Or at least you think you do.
No one has to guess, or assume anything about what kind of person you
really are. You made it quite plain that, just like homos, you have no respect for anyone except to meet your physical lust.
Heterosexual relationships just as often have their roots in lust as gay ones.... I know when I see a good-looking woman my first thoughts aren't, "I bet she is a stable, caring individual who is kind to children and small animals" or something to that effect.
There isn't really any legitmate comparison between an act between consenting adults and an act between a child and an adult.
I realize, that because you're a sick, worthless "animal", you lack the ability to understand my point on a human level, so let's review...
You said..
I don't concern myself with a "right way to be
No need for interpretation here, you clearly believe that there is no such thing as right and wrong, and therefore you have no interest in concerning yourself with such unimportant things.
When I asked you if you understood what it means to sanctify something, it went right over your head. The idea that people have any worth or value that were intended by God means nothing to you, because people are to be used in what ever way that concerns YOU, since you do not see any "right way to be". Instead of looking at women as "caring individuals", you see them as animals to meet your physical lusts. You have the same character of a child molester, who also sees children, not as innocent humans who need nurturing, love, acceptance, but little animals to meet his physical lusts.
There is no difference between you and the child molester. You are both selfish animals.
You don't define "decency" for the rest of us. Neither does your book.
You've made that quite clear. YOU and the child molester have your own code of "decency".