The Jews were amazed that God interrupted Peter and gave Gentiles the gift as evidenced by tongues before the righteous work of water baptism.
For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect. 1 Cor. 1:17
The information I posted is there for all to see Jerry. It is not me that would have you believe anything, it is the PLAIN WORDS OF SCRITPURE. I'm sorry your put-parans-around-it-and-ignore-it-dispensational-method can't deal with these verses.Francisco,
You would have us believe that Paul was right in front of Cornelius and his household,and he knew that he was to perform one part of his commission to the Gentiles but remained ignorant that he was to perform the other command.
The Lord had told him right to his face to go into the world and preach the gospel to every creature and to baptize every creature,but yet Peter could only remember to preach the gospel to them.He completly forgot the Lord´s commnd to baptize them also.
You ony prove that you will say anything and believe anything in your efforts to support the errors of the church at Rome no matter how ridiculous it is.
And after going though your spiel,you conveniently failed to address the point that both Paul and Peter said that it was by repentance and believing whereby one receives the remission of sins--with no mention whatsoever about the necessity of being baptized with water:
"Repent,therefor and be converted,that your sins may be blotted out"(Acts3:19).
"Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ,and thou shalt be saved"(Acts16:31).
Are we supposed to believe that both Peter and Paul just forgot to add the words that in order to have their sins taken away that they must be baptized with water?
Too bad you were not there to correct them.
In His grace,--Jerry
I'd explain why the HS fell upon them, but I don't think I could present it any better than Francisco.
Context. It was about division over WHO baptized, not that water baptism was no longer necessary. Nowhere does it show God telling Paul water baptism is no longer necessary. You just make that assertion from ONE verse while not taking it into CONTEXT with the previous verses which clearly show why Paul said what he did - divisions over WHO baptized them.
The apostles were given the same gospel message, which includes baptism. Peter saw to it in Acts 2:38, and Paul saw to it in Acts 19:5, and yes, also in 1 Cor 1:16. Peter and Paul taught the same message.
Originally posted by Jerry Shugart
Perhaps you cannot read even at a first grade level…
Wow Jerry, you almost got it half right, sort of but not really. The eunuch was baptized in WATER by Philip and he received the gift of the Holy Spirit just as Peter said the baptized would receive the Holy Spirit:Francisco,
Now to your many questions.This one I have answered many times,and you NEVER answer the question I ask you on this same subject.The eunuch was baptized INTO Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit:
"For by ONE SPIRIT are we ALL baptized into one Body...the Body of Christ"(1Cor.12:13,27).
How much plainer can it be?
See Spot. See Spot run. Run Spot run.Perhaps you cannot read even at a first grade level, or perhaps you have been blinded by "the god of this age"(2Cor.4:4).
No, the problem isn't the 'church at Rome'. As far as I know, there are no Romans on this thread. Besides, I have based my entire argument with you on scripture, never once quoting anything 'Catholic' except scripture. The only time I quoted anything outside scripture was when you claimed to know Greek better than folks whose native tongue was Greek. And of course these Greek speaking early Christians disagreed with your much superior knowledge of the Greek language. Too bad you weren't around back then to help them understand their language.I keep forgetting that you do not believe that the Scriptures are the final authority,but instead you think that it is the church at Rome who has the final authority.Those of us who have not been blinded put our trust in what the Scriptures actually say.We who put our faith in the Scriptures are just like "those in Thessalonica,in that they received the word with all readiness of mind,and searched the Scriptures daily,whether those things were true"(Acts17:11).
I've repeatedly shown you the scriptures. They are posted for all the world to read Jerry. You can put parans around them and ignore them as you were taught, but for those seeking the truth with a sincere heart, all they have to do is read the plain words of scripture.You seem to think that the eunuch was "water baptized" into Jesus Christ,but you have yet to provide even one Scriptual passage to back up yor assertion.Are we supposed to believe that it is true based on your word,or because the church at Rome says so?
You are a broken record,stuck on a point which you have absolutely no Scripture support.But who needs Scripture when you have the church at Rome to back you up.
