The Late Great Urantia Revelation

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By what criteria might we find authoritative documents? The book that we call the Bible has many validations of which the UB has none.

The spirit of truth bears witness to itself.

I agree that the bible has many profound truths within it, it has some historical truth as well.

The UB does have validations, but you have not read the UB nor enquirer as to its validation on spiritual or scientific levels.


Not really, a little research outside the company stores reveals the biased assertions have no solid foundation, neither book can claim historical proof.

Not true, there have been historical proofs discovered that validate the UB.


Eclectic Theosophist
Jesus own teaching.........

Jesus own teaching.........

Paul is an Apostle of Jesus' gospel, the same gospel Jesus preached while on earth. The same gospel that John the baptizer proclaimed about Jesus while on earth.

Your generalized assumption doesn't hold...since Paul taught his own gospel given to him by personal revelation, his apostleship being his own claim.


Research on Paul

You'll be hard pressed to show evidence that John the baptist preached the same gospel as Paul. Not to split hairs here, but John prepared the way for Jesus by preaching the gospel of repentance, which is the same essential message of Jesus and his apostles (" go and say 'repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand'"). This good news includes repentance and faith in the kingdom of heaven as fundamental.

Paul's curse only applies to enemies to his gospel-message in his own mind, but not to those who hold to Jesus teaching. You're failing to see a difference with Jesus and Pauls message. If you've followed this thread, you'd know these distinctions.

The gospel of Jesus in the UB is clearly expounded and clarified accentuating the records in the gospels here. (Read and learn)

Educate yourself on the teaching if you want to engage a discussion on the actual subject, its idea, principle, ethic, meaning, etc.



Eclectic Theosophist
Think for yourself.........

Think for yourself.........

The gospel of Jesus Christ came from those during the laying of the foundation of the gospel. The UB book did not come from a Jew during the laying of the foundation. The UB book came from celestial beings.

God is no respecter of persons (Jewish or otherwise). Being our Universal Father I doubt hes a racist....although race and genetic variations have their place in the unfolding evolution of humanity each having a special place in creation. (see our previous link on 'eugenics').

Re: celestial beings

Did you know the law and many revelations were given thru angels in the bible, and that an angel or angels shall proclaim the everlasting gospel in the latter days? (See Revelation). Are angels celestial messengers? Did not angelic beings lead and guide God's people thru-out history? Is there any reason to believe that the ministry of angels has ceased? Is the any reason to believe that progressive revelation has ceased?



Eclectic Theosophist
So our only hope is conjecture and luck? :dog:

Ive addressed your concerns on this page here and elswhere.

Its not the packaging, its the content that matters. The principles, truths, precepts, morals, ethic, ideals and concepts in a religious book stand on their own value and merit. Review previous commentary. What matters is the spiritual value and eternal truth of something.

Do you worship God or a book?


God's Truth

New member
Do what Jesus says in the New Testament of the book called the Holy Bible.

Then you will find out.

Luke 9:50

49John answered and said, "Master, we saw someone casting out demons in Your name; and we tried to prevent him because he does not follow along with us." 50But Jesus said to him, "Do not hinder him; for he who is not against you is for you."

Ok, Im ready to talk to you about the new revelation.

That scripture is about a man from Israel, who was casting out demons in the name of Jesus, Jesus who is from Israel. John said the man did not follow along with them. That means that the man did not live with the disciples and travel with them. It does not mean the man cast out demons in the name of Jesus from another book.

The book that the Jews studied from was the Old Testament. All the Old Testament was about Jesus. The old law was about Jesus. The old law that said to circumcise, to adhere to a dietary law, to observe special days, to do various external washings, and to sacrifice animals was in the Old Testament. Jesus’ life and death was prophesied about in that book, the Old Testament.

Your book is another gospel about Jesus. It even goes against Jesus dying for the sins of the world. Your book goes against the prophecies of the Old Testament.

God's Truth

New member
Salvation comes from God, the Jews lost their way. Jesus said they hated him and therefore hated his Father also.

