The Late Great Urantia Revelation

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Jesus (Christ Michael) is the Son of God, a creator Son. He is unified with the Father. Yes, to all intents and purposes, Jesus is God to us.

We must go through the Son to know the Father.


is Jesus the only Son of God?


is Jesus the only Son of God?

Difficult to answer without a long explanation but I will vastly simplify.

* Christ Michael is our creator brother, he created our particular universe place and the life which inhabits it. The UB teaches that there are 10,000,000 inhabited worlds under Michaels creatorship, administration and sovereign rule.

Under the rule of our creator son is a series of descending sons with varying degrees of divinity, such as Lucifer, Satan and the "Prince of this world". These deposed and discredited sons of God violated their sacred trust, rebelled against the rule of the Father in the person of the son and lead a disastrous rebellion against the rule of Michael. "there was war in heaven" ideological war.

Jesus or Christ Michael was called the only begotten son because each creator son is a unique personification.

There are many other creator sons who have their own co-creations and their own worlds. The UB teaches that we live in a VAST universe containing 7 trillion inhabited worlds.


In the UB the Trinity is the creator of the creator sons. Jesus therefore was not the second person of the Trinity, he is a son of or creation of the Trinity.

There are many other divine beings, all unified with the Father.



Eclectic Theosophist
Christ Micheal of Nebadon...........

Christ Micheal of Nebadon...........


In the UB the Trinity is the creator of the creator sons. Jesus therefore was not the second person of the Trinity, he is a son of or creation of the Trinity.

There are many other divine beings, all unified with the Father.


This is an important distinction which the Papers reveal, for Jesus is not the 'Eternal Son' within the Original Trinity, but of the descending order of Creator Sons(known as 'Michaels') emenating from the One Eternal Son of The Trinity of trinities. Jesus being a 'Creator Son' is our local universe 'Father' as far as our relationship to him as Creator, father, brother, friend, Sovereign Lord, Universe concerned (Jesus has many titles). Remember though, that behind Jesus in the divine Heirarchy, is ever the Supreme Trinity, who is original and ancestral to all that exists, including the higher deity sons of God who descend in order from the purest light of divinity.

Of course those interested can read the Papers for themselves to learn more. We've shared recommendations on where to start. The choice is yours.

Intro. to the Urantia Papers



Eclectic Theosophist
expanding one's 'frame of reference'........

expanding one's 'frame of reference'........

The Urantia Book

Paper 119


The Creator Sons go thru 7 incarnational bestowals as experiencing life in mortal form (among various planets of their creation) before gaining their sovereign rulership over their universe. The Papers honor and teach the divine mystery of the Incarnation and uphold both the divinity and humanity of Jesus, yet from its own greater cosmic perspective and significance. Yes, Jesus is 'God' to us, and rightly far as we are concerned in this local universe creation, ...although his divinity is also re-presenting those divine powers and personality that are ancestral to him in the divine personalities of the Supreme Trinity. The Papers give one a 'bigger picture'.

Adjusting scope...........



Thanks freelight,

Your explanation is an excellent portrayal of the teachings of the papers. I must confess that at times i feel less then enthusiastic about trying to explain these things as Christians without fail reject the notion that Jesus is not the second person of the Trinity.

It marked a tremendous millstone when former Jewish monotheist converted to Christianity and were willing to say "ok, there's one God and ONE Son"! We cant handle any more revelations about other unified Gods or sons.



"Always keep in mind: true religion is to know God as your Father and man as your brother. Religion is not a slavish belief in threats of punishment or magical promises of future mystical rewards."UB



New member
Game show hosted by Stephen Fry. It deals in reality, not fantasy stories mixed up with plagiarised pre-1950 science.



Game show hosted by Stephen Fry. It deals in reality, not fantasy stories mixed up with plagiarised pre-1950 science.


The Urantia Book made scientific statements pre 1950 which were at odds with the science at that time. Some of those statements have now been proven true, facts which could not have been known or were not yet proven at the time.

The UB has not plagiarized anything, rather, Stuu is grasping at straws, swatting at gnats but swallowing camels.

There has never, ever, anywhere on this earth, been ONE case brought against Urantia Foundation by any author or their descendants concerning plagiarism. In many cases, the parallel sentences or paragraphs used by the celestials were edited to give the correct meaning intended.

Source material:



0:12.10 In formulating the succeeding presentations having to do with the portrayal of the character of the Universal Father and the nature of his Paradise associates, together with an attempted description of the perfect central universe and the encircling seven superuniverses, we are to be guided by the mandate of the superuniverse rulers which directs that we shall, in all our efforts to reveal truth and co-ordinate essential knowledge, give preference to the highest existing human concepts pertaining to the subjects to be presented. We may resort to pure revelation only when the concept of presentation has had no adequate previous expression by the human mind.