OK, let's go with this. Why did Jesus command Peter to do this? Was it as some symbol for the edification of other humans, or was it because Jesus wanted us to be baptized into his death, in order to share in His resurrection?And the reason that Peter put so much importance on baptizing Cornelius after he had received the Holy Spirit is not hard to determine.I answered before,but you did not say a word about that at the time.Instead you wait and ask me again.Perhaps your memory is short,so I will once again give you the answer.He did so because the Lord commanded Him to go into the world and preach the gospel to EVERY CREATURE and to teach the nations,BAPTIZING THEM.
So you still argue that Peter knew he was going to baptize Cornelius before he went to his house, and before Cornelius told him about his vision, and before Peter saw the spirit descend on Cornelius??? And you say this even though Peter tells us in his own words that when he saw the Spirit descend on Cornelius he REMEMBERED the words of the Lord, and so conceded to God's wishes only then??? Are you going to now ask us all to put parans around these words of Peter:Now I know that this does not fit with your idea in regard to Cornelius,but if you will open your eyes and go to Mark 16:15 and Matthew 28:19 you will see that the Lord did say those words,and He did say those words to Peter BEFORE Peter went to Cornelius.
I'm not blinded by anything, and neither are the plain words of scripture 'blinded by the god of this world.' We can see through parans, around parans, and between parans.Of course since this does not fit into your argument,you say that Peter did not understand what the Lord said.But you must remember that Peter was NOT blinded by the god of this world.
That's right, you showed us the 'majority' of church fathers that believed Jesus would rule for a literal thousand years. And as I'm sure you will agree, the standard has always been the Church only accepts the writings of the fathers if the the majority of the fathers were in substantial agreement. I believe your 'majority' consisted of Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, and Tertullian.Next,the early church fathers believed that the Lord Jesus would rule on the earth for a literal thousand years, but the church at Rome does not have that belief.Since the church at Rome puts so much stock in the teaching of the early church,perhaps you could tell me why they IGNORE the earliest church leaders from the first and second century.Perhaps you could give me at least ONE leader from these enturies who agree with the teaching of the church at Rome on eschatology.Just one?
Sure, you can just throw some parans around his words to the apostles and brothers at Joppa and just ignore them...Next,you ask why Peter asked why he was summoned.First of all,I will not even entertain the ridiculous idea that you propose--that Peter did not understand the clear words of the Lord Jesus that He should go to EVERY CREATURE.
So Peter knew he could go to the Gentiles before he saw the vision of unclean animals? So, then what was the purpose of the vision? I know, to give you something to throw parans around!Instead,Peter did not know why he was summoned to Cornelius because he did not think that the time had come yet to go to the Gentiles.
Now I understand!!! Peter knew he was going to baptize Cornelius before he even went to Cornelius even though he knew he wasn't going to baptize Cornelius because the prophecy hadn't been fulfilled which would allow him to baptize Cornelius even though he already knew he was going to baptize him and didn't really need to REMEMBER anything when he saw the Spirit descend on Cornelius even though he said he REMEMBERED what he hadn't forgotten in the first place, because he knew he was going to baptize them anyway, even though the Lord really said 'wait until the prophecy is fullfilled before you teach all nations and baptize them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit', because the Lord said 'Jerry will put parans around the need to fulfill the prophecy first' then you can just ignore it and baptize them even though the prophecy that must be fulfilled isn't going to be fulfilled before you baptize them anyone because you know you're going to baptize them even before I show you the vision of unclean animals so Jerry can put parans around it and ignore it and show Francisco what a fool he is'!!!Peter knew the OT prophecies which demonstrated that the children of Israel would be a "kingdom of priests and a holy nation"(Ex.19:6).He was waiting in the hopes that the nation would believe the words of the gospel and turn to the Lord Jesus Christ.He was waiting for that to happen so that the nation of Israel and Jerusalem would fulfill the words of the Lord Jesus Christ in regard to them:
"Ye are the light of the world.A city that is set on an hill cannot be hidden...Let your light so shine before men,that they may see your good works,and glorify your Father,Who is in heaven"(Mt.5:14-16).
