Must I Do to Be Saved?

(1682.3) 150:5.1 One evening at Shunem, after John’s apostles had returned to Hebron, and after Jesus’ apostles had been sent out two and two, when the Master was engaged in teaching a group of twelve of the younger evangelists who were laboring under the direction of Jacob, together with the twelve women, Rachel asked Jesus this question: “Master, what shall we answer when women ask us, What shall I do to be saved?” When Jesus heard this question, he answered:

(1682.4) 150:5.2 “When men and women ask what shall we do to be saved, you shall answer, Believe this gospel of the kingdom; accept divine forgiveness. By faith recognize the indwelling spirit of God, whose acceptance makes you a son of God. Have you not read in the Scriptures where it says, ‘In the Lord have I righteousness and strength.’ Also where the Father says, ‘My righteousness is near; my salvation has gone forth, and my arms shall enfold my people.’ ‘My soul shall be joyful in the love of my God, for he has clothed me with the garments of salvation and has covered me with the robe of his righteousness.’ Have you not also read of the Father that his name ‘shall be called the Lord our righteousness.’ ‘Take away the filthy rags of self-righteousness and clothe my son with the robe of divine righteousness and eternal salvation.’ It is forever true, ‘the just shall live by faith.’ Entrance into the Father’s kingdom is wholly free, but progress — growth in grace — is essential to continuance therein.

(1682.5) 150:5.3 “Salvation is the gift of the Father and is revealed by his Sons. Acceptance by faith on your part makes you a partaker of the divine nature, a son or a daughter of God. By faith you are justified; by faith are you saved; and by this same faith are you eternally advanced in the way of progressive and divine perfection. By faith was Abraham justified and made aware of salvation by the teachings of Melchizedek. All down through the ages has this same faith saved the sons of men, but now has a Son come forth from the Father to make salvation more real and acceptable.”

(1683.1) 150:5.4 When Jesus had left off speaking, there was great rejoicing among those who had heard these gracious words, and they all went on in the days that followed proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom with new power and with renewed energy and enthusiasm. And the women rejoiced all the more to know they were included in these plans for the establishment of the kingdom on earth.

(1683.2) 150:5.5 In summing up his final statement, Jesus said: “You cannot buy salvation; you cannot earn righteousness. Salvation is the gift of God, and righteousness is the natural fruit of the spirit-born life of sonship in the kingdom. You are not to be saved because you live a righteous life; rather is it that you live a righteous life because you have already been saved, have recognized sonship as the gift of God and service in the kingdom as the supreme delight of life on earth. When men believe this gospel, which is a revelation of the goodness of God, they will be led to voluntary repentance of all known sin. Realization of sonship is incompatible with the desire to sin. Kingdom believers hunger for righteousness and thirst for divine perfection.”



(1891.3) 173:2.2 "At the noon session of the Sanhedrin it was unanimously agreed that Jesus must be speedily destroyed, inasmuch as no friend of the Master attended this meeting. But they could not agree as to when and how he should be taken into custody. Finally they agreed upon appointing five groups to go out among the people and seek to entangle him in his teaching or otherwise to discredit him in the sight of those who listened to his instruction. Accordingly, about two o’clock, when Jesus had just begun his discourse on “The Liberty of Sonship,” a group of these elders of Israel made their way up near Jesus and, interrupting him in the customary manner, asked this question: “By what authority do you do these things? Who gave you this authority?”

(1891.4) 173:2.3 It was altogether proper that the temple rulers and the officers of the Jewish Sanhedrin should ask this question of anyone who presumed to teach and perform in the extraordinary manner which had been characteristic of Jesus, especially as concerned his recent conduct in clearing the temple of all commerce. These traders and money-changers all operated by direct license from the highest rulers, and a percentage of their gains was supposed to go directly into the temple treasury. Do not forget that authority was the watchword of all Jewry. The prophets were always stirring up trouble because they so boldly presumed to teach without authority, without having been duly instructed in the rabbinic academies and subsequently regularly ordained by the Sanhedrin. Lack of this authority in pretentious public teaching was looked upon as indicating either ignorant presumption or open rebellion. At this time only the Sanhedrin could ordain an elder or teacher, and such a ceremony had to take place in the presence of at least three persons who had previously been so ordained. Such an ordination conferred the title of “rabbi” upon the teacher and also qualified him to act as a judge, “binding and loosing such matters as might be brought to him for adjudication.”

