The Gateway Pundit


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In this GP article, a direct quotation of lying oinker, MSNBC's Jake Scarborough's words about Steve Bannon caught my eye:

β€œI remember Steve Bannon proudly bragging that he was a Leninist. And as a Leninist, he wanted to tear down government, tear down all the institutions that lifted us up, tear down all the institutions that created the American century, tear down all the institutions that fed and freed more people than any other country in the history of mankind.”

Notice that Scarface calls anti-Constitutional, commie impositions against Americans, "all the institutions that lifted us up"β€”"us" meaning the power-hungry, grifting commies who have been stinking up and destroying America for far too long. His cherished commie institutions have never lifted up Americans.

Also, notice his reference to "all the institutions that created the American century": it ain't the Constitution/Constitutional institutions Scarface is referring to as having created "the American century" (Time magazine publisher, Henry Luce coined the ridiculous phrase to refer to the 20th century)! Last I checked, in America the Constitution had already (if you will) created the period of a century and a decade preceding "the American century". The 20th century was the century of the beginning of the flourishing of anti-Constitutional, statist encroachments against the rights and liberties of Americans. The 20th century was largely created by the crimes, nay atrocities, committed by commie/Nazi, statist impostors against Americans (and against mankind at large), and the degenerate scumbag, Scarface, loves, celebrates, and professionally lies on behalf of such crimes.

Scarface's glowing phrase, "all the institutions that fed...more people than any other country in the history of mankind," is a lying reference to commie activities of theft, and redistribution of stolen wealth. His glowing phrase, "all the institutions that...freed more people than any other country in the history of mankind" is just another way of praising the anti-American, imperialist depredations he and his fellow, commie scumbags participate in and call "making the world safe for democracy".

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
More not fake news. But you can see why reporting on mocking "gender ideology" would get the retards on the left in a lather. 🀣🀣
