The Late Great Urantia Revelation

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Eclectic Theosophist
Simple message of love and service......

Simple message of love and service......

thank you freelight. It seems like you are going into science field which I have no knowledge of. It is beyond me.

I am just happy to know Jesus' simple and basic principle of love.

I will know when I meet Jesus all about complicated stuff.

good luck on educating truth seekers.

Jesus' servant, Hitomi

I understand meshak,...since I get a pretty good sense of where posters are coming from, as we are each at different levels or stages of intellectual and spiritual growth, or theological interests. The UB can be seem to be a bit complex/complicated to some in its terms and cosmology. The teachings of Jesus in Part 4 are based on the divine and eternal principles of love, mercy, respect, they unveil the truth of the kingdom. The gospel rests upon the foundation of 'The Fatherhood of God and Brotherhood of Man'. It is the primary theme. It is a 'social gospel', expressed in love and service to others. It is a gospel of faith, spiritual regeneration and divine guidance.

The papers describe the new gospel understanding as a 'Jesusonian' gospel -

94:4.10 Today, in India, the great need is for the portrayal of the Jesusonian gospel —the Fatherhood of God and the sonship and consequent brotherhood of all men, which is personally realized in loving ministry and social service.

Its the same essential gospel revealed in the NT, but in a 'Jesusonian' fashion. We see new 'terms' being introduced.

Jesus on the Kingdom of heaven.



Eclectic Theosophist
Having some respect......

Having some respect......

Come on now.... let them have their thread.

Please folks... I don't want to babysit.

Thanks Knight,

I've been very charitable in trying to keep a constructive dialogue with some here, and only put anyone on 'ignore' as a last resort, after attempts at dialogue have been exhausted and respect diminished. There is no exuse for GM's constant trolling, and he ought to be reprimanded for such. I'm always glad to discuss things in the spirit of open exploration and free-thinking. The unfortunate thing is that the trollers force their being put on ignore, which forfeits potential interesting and stimulating discussion, so they put a double bind in effect which frustrates the true purpose of the forum.



I identify as a Christian
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Hall of Fame
Grosnick, you need to move on. Leave the threads alone that don't interest you.


Well-known member
You need to know Jesus' simple teachings before you ostracize anyone.

You guys are not qualified to teach anyone because you dishonor Jesus' teachings and commands.

So, rather than be instructed by those who know and love the Word of God, you turn to those who pervert it with teachings from familiar spirits.


And your time has come and gone....yet, still you drip your little spittle on every thread. Go join the Army and earn your keep, little dudette.

suit yourself slandering His servant and claiming to be true and saved and don't even honor Jesus' teachings.

You guys are hilarious.


So, rather than be instructed by those who know and love the Word of God, you turn to those who pervert it with teachings from familiar spirits.

what is showing is your perverted faith with rotten fruit. You don't take heed of Jesus' word. Your comments are just empty and lip service.


Eclectic Theosophist


about time.


Its amazing some will go on a path of self-inflammation to the point of 'blow-out' or 'break-down', which shows something else is going on on a deeper level psychologically, which reflects in their religious views, opinions, beliefs and manners.

There are greater more harmful issues and under-currents going on in the world than the UB, which has no ill-will, intent or effect upon any open mind that happens to find the values, principles and meanings within it, to be good, positive and life-enhancing. There are dozens of other books as well that may be helpful to truth-seekers, the Bible included of course.

In the 'Religion' forum, any subject concerning religion may be discussed, it being only rightful and appropriate that a poster first learn the subject in order to intelligently discuss it. That's a basic prerequisite, instead of hurling assumptions, accusations, preconceptions and the like. Having a religious bias is fine, but by golly have some respect to learn the subject, all perspectives, so you can take full advantage of a fruitful dialogue.

Is a little sanity asking for too much?



Well-known member
what is showing is your perverted faith with rotten fruit. You don't take heed of Jesus' word. Your comments are just empty and lip service.

The LORD Jesus' words:

Mat 24:4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.
Mat 24:5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
Mat 24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

Take heed!


Well-known member
Thanks Knight,

I've been very charitable in trying to keep a constructive dialogue with some here, and only put anyone on 'ignore' as a last resort, after attempts at dialogue have been exhausted and respect diminished. There is no exuse for GM's constant trolling, and he ought to be reprimanded for such. I'm always glad to discuss things in the spirit of open exploration and free-thinking. The unfortunate thing is that the trollers force their being put on ignore, which forfeits potential interesting and stimulating discussion, so they put a double bind in effect which frustrates the true purpose of the forum.


Yeah, never mind the fact that believers are to stand against those who preach a false gospel. If you want to admit you're a cult....a worldly religion that has nothing to do with Christianity, then I doubt anyone would care what you say. The problem is, you don't.

I suppose that doesn't interest or stimulate you, though, does it? Too boring, right? Shucks, can't please everyone, can we? :turbo:


The LORD Jesus' words:

Mat 24:4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.
Mat 24:5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
Mat 24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

Take heed!

the problem is that you don't realize you are the deceiver, friend.

That's why Jesus says we know them by their fruit. Take a look at you mainstreamers' conduct, fruit. It is not of Jesus.
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