He was waiting for the prophecies to be fulfilled that state that it would be through the nation of Israel that all the world would become saved.After all,the Lord Jesus Himself had said,"We know what we worship;FOR SALVATION IS OF THE JEWS"(Jn.4:22).
So when Peter as summoned to Cornelius,he was still under the impression that the word would not be going to the Gentiles UNTIL the nation of Israel had repented.After all,that is why the Lord Jesus was sent ONLY "unto the lost sheep of Israel"(Mt.15:24):
"Him hath God exhalted with His right hand,to be a Prince and a Savior,TO GIVE REPENTANCE TO ISRAEL"(Acts5:31).
Peter was not aware that the Lord was going to conclude the Jews in unbelief and raise up Paul to be the Apostle of the Gentiles (Ro.11:32,13).
But once he was before Cornelius,it would become clear why he was sent to these Gentiles.Cornelius told him,"We are all here present before God,to hear ALL THINGS THAT ARE COMMANDED THEE OF GOD"(Acts10:33).
If ALL the things which were commanded by God for Peter to preach INCLUDED the preaching concerning "water baptism",then your whole argument goes up in smoke.That is because he was going to preach water baptism regardless of whether or not he saw the Holy Spirit fall upon Cornelius.
I'm glad you pointed this out Jerry, because I always thought we had to repent of our sins too. And since this brief thumbnail sketch of the gospel doesn't include repentance I now know that we don't have to repent of our sins before we are saved, even though scripture tells us repeatedly that we must repent. I guess we just put parans around all those scriptures?And if it was only the gospel,then it is a fact that it is only the gospel by which Cornelius was saved.Cornelius said that the angel had told him to send for Peter,and that peter would tell him "words" by which he would be saved.
Now if the "words" just include the gospel,then it is obvious that submitting to the rite of water baptism is not necessary for salvation,and that is because the "gospel" has not a word in it that refers to "water baptism".Here are the "words" of the gospel according to Paul:
"I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you,which also ye have received,and in which ye stand,by which ALSO YE ARE SAVED...that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures;and that he was buried,and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures"(1Cor.15:1-3).
Do you realize that thee is not one word about "water baptism" included in the gospel!!
Well, I seem to have a small problem here. Nothing a couple of parans can't take care of I'm sure, but since I'm a neophyte at your put-parans-around-it-and-ignore-it-dispensational-method I'll have to ask you for some help. Here's the problem:And Peter does say that it was the "gospel" which as spoken by him to Cornelius:
" know that a while ago God made choice among us,that the Gentiles by my mouth should hear THE WORD OF THE GOSPEL,and believe.And God,who knoweth the hearts,bore them witness,giving them the Holy Spirit,even as He did to us"(Acts15:7,8).
How much plainer can it be?Cornelius heard the gospel and believed.The Lord then gave him the gift of the Holy Spirit because He knew the heart of Cornelius.Cornelius received the Holy Spirit because he believed the gospel.
How simple can it be?
I'm sorry Jerry. With my first grade reading level I thought that's what Peter was saying when he told the apostles and brothers at Joppa:If the Lord gave the Holy Spirit to Peter so that Peter would knw to baptize him with water,why didn´t Peter say so.
I see how this works now!!! You have to put parans around everything from Acts 11:1 all the way through Acts 15:6 and use the speech Peter gave in front of the Jewish Christians who were insisting that Christians be circumcised instead of reading Peter's explanation immediately following the baptism of Cornelius.He did not say anything that resembles your contention.Instead,he said:
"...that the Gentiles by my mouth should hear the word of the gospel,and believe.And God,who knoweth the hearts,bore THEM witness,giving them the Holy Spirit..."
You say that the giving of the Holy Spirit was a WITNESS to Peter so that he would know to baptize them with water.
However,Peter ays that the Holy Spirit was given as a WITNESS to them,Cornelius and his household.
