the futurists


New member
the futurists are like the jews
both are looking into the future
the jews are looking for the messiah
they will know Him when they see Him
you would think a reasonable jew could look back
see that it must have been Jesus
you futurists might take some time to look at what you have missed
the spiritualists are no better
just like the futurists
the future can be anything they want it to be

back to
the apocalypse

Well... RCCers are futurists also. So be careful in your nomenclature.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame

Do you not find that odd?

Did not Peter have an official position on it?

Was the official position too unimportant to pass along in apostolic succession?

These are valid questions, which you will never answer.

I don't think peter knew what many of the details were
-like who the antichrist would be
-what the second beast would be
-all that was in the future
-exactly where you are looking
-keep watching


Well-known member
My own humble view is those events in history which appear to be the fulfilment of prophecy are pictures and shadows of the main events yet to come....those events will be much greater and final in their issue.

... or maybe better said, history is prophecy. "The thing that hath been it is that which shall be" and all that.