(1892.1) 173:2.4 The rulers of the temple came before Jesus at this afternoon hour challenging not only his teaching but his acts. Jesus well knew that these very men had long publicly taught that his authority for teaching was Satanic, and that all his mighty works had been wrought by the power of the prince of devils. Therefore did the Master begin his answer to their question by asking them a counter-question. Said Jesus: “I would also like to ask you one question which, if you will answer me, I likewise will tell you by what authority I do these works. The baptism of John, whence was it? Did John get his authority from heaven or from men?”

(1892.2) 173:2.5 And when his questioners heard this, they withdrew to one side to take counsel among themselves as to what answer they might give. They had thought to embarrass Jesus before the multitude, but now they found themselves much confused before all who were assembled at that time in the temple court. And their discomfiture was all the more apparent when they returned to Jesus, saying: “Concerning the baptism of John, we cannot answer; we do not know.” And they so answered the Master because they had reasoned among themselves: If we shall say from heaven, then will he say, Why did you not believe him, and perchance will add that he received his authority from John; and if we shall say from men, then might the multitude turn upon us, for most of them hold that John was a prophet; and so they were compelled to come before Jesus and the people confessing that they, the religious teachers and leaders of Israel, could not (or would not) express an opinion about John’s mission. And when they had spoken, Jesus, looking down upon them, said, “Neither will I tell you by what authority I do these things.”

(1892.3) 173:2.6 Jesus never intended to appeal to John for his authority; John had never been ordained by the Sanhedrin. Jesus’ authority was in himself and in his Father’s eternal supremacy.

(1892.4) 173:2.7 In employing this method of dealing with his adversaries, Jesus did not mean to dodge the question. At first it may seem that he was guilty of a masterly evasion, but it was not so. Jesus was never disposed to take unfair advantage of even his enemies. In this apparent evasion he really supplied all his hearers with the answer to the Pharisees’ question as to the authority behind his mission. They had asserted that he performed by authority of the prince of devils. Jesus had repeatedly asserted that all his teaching and works were by the power and authority of his Father in heaven. This the Jewish leaders refused to accept and were seeking to corner him into admitting that he was an irregular teacher since he had never been sanctioned by the Sanhedrin. In answering them as he did, while not claiming authority from John, he so satisfied the people with the inference that the effort of his enemies to ensnare him was effectively turned upon themselves and was much to their discredit in the eyes of all present.


New member
HHA HAA, - Well that depends on which ones. ( Every single so called "christian" ) has a totally different doctrine than even his own church brothers. -- I have to go by what is written for now in life, until I can be ( Proven Wrong ).

I have given these guys some of the MOST far fetched statements according to their doctrines, and they Still can't prove me wrong with their own said, accepted Word of God. -- Let me try a good one here, if you don't mind.

Christians cannot have any from of a division between them, they Must speak and teach the same thing pertaining to everything of God without exception. Now that doesn't mean that things must be stated the same way. We can teach the Truth in our own words, to give a better understanding of anything taught. - (( As long as it does not contradict with the Word of God in any "WAY" )). -- It is seen, that is the case with the teachings of the Four Gospels, there is much difference between them, but they are the same, and the four heard the very same Revelation.

I have NO Brothers at all in my carnal presence here. Thus, ( "Where there are 2 or 3 gathered together, in Christ's name, there Christ is also )". - There, - there's a problem with me as an earth visited "Church". -- Church means Group, and I am not a group, a group of carnal people, that is. -- However!! -- The Body of Christ is made up of many spirits of men made perfect. They are called Angels. Now then, that changes my existence here, - The flesh cannot be in the Body of Christ, therefore, I am not of the Body of flesh or of the World. -- The I, - the who I AM, is with spirits without number, as the stars of HEAVEN. ---- That makes the return of Christ in His spiritual Body, My Spiritual Body given me as an inheritance. Thus, I can say, (( I - HAVE RETURNED ))!!, and I have not found Faith on the earth.