I can very clearly see the parallels that were hidden from me using my dumb old plain words of scripture method now. If some Jews are insisting on circumcision of all Christians, then Peter didn't really have to REMEMBER anything because he already knew he was going to wait on the prophecy to be fulfilled that would allow him to baptize Cornelius even though he wasn't waiting on the prophecy to be fulfilled because he knew some Jewish Christians were going to insist that all Christians be circumcised with parans!!!The following verse only leads further weight to the idea that they received the Holy Spirit because THEY BELIEVED:
And put no difference between us and them,purifying their hearts BY FAITH"(Acts15:9).
Right on Jerry, you have completely gotten rid of that nasty little command to repent. Boy, I can't wait to get out there and start sinning now that I know the truth.And this goes along with the verses which you keep avoiding.When asked by the Philippian jailer,"What must I do to be saved",Paul said:
"Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ,and thou shalt be saved"(Acts16:31).
Right, like I said I see it now, what with all the explanation of Peter knowing what he really didn't REMEMBER but knew all along because he got a frontal lobotomy with parans after he was circumcised by the Jewish Christians in the prophecy that wasn't fulfilled before he returned to Joppa and lied about remembering even though he didn't because he knew the council of Jerusalem was going to be settled without one drop of water.So if you are going to say that it was only the "gospel" that Paul was going to reach unto Cornelius (which he did),then it is also obvious that it is the "gospel",and nothing but the gospel by which Cornelius was saved;
"Who shall tell the words,by which thou and all thy house shall be saved"(Acts11:14).
It is obvious to all who are not blinded that Cornelius and his household were saved before a drop of water touched them.
I'm not confused at all my friend. Why? Because the plain words of scripture tell us:Next to question #5.Are you confused to the extent that you think that the baptism of the Holy Spirit is the same as being baptized in water?
Well, then why didn't he just say that instead of giving this long speech about visions of unclean animals, the visions of Cornelius, and then acting like he only REMEMBERED the words of the Lord when he saw the Spirit descend on Cornelius?Question #6.Peter was defending what he did before the other Jews.He is saying that he was in the right to preach the gospel to them,and he was in the right to baptize them.And the fact that he was following what the Lord commanded him to do was proven by the fact that the Holy Spirt fell on them.
The sad thing is you probably DO believe you answered my questions. And I would hang around and try to show you why you didn't answer even one of them, but I'm meeting Doc Holiday and the boys over at the saloon, and I'm already late...I believe that that answers ALL your questions.
You can't over look the fact that Paul said "CHRIST SENT ME NOT TO BAPTIZE".
None of the twelve would have said, Christ sent me not to baptize, they believed Christ sent them for that very purpose.
Paul on the other hand states that he had only water baptized a few during his entire ministry, therefore it is logical to conclude he was not commissioned to water baptize.
If Paul had others perform baptisms for him it would still have been by his authority and he could not say Christ sent him not to baptize.
It is a fact that Paul never commands water baptism in any of his epistles.
If water baptism was commanded for remission of sins under his ministry we can be sure he would have expounded on it in at lest one epistle.
If water baptism was commanded for remission of sins under his ministry we can be sure he would have expounded on it in at lest one epistle.
If Paul believed that at the moment of obedience to water baptism the Spirit places us into the body of Christ he would have never thanked God he had baptized only a few but would have praised God for them and corrected the confusion at Corinth.
God is not the author of such confusion!