Not all Jews hated Jesus.

Just as not all Americans hate Jesus.

Just as not all English, Irish, German, Spanish, etc., that hate Jesus.

The Jews did not lose their way.

The old law was not based on faith, it was based on to whom they were blood related.

When Jesus came to earth and started his earthly ministry the Jews who did not have faith in God were cut off and hardened, so they could not hear Jesus and be saved.

They can be grafted back in if they do not persist in unbelief.

Salvation is from the Jews because the root are those God loved...Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

John 4:22 You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews.

God's Truth

New member
I can appreciate your concern and the sincerity of what you are trying to convey, but you do realize that Ecclesiastes was written before the 27 additional books of the New Testament were added to the OT right????

Just not sure you thought that out very well.

What you said does not change what is said in Ecclesiastes at all.

God's Truth

New member
That's the theory of bible book worship, but it's not true. It limits any further revelation that Gid has for man. More has been revealed in the wonderful Urantia Book.

That is what the Mormons say.

You have to believe and obey the Holy Bible, or else it never ends with the different stories.

God's Truth

New member
Your generalized assumption doesn't hold...since Paul taught his own gospel given to him by personal revelation, his apostleship being his own claim.


Research on Paul

You'll be hard pressed to show evidence that John the baptist preached the same gospel as Paul. Not to split hairs here, but John prepared the way for Jesus by preaching the gospel of repentance, which is the same essential message of Jesus and his apostles (" go and say 'repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand'"). This good news includes repentance and faith in the kingdom of heaven as fundamental.

Paul's curse only applies to enemies to his gospel-message in his own mind, but not to those who hold to Jesus teaching. You're failing to see a difference with Jesus and Pauls message. If you've followed this thread, you'd know these distinctions.

The gospel of Jesus in the UB is clearly expounded and clarified accentuating the records in the gospels here. (Read and learn)

Educate yourself on the teaching if you want to engage a discussion on the actual subject, its idea, principle, ethic, meaning, etc.


You would be humorous, except that you are too pathetic.

You are the one who does not understand.

Paul taught repentance too, just as John the baptizer did.

There is only one gospel.

Read these two scriptures. These two scriptures prove that Paul taught repentance.

Acts 20:21 I have declared to both Jews and Greeks that they must turn to God in repentance and have faith in our Lord Jesus.

Acts 26:20 First to those in Damascus, then to those in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and to the Gentiles also, I preached that they should repent and turn to God and prove their repentance by their deeds.

Paul was sent to the Gentiles AND THE JEWS.

However, the Jews who wanted to believe in Jesus they thought Paul was just trying to trick them so he could have them put in prison, have them beat, and put to death, because Paul had put the Christian Jews in prison before he himself became a Christian.

Acts 22:19 “‘Lord,’ I replied, ‘these people know that I went from one synagogue to another to imprison and beat those who believe in you. 20 And when the blood of your martyr[a] Stephen was shed, I stood there giving my approval and guarding the clothes of those who were killing him.’

21 “Then the Lord said to me, ‘Go; I will send you far away to the Gentiles.’ ”

God's Truth

New member
God is no respecter of persons (Jewish or otherwise). Being our Universal Father I doubt hes a racist....although race and genetic variations have their place in the unfolding evolution of humanity each having a special place in creation. (see our previous link on 'eugenics').

Salvation is from the Jews.

That is what Jesus said.

The Jews were chosen because they were blood related to those that God loved and to whom God made promises.

Re: celestial beings

Did you know the law and many revelations were given thru angels in the bible, and that an angel or angels shall proclaim the everlasting gospel in the latter days? (See Revelation).

The gospel has already been being proclaimed.

Are angels celestial messengers? Did not angelic beings lead and guide God's people thru-out history? Is there any reason to believe that the ministry of angels has ceased? Is the any reason to believe that progressive revelation has ceased?


Your celestial messengers are PREACHING ANOTHER GOSPEL.

They are accursed.

There is only one gospel.
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