Now let's see if any, at least of the so called "christians who are Not, (( Prove ME Wrong ))!! -- Is what I said not far, far out of their teaching, therefore if they are Christian, they could prove me wrong with the greatest of Ease. But I'll sleep with ease tonight.

Paul, David -- 081714

JUST as I Knew!! -- There is No One with the knowledge to even attempt to show anyone that I M wrong HERE. -- With You All's great and Wonderful KNOWLEDGE, all any one of you can do is ( sneak and hid in the Catacombs of Your False god's high place ).

All of you, you think the writings of your god, ( and they are as the stars of Heaven ) is THE WAY of the living creation. None of you have the slightest idea, how the Scriptures of the Bible are arranged to reveal in abundance, Life and Death in the Spiritual!! - There has NEVER BEEN a more concealing of all the Revelations of God than the Bible. ALL Knowledge IS Contained within, it / they ARE the witness, and revealing of CHRIST.

The Bible's - "Knowledge, Wisdom, and Understanding", - ((( IS - the Trinity of Jesus, Christ, and GOD ))). I AM - here to finish the evil. - There IS nothing more to be "Done" to try to pull any of you - Out of the FIRE you are already in. - You all "WILL" Know the moment you pass from that flesh, - then your "eye" will be opened "ALONE", and you "WILL" not see anything but the Fires of the TRUTH OF GOD. - (( Self Shame )) is the eternal torment in a ( TIME ) that has NO Movement, (( It will for ever be that Very First MONENT )) you Learn the Truth!! -- (( Extremely!!! "SHOCKING" )) as The "Quake" you all ~know ~of!!!

There is NO Carnal of any kind in Christ / GOD. All Carnal is who Satan IS, and that is a LIE, there is nothing BUT the Spirit of GOD. All you fools can just walk that road to the END, and you "WILL" Know you have - Already Fallen into the Bottomless PIT Blindly!!

Paul, David -- 081814

OOOHHH - What I AM saying is NEW???? - AAAHHHH (( "I Never heard of that stuff before" ))!!! -- ~"Like Jesus, ~he was a lying freak too, ~WE GOT Rid of HIM". -- ((( That's what you all say in your foolish "Heart" )))!!!



Well-known member

High stakes war my brother.

Not for our own souls only.

Well he should take is own Medicine because all the things he tries to stick on others comes from his own reflection, the only danger is to himself. The average christian cant even follow Freelights post or even care to, the big danger is imagined from a weak outlook of your own bloody spiritual deities ability. Proof is the big cry yet your side only presents the old party line be lie eve us because? na you have nothing but goose bumps and empty concern.


New member
Well he should take is own Medicine because all the things he tries to stick on others comes from his own reflection, the only danger is to himself. The average christian cant even follow Freelights post or even care to, the big danger is imagined from a weak outlook of your own bloody spiritual deities ability. Proof is the big cry yet your side only presents the old party line be lie eve us because? na you have nothing but goose bumps and empty concern.

Well, you Likely were speaking "Casually", in "Casual" terms, which can be dangerous to one's thought, or Idea.

SO, -- Christ is the average Christian, and all Christians are suppose to be Like Him, making the Body of HIM, all the Same, and EQUAL. -- (( Not of the Flesh ))!!!! Only in the Spirit can that be "DONE".

Paul, David -- 081814


Eclectic Theosophist
relative truth.......

relative truth.......

Well he should take is own Medicine because all the things he tries to stick on others comes from his own reflection, the only danger is to himself. The average christian cant even follow Freelights post or even care to, the big danger is imagined from a weak outlook of your own bloody spiritual deities ability. Proof is the big cry yet your side only presents the old party line be lie eve us because? na you have nothing but goose bumps and empty concern.

In the hall of mirrors there is a tendency for the mind to assume an enemy or war out there.....Hence the ego fortifies itself in apologetic or attack mode. These gestures only exist by virtue of the egoic reflex.

Truth can be discerned in any given allegorical context or conceptual it fiction or non-fiction. Labels are cosmetic.

Truth to an individual perspective is relative....if it is subject to any kind of conditioning or interpretation variables. Naturally so.


2:7.1 All finite knowledge and creature understanding are relative. Information and intelligence, gleaned from even high sources, is only relatively complete, locally accurate, and personally true.