"In Paul's estimate baptism could neither have been a confession of Christ or of sin, for then he would have thanked God that so few had confessed Christ or their sin, and this idea is absurd of course. Neither did he believe that it was a matter of obedience for in that case he would have thanked God that so few had been obedient. And again, is equally certain that he saw no burial or resurrection in baptism, because it is entirely unthinkable that he would have thanked God that none or a few only had been buried and raised with Christ. Nor is it a matter of good conscience for them he would thanked God that this was absent. That Paul does not mean to apply this praise (1 Corinthians 1:14-17) to the peculiar circumstances in Corinth alone, as has been averred, is evident from the fact that his statement is as broad and as general as his preaching. Just as he was sent not only to Corinth to preach, but everywhere, so, by virtue of the absolute contrast he draws, he was sent nowhere to baptize. Everywhere to preach, nowhere to baptize, and this proves by the way, that he was not one of the twelve and did not work under the mandate of the so called Great Commission. The circumstances in Corinth do not in any way circumscribe his argument, for regardless of reason, place, and purpose, all must admit that he did thank God for not baptizing, and he simply could have never done this, if there had been any real benefit in it whatsoever. Could slanderous Corinthians ever be a reason for a man lie Paul to stop doing good? The Lord's Supper was also greatly abused in Corinth, but Paul did not put this aside, but reformed it in detail upon a special revelation from heaven. It is a standing rule in sound theology that the abuse of a truth, never takes away the use of that truth. If water baptism was then deformed, why did he not reform it? Negatively, because he had no revelation from heaven about it, and positively, he knew that it was not God's order for this day of grace, but had to disappear with all the signs and miracles given to Israel. The Church had to live by faith alone and this excludes signs, visions, angel visits, and material rites like baptism."
For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect. 1 Cor. 1:17
It is entirely possible that water baptism can make the cross of Christ of none effect if it is believed by performing this ritual one will receive remission of sins. Water baptism began with the Baptist (Mark 1:4) and the new testament (Matt 26:28) was not in effect (Heb 9:17). Paul tells us that remission is through faith in Christ’s shed blood (Rom 3:25) of the new testament and not once does he ever state that water baptism is required for remission. It is not difficult to conclude that the false idea that water baptism must be obeyed for remission comes from the inability to properly interpret the scriptures.
But in every nation he that feareth him, and 'worketh righteousness', is accepted with him. Acts 10:35
Not by 'works of righteousness' which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost; Titus 3:5
And you can't overlook the fact that Christ commanded that believers are baptized in His name (Matt. 28:19-20).
I tried to explain to you why Paul said that "Christ did not send me to baptize". It wasn't due to it's lack of necessity, for the Corinthians were indeed baptized, some even by Paul.
Would Paul baptize people and then say "Christ didn't send me to baptize" because he suddenly realized that that's not necessary? Was he confused or something? No, of course he wasn't, and the preceding verses clearly explain why he said what he did.
Please show me where it says Cornelius and the other Gentiles were 'saved'.Francisco,
Cornelius said that Peter was sent to him to tell him the "words" by which Cornelius and his household would be saved:
"...Peter,who shall tell thee words,by which thou and thy house shall be saved"(Acts11:14).
By your own words the "words" that were to save them did NOT include anything concerning being baptized with water.You said:
"First,when Peter began to preach to the Gentiles in the house of Cornelius,notice that Peter mentioned his commission to preach but MAKES NO MENTION OF HIS COMMISSION TO BAPTIZE."
So the "words" by which they were to be saved did not include anything concerning a "water baptism".
They were saved by believing the gospel!
While I do not deny they received the Holy Spirit when they believed, you are eisegetically assuming the Holy Spirit was a witness to them that they were 'saved'. Please show me just one verse that says they were 'saved'.And according to Peter Cornelius and his household received the Holy Spirit becuse they BELIEVED the gospel:
"Men and brethren,ye know how that a good while ago God made choice among us,that the Gentiles by my mouth should hear the word of the gospel,and believe.And God,Who knoweth the heart,bore them witness,giving them the Holy Spirit,even as He did us"(Acts15:7,8).
The Lord´s purpose was that the Gentiles should hear the gospel AND BELIEVE.And when they BELIEVED they received the Holy Spirit as a witness to them that they were saved.
Where does it say they were saved?They were saved before a drop of water touched them.
Your argument still contradicts the plain words of scripture where Peter tells the brothers and apostles at Joppa that he baptized Cornelius because he remembered the words of the Lord when he saw the Spirit descend on them:According to you,the Holy Spirit was given as a witness to Peter so that he would know that they should be baptized with water.But Peter says no such thing.
You are obviously equating the receiving of the Holy Spirit with being saved, but nowhere does scripture say receiving the Holy Spirit saves you. If you know of such a verse, please post it.They were saved when they head the gospel and BELIEVED.
