the futurists


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Hall of Fame
the futurists are like the jews
both are looking into the future
the jews are looking for the messiah
they will know Him when they see Him
you would think a reasonable jew could look back
see that it must have been Jesus
you futurists might take some time to look at what you have missed
the spiritualists are no better
just like the futurists
the future can be anything they want it to be

back to
the apocalypse

we have history -
a lot of history
it didn't stop with the ot


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Futurist have the same mentality that infected the minds of the secular Jews/dogmatic religion John 2:20-22, (risen in man who is spiritually dead/asleep not physical flesh) the Kingdom comes without observation Luke 17:20-21, the only temple built by man will be a false one. 2Cor 3:6 is a clue and hint that the right division in scripture is between the letter/milk and the Spiritual/meat intent of the stories, two kingdoms in scripture are separated into temporal/observed and eternal/invisible, one is a symbolic shadows the other cast that shadow in allegorical stories Galatians 4:24, Acts 17:24, 1Cor 3:16.