0:12.11 Successive planetary revelations of divine truth invariably embrace the highest existing concepts of spiritual values as a part of the new and enhanced co-ordination of planetary knowledge. Accordingly, in making these presentations about God and his universe associates, we have selected as the basis of these papers more than one thousand human concepts representing the highest and most advanced planetary knowledge of spiritual values and universe meanings. Wherein these human concepts, assembled from the God-knowing mortals of the past and the present, are inadequate to portray the truth as we are directed to reveal it, we will unhesitatingly supplement them, for this purpose drawing upon our own superior knowledge of the reality and divinity of the Paradise Deities and their transcendent residential universe.

0:12.12 We are fully cognizant of the difficulties of our assignment; we recognize the impossibility of fully translating the language of the concepts of divinity and eternity into the symbols of the language of the finite concepts of the mortal mind. But we know that there dwells within the human mind a fragment of God, and that there sojourns with the human soul the Spirit of Truth; and we further know that these spirit forces conspire to enable material man to grasp the reality of spiritual values and to comprehend the philosophy of universe meanings. But even more certainly we know that these spirits of the Divine Presence are able to assist man in the spiritual appropriation of all truth contributory to the enhancement of the ever-progressing reality of personal religious experience—God-consciousness.

0:12.13 [Indited by an Orvonton Divine Counselor, chief of the corps of superuniverse personalities assigned to portray on Urantia the truth concerning the Paradise Deities and the universe of universes.]



Eclectic Theosophist
lets review :)

lets review :)

Game show hosted by Stephen Fry. It deals in reality, not fantasy stories mixed up with plagiarised pre-1950 science.


We've addressed the plagarism issue HERE.

Matthew Block has done much research in discovering the human sources of knowledge that the revelators used in addition to adding new insight and revelation where appropriate.

Some human sources for the Urantia Book

As the revelators admit, some human sources were used naturally as such being part of the present body of planetary knowledge at that time. However, much of what is shared in the UB is new or original. Most who appreciate the UB and recognize these matters(and other controversies) will dismiss your aspersions. :p



Thanks for your input freelight. We may also point out the reasoning for the revelators use of our linguistic forms, they speak a far different language then we do, were they to have used their own language structure then much would have been lost. They stated that they dramatically dumbed down the new concepts presented but went on to say that they had faith in the spirit which indwells man to be able to form the thoughts, meanings and values which they were attempting to communicate to us.



Eclectic Theosophist
cosmos revelations........

cosmos revelations........

Thanks for your input freelight. We may also point out the reasoning for the revelators use of our linguistic forms, they speak a far different language then we do, were they to have used their own language structure then much would have been lost. They stated that they dramatically dumbed down the new concepts presented but went on to say that they had faith in the spirit which indwells man to be able to form the thoughts, meanings and values which they were attempting to communicate to us.



I think its peculiar that so many appear to feel 'safe' or 'secure' by vesting themselves in a certain denomination, theology, cult-ure, mentality, 'ism'...which bars them from being open to freely investigate other perspectives, schools, the spirit of discovery, exploration and intention to learn more, expand consciousness.

As Paul agrees, "examine(test) all things, hold fast to that which is good". Many religious writings of various traditions and cultures yield positive teachings, spiritual wisdom, and intellectual insights...profitable on varying levels of application and context. The Papers are wonderful in and of themselves, within their own philosophical and cosmic-context, which of course is interpreted within that 'context' of the Revelation as a whole (epochal perspective/significance). I enjoy gleaning certain portions or refer back to see what the Papers say about a certain subject, just as I draw from other writings as well. The Universe discloses its own nature, directives, potentials and possibilities, which come to us thru the natural course of 'evolution' as well as special dispensations of 'revelation'.

To the Bright and Morning Star,



New member
What a cozy mutual admiration society this is. You insult intelligent people everywhere by countering valid accusations of plagiarism with fatuous quotes attributed to imaginary beings. Are you both four years old??

The science it did get right it stole without credit to the scientists who did the actual work, and the much of it is just plain wrong because the science of the 1950s is not necessarily current. Obviously.

I suggest the two of you grow at least one conscience between you and stop spewing your lame nonsense over the one area of human endeavour that has benefited you the most of any.

Or else give back your car keys and antibiotics.



What a cozy mutual admiration society this is. You insult intelligent people everywhere by countering valid accusations of plagiarism with fatuous quotes attributed to imaginary beings. Are you both four years old??

The science it did get right it stole without credit to the scientists who did the actual work, and the much of it is just plain wrong because the science of the 1950s is not necessarily current. Obviously.

I suggest the two of you grow at least one conscience between you and stop spewing you're lame nonsense over the one area of human endeavour that has benefited you the most of any.

Or else give back your car keys and antibiotics.



I've provided a long sampling of the source parallels. Anyone with any intellectual honesty can see that there is no more plagiarism then one writing a book report on a book they read; similar terms and word groupings would be expected. That’s not plagiarism. And if you feel that it is then be the first to bring a law suit. No one else has.

Several examples of scientific validation have been given to you but your to angry and proud to concede.

