Eclectic Theosophist
You're welcome,'re free to research all of my posts,...for me its mostly about 'creative dialogue' and 'expansion of consciousness'
We repeat,...the papers came about thru a means that is unique and mysterious (beyond what has been revealed),....all 'revelation' or 'messages' must come thru a human 'medium'. (and don't get mislead by our use of 'terms' - just understand what the word is conveying,....don't jump to conclusions). - All religious writings, no matter what level their 'inspiration' or 'genuineness' (it will vary thru human instruments and what 'rapport' is attained)...are 'channeled' more or less. Again we can quibble over words,...and I personally have no problem with the term 'channel' or 'medium', there's no reason to fear it...or any other religious misconception.
You are free to educate yourself properly on this particular epochal revelation (if not, you're fee to leave it, but do yourself the dignity first to discover what it truly teaches and what it truly is by honest research/study), since the text and all educational resources are available if you would come to know the fundamental theology here. A reading of the first dozen papers is sufficient to lay down the foundation on 'God', the cosmos, God's relationship with all others, including the divine personalities with-in the Paradise Trinity, and so much more. Since there are 196 papers,..thats a lot of information.
There is no 'fear' in love, and the UB is a revelation of our Heavenly Father's LOVE....and charts for us the wonderful journey of the soul's evolution and progress in this world and in the 'worlds' to come.
Thank you for your reply. However, once again without reading anything but your post, you said no to channeling, then describe the method which is clearly a form of channeling, whether awake or asleep, it does not matter to the entities. RUN for your life, would be my considered advice, as something that resembles this :angrymob: is after you.
You're welcome,'re free to research all of my posts,...for me its mostly about 'creative dialogue' and 'expansion of consciousness'
We repeat,...the papers came about thru a means that is unique and mysterious (beyond what has been revealed),....all 'revelation' or 'messages' must come thru a human 'medium'. (and don't get mislead by our use of 'terms' - just understand what the word is conveying,....don't jump to conclusions). - All religious writings, no matter what level their 'inspiration' or 'genuineness' (it will vary thru human instruments and what 'rapport' is attained)...are 'channeled' more or less. Again we can quibble over words,...and I personally have no problem with the term 'channel' or 'medium', there's no reason to fear it...or any other religious misconception.
You are free to educate yourself properly on this particular epochal revelation (if not, you're fee to leave it, but do yourself the dignity first to discover what it truly teaches and what it truly is by honest research/study), since the text and all educational resources are available if you would come to know the fundamental theology here. A reading of the first dozen papers is sufficient to lay down the foundation on 'God', the cosmos, God's relationship with all others, including the divine personalities with-in the Paradise Trinity, and so much more. Since there are 196 papers,..thats a lot of information.
There is no 'fear' in love, and the UB is a revelation of our Heavenly Father's LOVE....and charts for us the wonderful journey of the soul's evolution and progress in this world and in the 'worlds' to come.