Do you think Paul forgot the to add the words about repenting, or do you think he may have made a general statement? Either Paul doesn't think repenting is necessary and thereby contradicts many of his other verses, or Paul was making a very general statement where 'believing' would also necessarily include other commands of Christ, like repenting and baptism.And that matches perfectly the words of Paul to the Philippian jailer.When he asked Paul what he should do to be saved,Paul said:
"Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ,and thou shalt be saved"(Acts16:31).
Do you think that Paul just forgot to add the words that he must also be baptized with water?
Same argument here Jerry. Do you think the Lord just forgot to say something about repenting here, or did he purposely contradict his other commands because we don't really need to repent?Do you think that the Lord Jesus Himself just forgot to add the same words when He said?:
"He that heareth My word,and BELIEVETH on Him that sent Me,hath everlasting life,and shall not come into judgment,but is passed from death unto life"(Jn.5:24).
And again, I guess the Lord just forgot to mention repenting???Perhaps the Lord Jesus just forgot to add the words concerning "water baptism" in the following verse:
"I am the Resurrection and the Life;he that BELIEVETH in Me,though he wee dead,yet shall he live.And whosoever liveth and BELIEVETH in Me shall never die"(Jn.11:25,26).
And I guess John just forgot to write anything about repentence? Or maybe Jesus forgot to tell John what He told Mark:Perhaps John made a mistake when he wrote down the following words by forgetting to add that one must first submit to the rite of water baptism before they could be saved:
"That whosoever BELIEVETH in Him should not perish,but have eternal life"(Jn.3:15).
"For God so loved the world,that He ave His only begotten Son,that whosoever BELIEVETH in Him should not perish,but have eternal life"(Jn.3:16).
You seem to have the hardest time looking at scripture in it's entirety.And perhaps the Lord forgot to add the words that the "dead" must also be baptized in water:
"The hour is coming,and now is,when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God,and they that hear shall live"(Jn.5:24).
You just seem to have the hardest time in understanding a simple thing such as "time sequence".
Really? I don't remember Jesus ever saying that. I thought he said:First,we read that the sinner is "born again" by the Word of God:
"Being born again,not of corruptible seed,but of incorruptible seed,by THE WORD OF GOD"(1Pet.1:23).
Once the sinner believes the word of God he is "born again".
So, you're saying that we must be born of WATER and Spirit before we are born of water? This is sounding alot like your prophecy that had to be fulfilled before Peter would baptize Cornelius even though he knew he was going to ignore the prophecy because you said he knew he was going to baptize Cornelius before he saw the Spirit descend on the Gentiles and REMEMBER the words of the Lord about baptism even though he didn't really forget them. In other words, it doesn't make a lick of sense. And neither does your thumbnail sketch gospel that just says we only have to believe to be saved.The act of submitting to the rite of water baptism comes AFTER one is born again.
Sure I can because it is not a fact. Christ said "teach, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost". The fact is NO ONE was baptized in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost because this is a reference to Spirit baptism.
When we believe the words of the new testament we receice remission of sins (Roms 3:25)
are baptized by the Spirit into Christ (1Cor 12:13) without water (1 Cor 1:17) as evidenced by God with Cornelius.
Another fact is the new testament for remission (Matt 26:28) is never mentioned at Pentecost.
The same water baptism of repentance for the remission of sins as taught by the Baptist (Mark 1:4) was preached by Peter ( Acts 2:38).
That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, Eph. 5:26 (KJV)
It is clearly stated by Paul that Christ washes (baptizes) with the word with the power of the Spirit removes the stain of sin.
Therefore it was no longer necessary to water baptize for remission of sin as John did before the cross (Mark 1:4).
Christ revealed this change when He said...
