You admitted satanist, as members of the boc assert that we are saved by the resurrected life of the Saviour, not His keeping the law in our stead, as a basis for our justification, as you satanically assert, on record, including you asserting that water baptism is vicariously imputed to us, and it justifies us.
All that Jesus is and all that Jesus did was for our justification and our salvation.
If you don't believe that you may not be saved.
Pate: This "Jesus," whom I hate, was water baptized for me, slept for me, ate for me, walked on water for me......................and that justifies us!!!!!!!!!!!!
You satanic demon, as this part of "all" that you assert, the keeping of the law, was not kept by Him, to "prove" that He was righteous, as He is righteous, apart from the law, because He is God, and He kept the law, to be qualified to be the satisfactory sacrifice, the lamb w/o spot/blemish, not so that His law keeping could be imputed to us, as you satanically assert, thus asserting that law keeping justifies. it's called the doctrine of propitiation, you demonic moron.
Pate: This "Jesus" is righteous, because He kept the law, not because He is God.
You satanic wolf.
Get off this site.