Paul didn't break any law for the temple.
You are correct. He claims the same multiple times at his trials...
What were the charges the Jews accussed Paul with...the same you claim actually...the irony
Verse 28 “men of Israel help this is the man who teaches all men everywhere against the people the law and this place...”
Verse 31 “they were seeking to kill him...” you know, for what you too accuse him of...that the law changed, Sabbath is done away with, no need for His festivals anymore, we can eat dogs...
Now please imagine if he taught the joys of Catholicism...3 and 1 god...Peter was holy christ on earth...make images to honor them pray at His flesh and blood...use Rosary...Mary and all the saints alive in heaven...purgatory...eternal hell fire...the list goes on and on...
Surely the Jews would be offended and accuse him of all that too!! And wish to kill him...
But Paul was able to calm them down by speaking in Hebrew...NOT LATIN...remember they KNOW Paul as the christian killing Pharisee...
However when he got to the part that he admits he was sent to give the message to the Gentiles the jews demanded to kill him...
So what is their charge? Jesus to the gentiles...NOTHING MORE...nothing about Sabbath becoming a man or every day...
Chapter 23 Paul doubles down by stating ONE CHARGE...concerning the hope and resurrection of the dead I am being judged...all hell broke loose! A commander of the Roman army was concerned they would rip him to shreds right there for that ONE CHARGE...imagine if taught what you claim...dogs are clean to eat...
Verses 29-30 Felix received a letter regarding this prisoner about his being accused regarding jewish law but had NOTHING charged against him worthy of killing...even the commander knew to command his accuser to state before Felix their charges
Paul now in front of Felix claims
Acts 24:12 “...and they neither found me in the temple disputing with anyone nor inciting the crowd, either in the synagogues or in the city...Nor can they prove the things of which they now accuse me...”
Now what were the slanderous jews accusing him of? Back in verse 5 “we have found this man a plague a creator of dissension among all the Jews...a ringleader of a sect...tried to profane temple and we seized him wanting to judge him according to our law.”
BUT what did Paul admit to? Verse 14 “but this I confess to you , that according to the Way which they call a sect, so I worship the God of my fathers believing all things which are written in the Law and in the Prophets.”
(Now at this point there was NO of course it all came from the OT...Paul had written some letters that could have been submitted as evidence to his abrogating the Immutable law...NONE WAS PROVIDED as those letters did not abrogate the Law...)
STILL NOTHING about Sabbath being done away with...or we can eat dog now...
Paul continues verse 16 “I...always strive to have a conscience without offense toward God and man...”
He confirms: “Now after many years I came to bring alms and offerings to my nation in the midst of which some jews from Asia found me PURIFIED in the temple NEITHER with a multitude NOR with tumult. They ought to have been here before you to object if they had anything against me...or else let those who are here themselves say if the found any wrongdoing in me while I stood before the council...”
And then Paul admits to ONE CHARGE verse 20 “unless it is for the ONE statement concerning the resurrection of the dead I am being judged by you this day”
STILL NOTHING about Sabbath becoming a man resting every day...
Acts 25:7-8 Jews, (with your desire and inclination) from jerusalem laid many serious complaints against Paul WHICH THEY COULD NOT PROVE
“Neither against the law of the jews nor against the temple, nor against Caesar have I offended in anything at all.”
In fact keep reading to verses 10-11 “I stand at Caesar’s judgement seat where I ought ot be judged. To the Jews I have no wrong...there is nothing in these things of which these men accuse me no one can deliver me to them...”
On this claim of innocence he appealed to Caesar...
Now you expect me to believe Paul LIED? Because according to you he taught Sabbath was changed...unclean dogs were made clean and can be eaten...
Even Festus appealed to King Agrippa that Paul did nothing worthy of death but had questions about jewish religion and one Jesus who had died and Paul was thought to be alive...
NOw IMGINE if Paul taught this One was going to rule for 1000 years from Jerusalem...oh wait that is getting ahead of myself...
Again 25: 24-25 Jews wanted him killed for teaching against them which is OPEN INSURRECTION and yet nothing worthy of death was discovered...”for it seems to me unreasonable to send a prisoner and not specify the charges against him”...YAY DUE PROCESS right?
Paul speaks happy the king verse 3 “you are expert in all customs and questions that have to do with Jews” and restates the charges against him verse 6 “ I stand and am judged for the hope of the promise made by Yah to our fathers...for this hope’s sake I am accused by the Jews. 8 Why should it be thought incredible by you that Yah raises the dead?”
Paul summarizes his defense that he taught first to jews then to gentiles verse 20 “that they should repent, turn to Yah and do works befitting repentance. 21 FOR THESE REASONS the jews seized me in the temple and tried to kill me...therefore...saying NO OTHER THINGS than those which the prophets and Moses said would come...the Messiah would suffer first to rise form dead would proclaim light to the jewish people and to the Gentiles”
You think Paul almost persuaded king Agrippa because he taught the Sabbath was done away with and we can now eat dogs?
Remember Gamaliels advise in Acts 6 to leave them alone because it might by of Yah? You really think zealous jews would agree to it if the teaching was Sabbath was done away with and we can now eat dogs?
Look at Verse 42 “daily in the temple and in every house they did not cease preaching...”
Do you think they could daily in the temple teach the Sabbath was done away with and we can now eat dogs?
Add to that list what I already mentioned as the joys of catholics...
Imagine them in the temple teaching any of this...One God and 3...Sabbath is now Sunday...make images to bow human fleas and blood...Peter is the Messiah the anointed christ dogs and bats...immortal soul...hell torment forever...use indulgence...the list grows and grows...
Nope you are correct Paul did not break any Law of the why jews still visited him under house hear of One the Hope of Israel resurrected and now to the Gentiles...
These jews Acts 28:21-22 had NOT heard of Paul teaching the end of their traditions and customs Moses delivered...but because he was not teaching that scandal...imagine if he was...all of the diaspora would have heard the blasphemy...these jews however had heard of the Way...the sect teaching about the Hope of Israel...a sect who worshipped the God of their fathers believing in ALL things which are written in the Law and in the Prophets Acts 24:14 as there was still NO NT...
NOTHING about Sabbath being done away with and now every day...or that we can now eat dogs...