But I receive not testimony from man: but these things I say, that ye might be saved. John 5:34
He was a burning and a shining light: and ye were willing for a season to rejoice in his light. John 5:35
But I have greater witness than that of John: for the works which the Father hath given me to finish, the same works that I do, bear witness of me, that the Father hath sent me. John 5:36
And the Father himself, which hath sent me, hath borne witness of me. Ye have neither heard his voice at any time, nor seen his shape. John 5:37
And ye have not his word abiding in you: for whom he hath sent, him ye believe not. John 5:38
Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me. John 5:39
The testimony of John was a water baptism of repentance for the remission of sins (Mark 1 :4) and obedience to this rite plus faith washed away their sins. Christ explains that it will be replaced with a greater witness (testimony) and that it would be the work that was finished at the cross. The cross is the new testament for the remission of sins (Matt 26:28).
Paul never once tells us that John's testimony of remission was replaced with a "new" water baptism as you would have us believe. Christ clearly explained His shed blood of the cross for remission would supercede water baptism for remission.
Paul conveys this truth with these words...
Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever. 1 Pet. 1:23 (KJV)
I tried to explain to you why Paul said that "Christ did not send me to baptize". It wasn't due to it's lack of necessity, for the Corinthians were indeed baptized, some even by Paul.
Would Paul baptize people and then say "Christ didn't send me to baptize" because he suddenly realized that that's not necessary? Was he confused or something? No, of course he wasn't, and the preceding verses clearly explain why he said what he did.
Kevin, I appreciate your effort but Biblical facts will not allow me to to accept your explination.
Paul took part in both gospels and God brought him through the transition.
This is evident from Acts 26:16, where Paul states that at the time of his conversion Christ said "But rise, and stand upon thy feet; for I have appeared unto thee for this purpose, to make thee a minister and a witness both of these things which thou has seen, and of those things in the which I will appear unto thee."
In 2 Cors Paul had visions and revelations and he was caught up to the third heaven and heard unspeakable words. There is no doubt that Paul had "new" revelation of truth given to him by the Spirit (Epf 3:5). From these new revelations of truth Paul tells us there is ONE baptism not two as you would have us believe.
None of the twelve would have said, Christ sent me not to baptize, they believed Christ sent them for that very purpose.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Actually, they were sent out to preach as well. And quite frankly, you don't know what they would have said if put in the same situation that Paul was in, when he was dealing with the Corinthians and their divisions over who baptized saying "I am of Paul", or "I am of Cephas". There is no indication whatsoever that ONLY the twelve could baptize, as the Corinthian example clearly points out. Was Apollos and apostle? No, but he baptized! When Christ commanded them to go out unto all nations preaching and baptizing that doesn't mean that ONLY they could do those things.
Therefore it was Paul's main purpose to preach, but that doesn't mean that he was forbidden to baptize, or that it wasn't necessary, for he still did baptize. He said that because of divisions, and for no other reason.
Paul on the other hand states that he had only water baptized a few during his entire ministry, therefore it is logical to conclude he was not commissioned to water baptize.
Fine... but that in no way means that baptism in the Lord's name was no longer necessary. Don't you see that if it was because it was a different gospel or that water baptism was no longer necessary, that Paul would NOT have done it at all? Don't you think Paul would have said something when he (or somebody else) made it a point to rebaptize some people in water in the name of the Lord after Paul preached to them in Acts 19:5? Those people were baptized in the name of the Lord as a result of Paul's preaching, the same baptism that Peter baptized with in Acts 2:38. Just because it wasn't Paul's personal commission to baptize doesn't mean that it wasn't necessary anymore. The Lord commaned baptism in His name of ALL NATIONS, which certainly includes the Gentiles that Paul preached to.
If Paul had others perform baptisms for him it would still have been by his authority and he could not say Christ sent him not to baptize.
By Paul's authority? The only reason Paul would have authority to do anything in the Lord's name would be because that authority was given to him by Christ, for Christ has ALL authority (Matt. 28:18). Paul would NOT baptize people in the name of Christ by his own pesonal authority if he had not been given the authority from Christ to do that. Christ had all authority, He commanded baptism in His name, and that's why it was practiced. Had Christ not commanded it, there wouldn't be record of people baptizing people in the name of Christ when they had no authority to do so.
But anyway, none of this changes the fact that people of ALL nations (which includes the Gentiles) were to be baptized in His name.