2:7.2 Physical facts are fairly uniform, but truth is a living and flexible factor in the philosophy of the universe. Evolving personalities are only partially wise and relatively true in their communications. They can be certain only as far as their personal experience extends. That which apparently may be wholly true in one place may be only relatively true in another segment of creation.

2:7.3 Divine truth, final truth, is uniform and universal, but the story of things spiritual, as it is told by numerous individuals hailing from various spheres, may sometimes vary in details owing to this relativity in the completeness of knowledge and in the repleteness of personal experience as well as in the length and extent of that experience. While the laws and decrees, the thoughts and attitudes, of the First Great Source and Center are eternally, infinitely, and universally true; at the same time, their application to, and adjustment for, every universe, system, world, and created intelligence, are in accordance with the plans and technique of the Creator Sons as they function in their respective universes, as well as in harmony with the local plans and procedures of the Infinite Spirit and of all other associated celestial personalities.

- Divine truth and beauty



TOL Subscriber

High stakes war my brother.

Not for our own souls only.

And yet... some are willfully reprobate. This is the brewing cauldron of those.

If they knew the ontological Gospel of Jesus Christ as the Logos made flesh, they'd know there is no greater esoteric truth.

Instead, they've been diverted by the trapping of dead mainstream Christianity, and duped by their own egos to be their own gods.


Literal lunatic
JUST as I Knew!! -- There is No One with the knowledge to even attempt to show anyone that I M wrong HERE. -- With You All's great and Wonderful KNOWLEDGE, all any one of you can do is ( sneak and hid in the Catacombs of Your False god's high place ).

All of you, you think the writings of your god, ( and they are as the stars of Heaven ) is THE WAY of the living creation. None of you have the slightest idea, how the Scriptures of the Bible are arranged to reveal in abundance, Life and Death in the Spiritual!! - There has NEVER BEEN a more concealing of all the Revelations of God than the Bible. ALL Knowledge IS Contained within, it / they ARE the witness, and revealing of CHRIST.

The Bible's - "Knowledge, Wisdom, and Understanding", - ((( IS - the Trinity of Jesus, Christ, and GOD ))). I AM - here to finish the evil. - There IS nothing more to be "Done" to try to pull any of you - Out of the FIRE you are already in. - You all "WILL" Know the moment you pass from that flesh, - then your "eye" will be opened "ALONE", and you "WILL" not see anything but the Fires of the TRUTH OF GOD. - (( Self Shame )) is the eternal torment in a ( TIME ) that has NO Movement, (( It will for ever be that Very First MONENT )) you Learn the Truth!! -- (( Extremely!!! "SHOCKING" )) as The "Quake" you all ~know ~of!!!

There is NO Carnal of any kind in Christ / GOD. All Carnal is who Satan IS, and that is a LIE, there is nothing BUT the Spirit of GOD. All you fools can just walk that road to the END, and you "WILL" Know you have - Already Fallen into the Bottomless PIT Blindly!!

Paul, David -- 081814

OOOHHH - What I AM saying is NEW???? - AAAHHHH (( "I Never heard of that stuff before" ))!!! -- ~"Like Jesus, ~he was a lying freak too, ~WE GOT Rid of HIM". -- ((( That's what you all say in your foolish "Heart" )))!!!


Only help for you is a swift kick in the seat of yer pants.

Must be eatin' you alive, you cant call down a plague.



Literal lunatic
And yet... some are willfully reprobate. This is the brewing cauldron of those.

If they knew the ontological Gospel of Jesus Christ as the Logos made flesh, they'd know there is no greater esoteric truth.

Instead, they've been diverted by the trapping of dead mainstream Christianity, and duped by their own egos to be their own gods.



Literal lunatic
In the hall of mirrors there is a tendency for the mind to assume an enemy or war out there.....Hence the ego fortifies itself in apologetic or attack mode. These gestures only exist by virtue of the egoic reflex.

Truth can be discerned in any given allegorical context or conceptual it fiction or non-fiction. Labels are cosmetic.

Truth to an individual perspective is relative....if it is subject to any kind of conditioning or interpretation variables. Naturally so.


2:7.1 All finite knowledge and creature understanding are relative. Information and intelligence, gleaned from even high sources, is only relatively complete, locally accurate, and personally true.

