The Hoax of the Three Days and Three Nights


New member

Hi again.

Are you an allegory?

You are still doing your shenanigans.

Are you really a Jew?

You believe that the Law was done away with?

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New member

Your puzzle was solved a long time ago, but like a lot of other people, you have not opened your eyes to the truth or your mind.

I can see it with your questions and answers. Those are your fruits and somebody that you don't believe said that we will know them by their fruits.

I know your fruits brother.

May God give us His wisdom because we need it to understand His message.

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Ben Masada

New member

Hi again. Are you an allegory? You are still doing your shenanigans. Are you really a Jew? You believe that the Law was done away with? Sent from my SM-N900T using Tapatalk

No, but I understand when something was written as an allegory. That's why I believe by sight aka understanding and not by faith aka by going according to the understanding of others. (II Cor. 5:7) Regarding the Law, it can't be done away as long as heaven and earth aka the universe still exists.


New member
No, but I understand when something was written as an allegory. That's why I believe by sight aka understanding and not by faith aka by going according to the understanding of others. (II Cor. 5:7)

I suspect you have not actually seen God so I guess you have no faith that he exists.



New member
[MENTION=10340]Ben Masada[/MENTION]

By sight? It seems you need some eyesalve that was advised by somebody that loves you but that you don't believe and that you probably don't know where that is.

I'm right or wrong?

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New member
Wow, wow and wow.

And so many people are still in the darkness and they REFUSE, yes REFUSE to see the light of the world.

Hard Headed at the MAX.

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Ben Masada

New member

Your puzzle was solved a long time ago, but like a lot of other people, you have not opened your eyes to the truth or your mind.

I can see it with your questions and answers. Those are your fruits and somebody that you don't believe said that we will know them by their fruits.

I know your fruits brother.

May God give us His wisdom because we need it to understand His message.

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No, you don't know my fruits because if you did, you would believe the words of Jesus when he said to listen to "Moses" aka the Law. And he said that as an illustration to escape hell-fire. (Luke 16:29-31) But you don't believe him; do you wanna know why? Because Paul did not approve what Jesus said. You prefer to walk by faith rather than by sight because Paul told you so. (II Cor. 5:7) But don't forget that to walk by sight is to walk with understanding while by faith is to leave the understanding with Paul. That's the same as being too lazy to exercise one's freewill.

Ben Masada

New member
I suspect you have not actually seen God so I guess you have no faith that he exists.


Read Exodus 33:20. No one can see God and live. I don't need faith to believe that God exists. I have Logic and Physics to give me that certainty of the existence of God.

Ben Masada

New member
[MENTION=10340]Ben Masada[/MENTION]

By sight? It seems you need some eyesalve that was advised by somebody that loves you but that you don't believe and that you probably don't know where that is.

I'm right or wrong?

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You are wrong but only from the point of view that I am Jewish. You walk by faith; I do by sight. You leave the understanding with Paul. (II Cor. 5:7) I take the understanding from the Spirit of HaShem.


New member
Read Exodus 33:20. No one can see God and live. I don't need faith to believe that God exists. I have Logic and Physics to give me that certainty of the existence of God.

But you haven't seen God, you have faith in logic and physics.

So you walk by faith believing in something you have never seen.

Ben Masada

New member
Wow, wow and wow.

And so many people are still in the darkness and they REFUSE, yes REFUSE to see the light of the world.

Hard Headed at the MAX.

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You will not succeed in your refusal to see the light of the world. We are almost everywhere. Remember Jesus' Sermon of the Mount unto a crowd of Jews? He said we are the light of the world. (Mat. 5:14)

Ben Masada

New member
But you haven't seen God, you have faith in logic and physics.

So you walk by faith believing in something you have never seen.

It is impossible to approach Logic and Physics through faith. Faith is for those who can't exercise Freewill. As a matter of fact, many other things I need to see to believe, but not God. God, I know for sure of His existence through plausible evidences.


New member
[MENTION=10340]Ben Masada[/MENTION]

You seem very strong on what you believe.

Only one more question.

Do you believe in the NT and Jesus?

Yes or No.

Simple, one word answer.

Thank you.

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New member
It is impossible to approach Logic and Physics through faith. Faith is for those who can't exercise Freewill. As a matter of fact, many other things I need to see to believe, but not God. God, I know for sure of His existence through plausible evidences.

How about atoms? Have you seen many?



New member
[MENTION=10340]Ben Masada[/MENTION]

The light of the world but when the flavor of the salt is gone that salt is good for nothing.

Is that what happened to you and the sad thing is that you don't even know it.

Since you do not believe in the NT, you do not know about the EYE SALVE.


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Ben Masada

New member
[MENTION=10340]Ben Masada[/MENTION]

You seem very strong on what you believe.

Only one more question.

Do you believe in the NT and Jesus?

Yes or No.

Simple, one word answer.

Thank you.

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Just "yes or no" is impossible to answer your question. It is too compromising for a Jew.

Ben Masada

New member
[MENTION=10340]Ben Masada[/MENTION]

The light of the world but when the flavor of the salt is gone that salt is good for nothing.

Is that what happened to you and the sad thing is that you don't even know it.

Since you do not believe in the NT, you do not know about the EYE SALVE.


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You are not serious Amadeois. Are you getting bored?

Ben Masada

New member
How about atoms? Have you seen many?


HaShem is not composed of atoms. You, as a Christian, should know much better from reading what Jesus said about God being a Spirit in John 4:24. Spirits are incorporeal. One must be corporeal to be composed of atoms.


New member
When I ask only one question that can be answered with only one word, either yes or no, those people that do no want to answer it means that they are afraid to commit themselves.

You can NOT TRUST them, they are wishy washy. They do not know what they are, what they believe. They are in the middle.

Like Jesus said it on Revelation to the Laodicean church:

16. So then because though art LUKEWARM, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.

18. I counsel thee ... ; and anoint thine eyes with eye-salve, that though mayest see."

Very clear. Lukewarm totally.

Do they know what eye-salve is and how to use it and what does?




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New member
Too compromising for a jew.

What did God saying about compromising to the jews, His chosen natio?

Do not compromise, because when you compromise, what happens?

The jews compromised, like Mr. Ben Masada, and God was really angered and many got done away with.


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