New member
Well said that man. :up:
Guess you could not prove me wrong...so you stoop to this kind of pathetic response. One should know the Word enough to not even need to be shown "proof text" because it's clearly written in God's Word. I and others have given ample proof text on the subject matter which goes way over your "religious" head.Originally posted by JustAChristian
Did everyone notice Agape's latest post. He had a lot to say with not a single proof text. Where does this leave him? Paul had something to say on that point.
You fit this description to an exactness.1 Cor. 14:37-38
37 If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord.
38 But if any man be ignorant, let him be ignorant.
And may I say, Evangelion, you are just as pathetic as "that man."Originally posted by Evangelion
Well said that man. :up:
Originally posted by agape
Guess you could not prove me wrong...so you stoop to this kind of pathetic response. One should know the Word enough to not even need to be shown "proof text" because it's clearly written in God's Word. I and others have given ample proof text on the subject matter which goes way over your "religious" head.
You fit this description to an exactness.
BTW, I'm still waiting for any kind of proof text whatsoever from you? Waiting...waiting...and waiting....hope to get some or at least one before Christ returns!![]()
But you,Apollos,are so intent on insisting that one cannot be saved apart from "works" that you overthrow your reason and can delude yourself into believing that a "gift" has to be worked for.
So tell us.Exactly which works are necessary in order for the sinner to obtain eternal life?Remember,these works are not the kind that one can boast about.
Please do not leave out any of the necessary "works".
They had been baptized with water before the time that the Holy Spirit was given.So they did not need a new water baptism,but instead needed Paul to give them the Holy Spirit.
And if they were given a new baptism,as you maintain,and that baptism is supposed to result in them receiving "the gift of the Holy Spirit"(see Acts2:38),THEN why didn´t they receive the Holy Spirit?
Why was it still necessary for Paul to lay his hands on them before they ever received the Holy Spirit?
Yeah...right. Only in your dreams kiddo...Originally posted by Evangelion
Ha! Agape spoke to me!
I guess we can see which of us has the greater self control..
LOL, JAC...I suggest you keep studying God's Word, you may learn something yet! Btw, did you pass the reading course in school? Maybe you need to polish up since you can't read God's Word correctly...and of which you demonstrate in your last post to JerryOriginally posted by JustAChristian
Did everyone notice the last post of Agape did not show a single proof text for his statements. More rhetoric. Can we be saved by rhetoric? When will Agape ever show that the Holy Spirit is the cleansing agent of God? He is so sure that he has been Holy Spirit baptized and cleansed of sins, but he does not show a proof text. More rhetoric.....
With the mouth does not mean saying it verbally or out loud. It means you are confessing this within yourself,
This is NOT WORKS. If you say it is, you are calling God a liar
He clearly states in Ephesians "NOT OF WORKS"...lest any man should boast
Hello? The point being made is that anyone can "say" with his mouth I believe or I confess and not mean any of it. They may say a lot of things, but their "hearts" were far from him. Confessing Jesus Christ as Lord has to come from the heart. It's not in saying it out loud that gets you save, it's confessing and believing it from the heart.
We are to confess Him with the mouth before man. You can't do that without actually doing just that.
Again, PI on your part. Where does it say to confess "before men"???
Thought you made up your mind. If you are going to bring this up (again), answer my points.
Having a problem with those verses cuz it makes it clear that it is NOT BY WORKS??
Believing in Christ as your savior from sin and believing that God raised him from the dead automatically gets one baptized in the holy spirit.
Wrong. It is only if we endure to the end, keeping our Lord's commandments, and being found worthy by Christ will we be saved.
For by grace are ye saved, NOT OF WORKS...lest any man should boast. Are ye boasting here?? Sounds like it.
When saved, a Christian never has to fear losing his everlasting life.
You really need to stop telling God that He is wrong.
After all, HE IS GOD, and what HE SAYS, GOES.
Yes, there is three stages,but the stages are done in the real thing and in the kingdom of God .
The spiritual baptism is the real baptism which you don`t have to represent or give an example like water baptism because this is the baptism that count for God
The water baptism is not the certain kind, it is a discription of the real thing, and water baptism is as the spiritual baptism, and water baptism is a sample of the spiritual baptism, and the water baptism is a symbol for the spiritual baptism.
If you use the word represent Kevin , then you know that the water baptism being represent can`t be the thing that baptize us for the kingdom of God, and for Our Spiritual God.
Is there a stage in which death is represented? (There is with water baptism.)
Quote c.moore
Death is not (represent) but death is DONE in the spirit baptism.
Quote Kevin
Is there a stage in which burial is represented? (There is with water baptism.)
Quote c.moore
There is no representation in the spiritual baptism , but the spiritual baptism does really take place in the spirit.
Rom 6:5. By virtue of spiritual baptism, we were "buried with Him through baptism into death" and "raised from the dead by the glory of the Father" just as Jesus was raised. Therefore we should "walk in newness of life."
Quote kevin
Is there a stage in which resurrection is represented? (There is with water baptism.)
Quote c.moore
6. Look closely at v. 5. We were "united together [immersed - baptized] in the likeness of His death" and therefore we were also baptized or immersed "in the likeness of His resurrection." We are completely identified with Jesus!
Kevin - I asked you to ask Agape to pass the salt because I'm not talking to Agape anymore, and I don't think Agape's talking to me.
Oh, and please tell Agape that I'll pass the salt back when I've finished with it.
But you,Apollos,are so intent on insisting that one cannot be saved apart from "works" that you overthrow your reason and can delude yourself into believing that a "gift" has to be worked for.
So tell us.Exactly which works are necessary in order for the sinner to obtain eternal life?Remember,these works are not the kind that one can boast about.
Please do not leave out any of the necessary "works".
LOL!!! Notice the intelligent response? It's so simple to understand. You are confessing in your mouth...you are saying, not verbally having to say it, but inwardly you are confessing and saying Jesus Christ is you Lord who died for your sins and was made alive because you believe this. Our sins are remitted and we are saved and have eternal life. Now it's ok to say it verbally if you want, but that does not make you saved. It's what one believes and confesses on the inside. It is not works of any kind that gets one saved and born again, which includes "flapping the lips."LOL!!!!!! You don't even use your mouth when you confess within yourself! LOL!!! Desperation has really set in!
You mind the Word of God cause it's God's Word that's calling you a liar.Mind your tongue, and don't ever accuse me of something so foolish, especially when you can't back it... and no... your doctrine of "I don't actually have to do anything to be saved" isn't proof.
What a joke. If you agree that we are not saved by works, then we would not be having this "so-called" discussion in the first place.And I've already agreed that we are not saved by works.
Hey...thanks for reminding me. TA TAGo back and answer my points if you are going to continue to ride the merry go round which you said you weren't. Make up your mind.
Can't worship God in truth and "in" spirit UNLESS you are BORN AGAIN OF HIS SPIRIT.Originally posted by Evangelion
Jerry -
Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, soul and strength, and thy neighbour as thyself. Worship God in spirit and in truth. Love God and keep His commandments (for His commandments are not grievous.) Very simple.[
Remember I said he is your master...not mine. .. LOL. Besides I got my own salt.Originally posted by Kevin
Agape, Evangelion will pass the salt back when he's finished with it, ok?![]()
c.moore, don't bother giving him scripture over and over again...he can't read.Originally posted by Kevin
Scripture, please.
Scripture, please.
Scripture, please.