With the evolution of the religion of Judaism
Fairy tale.
the concept of sin and forgiveness became overly complicated and confusing.
How so?
You keep making these blanket statements, but never really give any details.
The institution of Judaism,
"Institution of Judaism"?
To what, exactly, are you referring to?
its applied
613 commandments , blood sacrifices etc was burdensome for the average person.
The commandments are, in fact, a burden. Something that is mentioned by Paul... Yet not by any Hebrew... There's a reason why, but you, someone hostile to the Truth, wouldn't understand it.
Jesus clarified and simplified the issue of sin, salvation and forgiveness,
In what way?
even elevating the believer to being a son of God.
No elevation at all.
Simply adoption.
Rather than annual days of atonement, endless festivals, compulsive rituals and traditions, we are to do Gods will each day and in every part of life.
Well, no. Jesus taught to keep the greater commandments and the least.
After Jesus left, Christianity theorized
"Christianity" didn't exist until about a year after Jesus "left."
Between His ascension and Paul's conversion on the road to Damascus (when he became the first in the Body of Christ), the Twelve Disciples continued to teach what Christ told them to teach.
Your fairy tale, already in tatters, doesn't hold water.
that Jesus had offered himself as a final sin sacrifice,
You mean something that had been mentioned by Moses in Genesis, and by other authors throughout the Old Testament through symbolism?
something Jesus never taught which was a contamination from older beliefs in Judaism.
Like Judaism drifted away from the original teachings of Melchizedek, Christianity managed to drift away and overcomplicate the Gospel of The Kingdom of Heaven.
Again, False.
Radiometric dating reveals the earth to be 4 + billion years old.
Well, no, that's wrong in two ways: Radiometric dating is 1)
interpreted to show that the earth is over 2) 13 billion years old (and that estimated number keeps shrinking).
The dating techniques can be cross referenced and compared with meteorites
Nope. The meteorites are simply returning to the earth after being ejected during the flood.
and light speed/distance etc.
The "speed of light" problem has been addressed. While we don't have a definitive answer, we do have a very good theory that fits the evidence and the Bible.
There wouldn't be an issue if you didn't have to compare it with religious claims.
The belief that the earth and universe is old is a religious belief.
You yourself hold it.
Like when non religious scientist work together there is a consensus on decay rates.
Consensus means nothing when it comes to whether something is true or not, because the consensus could be wrong.
Nuclear reactors depend upon these conclusions.
Saying it doesn't make it so.
Only when dealing with religious people
You mean people like yourself?
do wildly inaccurate claims come into play.
Very true. Especially when it comes to a religious hatred of God and His word.
Well yea, if you believe the flood story then you would believe that decay rates are all a conspiracy by science to discredit religion.
I believe the Flood happened because it did, in fact, happen.
The fact that scientists who reject God interpret evidence to try to show they don't need a God for the existence of the universe is a separate matter.
In this case the motivation behind fact denial
No one here besides you is denying facts.
We don't worship the Bible.
We worship God.
is to force the material world
The world is FAR from simply material.
to fit the narrative written by the Hebrew authors of the scripture.
Reality is reality, Caino.
Reality is that God created the universe and everything in it in 6 (literal) days. Reality is that God exists.
You and people who reject God inherently reject reality.
Its a false hope that some day your belief about a young earth will be validated. It never will.
It already has been.
All you need to do is look at the
God doesn't need correcting,
So then why are you and the UB trying to correct him?
Because you say so?
Can He write a book?
And if so, why didn't He?
Believers write and rewrite books.
So what?
God was the Author of the Bible. The men He used to write it were His pens.