2:7.2 Physical facts are fairly uniform, but truth is a living and flexible factor in the philosophy of the universe. Evolving personalities are only partially wise and relatively true in their communications. They can be certain only as far as their personal experience extends. That which apparently may be wholly true in one place may be only relatively true in another segment of creation.

2:7.3 Divine truth, final truth, is uniform and universal, but the story of things spiritual, as it is told by numerous individuals hailing from various spheres, may sometimes vary in details owing to this relativity in the completeness of knowledge and in the repleteness of personal experience as well as in the length and extent of that experience. While the laws and decrees, the thoughts and attitudes, of the First Great Source and Center are eternally, infinitely, and universally true; at the same time, their application to, and adjustment for, every universe, system, world, and created intelligence, are in accordance with the plans and technique of the Creator Sons as they function in their respective universes, as well as in harmony with the local plans and procedures of the Infinite Spirit and of all other associated celestial personalities.

- Divine truth and beauty


This is how sissies think.



New member
Only help for you is a swift kick in the seat of yer pants.

Must be eatin' you alive, you cant call down a plague.


OK!! -- Anybody!!!??? -- Anybody can Look at Post ((( #4994 ))) and See who has ( Apparent ) - the more True Christian post, Mine or Your sarcastic Nothing. - Any one who "Cannot", or "Will not" - tell the difference, and state the Truth of mind, - IS Liar!! -- Now lets just see how many "Honest - Christians" there are Here!!!

Come On, you what ever!! you call yourselves??? -- Come on, GM Ain't here!!

Paul, David -- 981814


Eclectic Theosophist
Paul's gospel

Paul's gospel

For you urantia folks, the urantia papers don't teach the Gospel of the Grace of God, and that's the only way to be saved. That's what the Apostle Paul taught, so the urantia papers left out the most important part - how to be Saved. You are lost also.

Paul has been researched here and elsewhere. It is quite clear he and Jesus taught 2 different gospels, while most traditional Christians assume this can be reconciled by assuming a dispensational stance. It's more complicated than that. There are plenty of scholarly books about the enigma of Paul beyond what any layperson can discover for himself. Intellectual honesty demands one thoroughly research anything before he assumes anything. Paul created his own religion or cult around a salvation myth about Jesus and his crucifixion within pagan-gnostic terms, allegory and esoterics.

Questioning Paul

Couldn't resist Robert M. Price's spin on the above ;)

The UB would disagree with the concept of Jesus teaching a restoration of traditional-orthodox Judaism since he came to bring a universal message for all peoples concerning the kingdom of heaven based on the Fatherhood of God and brotherhood of man. A choosing of a more traditional path is ok as long as the universal truth and principles of the kingdom-message are maintained and integrated therein. Jesus entered the Jewish culture and used its structural frame and belief-system as a springboard for his universal message which included all God's children.

There are 68 references to Paul in the UB here

Last edited:


Literal lunatic
OK!! -- Anybody!!!??? -- Anybody can Look at Post ((( #4994 ))) and See who has ( Apparent ) - the more True Christian post, Mine or Your sarcastic Nothing. - Any one who "Cannot", or "Will not" - tell the difference, and state the Truth of mind, - IS Liar!! -- Now lets just see how many "Honest - Christians" there are Here!!!

Come On, you what ever!! you call yourselves??? -- Come on, GM Ain't here!!

Paul, David -- 981814

You cant see the forest for the trees.

You're just another version of GM. :doh:


Literal lunatic
Paul has been researched here and elsewhere. It is quite clear he and Jesus taught 2 different gospels, while most traditional Christians assume this can be reconciled by assuming a dispensational stance. It's more complicated than that. There are plenty of scholarly books about the enigma of Paul beyond what any layperson can discover for himself. Intellectual honesty demands one thoroughly research anything before he assumes anything. Paul created his own religion or cult around a salvation myth about Jesus and his crucifixion within pagan-gnostic terms, allegory and esoterics.


Paul taught the same gospel Jesus taught.

Far as that brown spot on your nose goes, in trying to suck up to Dispies..............

Two wrongs dont make a right, no matter how many scholars say it does. :jawdrop:
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