It is a fact that Paul never commands water baptism in any of his epistles.
People were baptized in the name of the Lord as a result of his preaching (Paul), which means it was commanded at some point, or it wouldn't have happened (Acts 19:5). Paul preached the gospel to the Corinthians (1 Cor. 1:17). Those people WERE baptized, some by Paul himself. Why would they be baptized unless commanded to do so?
If water baptism was commanded for remission of sins under his ministry we can be sure he would have expounded on it in at lest one epistle.
Again, people would not be baptized in the name of the Lord as a result of Paul's preaching unless they were commanded to do so at some point, and baptism in the name of the Lord, which uses water (Acts 10:47-48), is for the remission of sins (Acts 2:38).
The point is the twelve preached a baptism of repentace for the remission of sins and Paul preached remission through faith in His blood and we can KNOW what they said from scripture, anything else is prue speculation.
We also know that Paul did not water baptize in his later ministry or no later than Acts 19:4-6 and it can be argued that Paul did not actually water baptize them.
Then said Paul, John verily baptized with the baptism of repentance, saying unto the people, that they should believe on him which should come after him, that is, on Christ Jesus. Acts 19:4
When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. Acts 19:5
And when Paul had laid his hands upon them, the Holy Ghost came on them; and they spake with tongues, and prophesied. Acts 19:6
I find no scriptures that tell us of a new water baptism. In the Acts 19 account it does not say that Paul water baptized them, it says that "they were baptized".
Note also that Paul did not command them to be water baptized as Peter did when he fulfilled what he believe to be his commission as he preached.
Paul did lay his hands on them and they received the Holy Ghost.
This account is not proof for the doctrine of a "new" water baptism. Give me the scriptures that you use to prove a new water baptism.
Confusion was the result of water baptism. How do we stop the confusion? Stop water baptizing! Not difficult to understand.
I can see your delima because you believe water baptism is for the remission of sins but it is not needed if you believe 'at this time' faith in His shed blood of the new testament (Matt 26:28) grants remission.
Give me one account where Paul water baptized after he said Christ sent him not to baptize.
Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God; Rom. 3:25
Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? of works? Nay: but by the law of faith. Rom. 3:27
Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law. Rom. 3:28
Paul did not believe that water baptism was for the remission of sins.
Paul believed that God through the death of His Son granted remission without the righteous work of water baptism (Titus 3:5).
Whereof I am made a minister, according to the dispensation of God which is given to me for you, to fulfil the word of God; Col. 1:25
Even the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints: Col. 1:26
At this time we are all baptized into One body by the Spirit not water (1 Cor 12:13).
Paul preached with the authority given to him by the Spirit therefore Paul was in pocession of that authority. Paul then could not instruct others to baptize by the authority given to him by the Spirit and also say that Christ did not send him to baptize.
People were baptized in the name of the Lord as a result of his preaching (Paul), which means it was commanded at some point, or it wouldn't have happened (Acts 19:5). Paul preached the gospel to the Corinthians (1 Cor. 1:17). Those people WERE baptized, some by Paul himself. Why would they be baptized unless commanded to do so?
Paul preached we are baptized by the Spirit when they believe the gospel and that our sins are remitted by the blood of Christ and Paul never commanded water baptism. Paul did baptize a "few" in his early ministry but it is clear that he was not commissioned to water baptize and that Christ did not send him to baptize. Give me a scripture where Paul commands water baptism for remission or where Peter says our sins are remitted through faith in the shed blood of Christ. Many continued water baptism as taught by the Baptist but Paul ended that confusion.
Water baptism began with the Baptist because the Jews required a sign that the baptized had accepted Christ as their Messiah after Christ was manifested to Israel at Pentecost it was no longer needed.
Accepting Christ as Messiah granted remission, water baptism never did but it was required.
Confusion is the result of putting faith in water baptism and not Christ.
The repentence of Judaism is to believe that Jesus is the Christ and it was the main theme of Peterine doctrine at Pentecost but there is more to the Gospel of Christ and that is that He died for our sins.