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Qi as "the holy spirit"


8:5.1 "The outstanding attribute of the Infinite Spirit is omnipresence. Throughout all the universe of universes there is everywhere present this all-pervading spirit, which is so akin to the presence of a universal and divine mind. Both the Second Person and the Third Person of Deity are represented on all worlds by their ever-present spirits.

8:5.2 The Father is infinite and is therefore limited only by volition. In the bestowal of Adjusters and in the encircuitment of personality, the Father acts alone, but in the contact of spirit forces with intelligent beings, he utilizes the spirits and personalities of the Eternal Son and the Infinite Spirit. He is at will spiritually present equally with the Son or with the Conjoint Actor; he is present with the Son and in the Spirit. The Father is most certainly everywhere present, and we discern his presence by and through any and all of these diverse but associated forces, influences, and presences.

8:5.3 In your sacred writings the term Spirit of God seems to be used interchangeably to designate both the Infinite Spirit on Paradise and the Creative Spirit of your local universe. The Holy Spirit is the spiritual circuit of this Creative Daughter of the Paradise Infinite Spirit. The Holy Spirit is a circuit indigenous to each local universe and is confined to the spiritual realm of that creation; but the Infinite Spirit is omnipresent.

8:5.4 There are many spiritual influences, and they are all as one. Even the work of the Thought Adjusters, though independent of all other influences, unvaryingly coincides with the spirit ministry of the combined influences of the Infinite Spirit and a local universe Mother Spirit. As these spiritual presences operate in the lives of Urantians, they cannot be segregated. In your minds and upon your souls they function as one spirit, notwithstanding their diverse origins. And as this united spiritual ministration is experienced, it becomes to you the influence of the Supreme, "who is ever able to keep you from failing and to present you blameless before your Father on high."

8:5.5 Ever remember that the Infinite Spirit is the Conjoint Actor; both the Father and the Son are functioning in and through him; he is present not only as himself but also as the Father and as the Son and as the Father-Son. In recognition of this and for many additional reasons the spirit presence of the Infinite Spirit is often referred to as "the spirit of God."

8:5.6 It would also be consistent to refer to the liaison of all spiritual ministry as the spirit of God, for such a liaison is truly the union of the spirits of God the Father, God the Son, God the Spirit, and God the Sevenfold—even the spirit of God the Supreme".



The Urantia Book

Paper 62


ABOUT ONE MILLION years ago the immediate ancestors of mankind made their appearance by three successive and sudden mutations stemming from early stock of the lemur type of placental mammal. The dominant factors of these early lemurs were derived from the western or later American group of the evolving life plasm. But before establishing the direct line of human ancestry, this strain was reinforced by contributions from the central life implantation evolved in Africa. The eastern life group contributed little or nothing to the actual production of the human species.


62:1.1 The early lemurs concerned in the ancestry of the human species were not directly related to the pre-existent tribes of gibbons and apes then living in Eurasia and northern Africa, whose progeny have survived to the present time. Neither were they the offspring of the modern type of lemur, though springing from an ancestor common to both but long since extinct.

62:1.2 While these early lemurs evolved in the Western Hemisphere, the establishment of the direct mammalian ancestry of mankind took place in southwestern Asia, in the original area of the central life implantation but on the borders of the eastern regions. Several million years ago the North American type lemurs had migrated westward over the Bering land bridge and had slowly made their way southwestward along the Asiatic coast. These migrating tribes finally reached the salubrious region lying between the then expanded Mediterranean Sea and the elevating mountainous regions of the Indian peninsula. In these lands to the west of India they united with other and favorable strains, thus establishing the ancestry of the human race.

62:1.3 With the passing of time the seacoast of India southwest of the mountains gradually submerged, completely isolating the life of this region. There was no avenue of approach to, or escape from, this Mesopotamian or Persian peninsula except to the north, and that was repeatedly cut off by the southern invasions of the glaciers. And it was in this then almost paradisiacal area, and from the superior descendants of this lemur type of mammal, that there sprang two great groups, the simian tribes of modern times and the present-day human species.



New member

I've provided a long sampling of the source parallels. Anyone with any intellectual honesty can see that there is no more plagiarism then one writing a book report on a book they read; similar terms and word groupings would be expected. That’s not plagiarism. And if you feel that it is then be the first to bring a law suit. No one else has.

Several examples of scientific validation have been given to you but your to angry and proud to concede.

Show me one example from your arrogant and thieving book where an established scientific principle is attributed to the scientist who discovered or developed it. Just to get you started, I can tell you that the names of the three most significant contributors of the past two centuries in each of physics, chemistry and biology, Einstein, Rutherford and Darwin, do not appear anywhere in it.

It arrogantly and thievingly fails to attribute their their brilliant work to them, and insults the risks they took in the pursuit of knowledge that benefits us all.

That reflects poorly on the character of every person who quotes it.

Shall I lift paragraphs from your posts and attribute them to the Sesame Street Cookie Monster?

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