Originally posted by RightIdea
Francisco, I already answered your question, but you completely missed it.
I have been born twice. Once of the water, and once of the spirit. Born of water, from my mother's womb. And born of the Spirit, when I accepted Christ.
I AM baptized. In the Holy Spirit. And that's exactly what Paul is talking about here.
Many of you seem to think that baptism was a new thing instituted by John the Baptist or Jesus or whatever. But this is not true. You just agreed, Francisco, that we are not under the Law of Moses. Well, baptism is part of the Mosaic Law, my brother. It isn't given that name, per se, because the OT was written in Hebrew, obviously, But in Numbers, we see baptism, not only of people but of all kinds of things, dipping in water and sprinkling with water for purification.
I have no use for the Law of Moses. And baptism is part of that.
When Jesus said you "must be born of the WATER andf the SPIRIT"
he was meaning that as a person is born into this world FIRST by the breaking of the WATERS then the SHOW of BLOOD then the LIFE.
sO TOO must we be born by the WATERS.
NOT asmany thiink by BAPTISM in WATER.
But by the WORD OF GOD.
fOR faith "comes by "hearing the Word of God"and without faith IN God it is impossible to please Him"
When the Lord went to wash Peters feet,Peter after being convinced that he MUST have his feet washed said wash me all.
The Lord replied that he was ALREADY WASHED but needed only his FEET to be washed.
Because peter had been EXPOSED to the WORD OF GOD and had RECIVED IT,in FAITH BELEIEVING it was only his WALK that needed to be brought into conformity to the Word.
So needed washing.
It is written that "it has pleased God by the foolishnessof PREACHING to SAVEthem that believe"
Preaching?........THE WORD.
But the WORD ALONE is INSUFICENT to save without the HOLY SPIRIT also.
For "by HEARING"the Word we understand it is meaning that faith comes when we UNDERSTAND the MESSAGE that is preached.
and only HEARING it is insufficient.
But when we DO finaly UNDERSTAND IT our eyes have been OPENED to see the REALITY of that which is preached to us. and our faith is redirected from ourselves or this world and is BORN in God.
For in understanding that we sin because we are sinnersand estranged from God and more...that we canot save ourselves thE LAW convicting us of our sin and as such condemned and UNABLE to make aplea of our own rightousness we begin to undedtand that God has "ALREADY made provision forus" a substitte.
and we accept and recieve the promiseand the Holy Spirit confirms it and the blood is applied.
Then cometh the new lifeand we are BORNagain.
Jesus was baptised in WATER to fullfill ALL rightousness.
Now there is "a RIGHTOUSNESS that is of the LAW"
and also a RIGHTOUSNESS that is not of the law.
He being SINLESS fullfilled the rightousness of the LAW.
But being a Son also fullfilled that rightousness that is of TRUE godliness.
tHAT IS NOT OF THE LAW but oF grace.
Therefore being an OBEDIENT SON obeyed GODS rightousness that is HIS.
Now if we be sons then we are HIS and if His then part of that BODY which is the church.
and if part of HIS body must bneeds be ALSO baptisedin water even as HE WAS.
"For as the FATHER SENT mE SO SEND I YOU"nOW IF hE BEING THE only begotten SON was baptised in water not unto SALVATION but for RIGHTOUSNESS.showing that He was DEAD to SIN and ALIVE to God.that from that point on He was not His own but Gods and not there to do His will but the FATHERS.
hOW MUCH MORE then shouldwe folow in the same WAY?
Not after the LAW of sin and death; but the fulfilling of rightouisness and the "LAW OF CHRIST"