The fossil record shows there never was evolution.


Well-known member
The ark was built to withstand the rain and the tsunamis created by the asteroid shower.

The dove and olive branch was a year after the asteroid shower...

Let me make sure I have this straight:
1. The flood reported in Genesis was actually a series of Tsunamis triggered by asteroids. Though the Biblical text doesn't actually say this, there is nothing in the Biblical text that contradicts it.
2. The fossil record that we see is a result of these Tsunamis.
3. The accepted geological chronology is off by 5 or 6 orders of magnitude.

Do I have this right?

And, two questions:
1. Are there animals that lived pre-flood and are now extinct?
2. Were many of these extinct animals driven to extinction by the Tsunamis?


Let me make sure I have this straight:
1. The flood reported in Genesis was actually a series of Tsunamis triggered by asteroids. Though the Biblical text doesn't actually say this, there is nothing in the Biblical text that contradicts it.
2. The fossil record that we see is a result of these Tsunamis.
3. The accepted geological chronology is off by 5 or 6 orders of magnitude.

Do I have this right?

And, two questions:
1. Are there animals that lived pre-flood and are now extinct?
2. Were many of these extinct animals driven to extinction by the Tsunamis?
Also, when did the Jews start having the babies of the different races in the world, and why wouldn't that count as a sudden, evolutionary mutation? And is there any reason the ancient Chineses dynasties, or any other culture for that matter, don't remember being related to the Jews???


New member
Also, when did the Jews start having the babies of the different races in the world, and why wouldn't that count as a sudden, evolutionary mutation? And is there any reason the ancient Chineses dynasties, or any other culture for that matter, don't remember being related to the Jews???

Genesis 10


Well-known member
Also, when did the Jews start having the babies of the different races in the world, and why wouldn't that count as a sudden, evolutionary mutation? And is there any reason the ancient Chineses dynasties, or any other culture for that matter, don't remember being related to the Jews???

What in the world are you going on about? I know you are bigoted against Jews, but I didn't think you were completely irrational.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
What in the world are you going on about? I know you are bigoted against Jews, but I didn't think you were completely irrational.

That dude is a complete fruit loop.


Yeah, I know. :rolleyes:


What in the world are you going on about? I know you are bigoted against Jews, but I didn't think you were completely irrational.

I'm not bigoted against the Canaanites. According to the Bible everyone on earth is descended from Noah's children after the flood. So I'm asking when did the Jews start having Chinese babies or Australian Aborigine babies and why isn't that an evolutionary mutation worth noting? If you don't understand that question maybe it's you who is the problem????/



Well-known member
I'm not bigoted against the Canaanites. According to the Bible everyone on earth is descended from Noah's children after the flood. So I'm asking when did the Jews start having Chinese babies or Australian Aborigine babies and why isn't that an evolutionary mutation worth noting? If you don't understand that question maybe it's you who is the problem????/

Where did you get the idea that it was Jews on the Ark? Have you actually read the Bible.
Also, please note that I do not consider myself a creationist.


Where did you get the idea that it was Jews on the Ark? Have you actually read the Bible.
Also, please note that I do not consider myself a creationist.
Ok, ansestor of the Hebrews who wrote the flood story, who eventually became what we call the Jewish people according to the scriptures.


Well-known member
Ok, ansestor of the Hebrews who wrote the flood story, who eventually became what we call the Jewish people according to the scriptures.

If you would bother reading the Bible, you would find out that it claims that Noah was the ancestor of many peoples, including the Israelites, who later became what are known as Jews today.

This doesn't really work as an excuse for Jew-bashing. Find another excuse.
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I have read the Bible and I'm not Jew bashing nor do I worship them. The bible says Noah was the ansestor of all people on the earth......if you would bother reading the Bible.


Well-known member
I have read the Bible and I'm not Jew bashing nor do I worship them. The bible says Noah was the ansestor of all people on the earth......if you would bother reading the Bible.
:plain: Genesis 11:1;6-9

I'm convinced you haven't read the Bible in a very long time and I doubt ever, all of it. Psalm 119:11


:plain: Genesis 11:1;6-9

I'm convinced you haven't read the Bible in a very long time and I doubt ever, all of it. Psalm 119:11

You would be wrong but that's often the case with your analysis. Are you saying that all the races of the earth are not descended from Noahs family?


I'm not following you Caino.

I don't know how to make it any simpler. The Bible teaches that God killed everyone except Noah and his family. It says that all the living things and people descended from Noahs family and his boat full of stuff, a number of races and millions of living kinds of plants and animals.


New member
Caino said:
So I'm asking when did the Jews start having Chinese babies or Australian Aborigine babies and why isn't that an evolutionary mutation worth noting?
God's Word tells us we are all one blood. Evolutionists rejected that thinking scientific racism was justifed. Science has proven those old evolutionary beliefs false. Your DNA is about 99.9% similar to Australian aborigines, chinese, jews etc.
The differences between people groups are the result of mutations causing an extra fold of skin in the eyelid.....? more or less melanin, etc


God's Word tells us we are all one blood. Evolutionists rejected that thinking scientific racism was justifed. Science has proven those old evolutionary beliefs false. Your DNA is about 99.9% similar to Australian aborigines, chinese, jews etc.
The differences between people groups are the result of mutations causing an extra fold of skin in the eyelid.....? more or less melanin, etc

Quack science from idiots at AIG perhaps, but real scientific inquiry reveals an old earth layered with fossils of different kinds that lived in different ages. The oldest were the primitive life forms, the youngest contain evolved humans.


New member
Quack science from idiots at AIG perhaps, but real scientific inquiry reveals an old earth layered with fossils of different kinds that lived in different ages. The oldest were the primitive life forms, the youngest contain evolved humans.
Caino...... Your biology question was shown to be nonsense so you deflect with both ad hominem and trying to move goal posts.

We can talk about AIG....or geology. But your question about difference between people groups was nonsense. Science has shown God's Word to be correct...We are all one blood. White people are not more highly evolved than blacks as Darwin believed. And women are not inferior to men as Darwin implied.


Well-known member
I have read the Bible and I'm not Jew bashing nor do I worship them. The bible says Noah was the ansestor of all people on the earth......if you would bother reading the Bible.

Here is what you originally wrote:
I'm not bigoted against the Canaanites. According to the Bible everyone on earth is descended from Noah's children after the flood. So I'm asking when did the Jews start having Chinese babies or Australian Aborigine babies and why isn't that an evolutionary mutation worth noting? If you don't understand that question maybe it's you who is the problem????/

The above statement is wrong. I guess you understand that now.


Well-known member
You would be wrong
"Either" I suppose a third option is in order: You don't retain or initially understand what you are reading. Genesis 11 should have given you pause.
but that's often the case with your analysis.
All of us with few exceptions: Christians, atheists, agnostics, 'other'

Are you saying that all the races of the earth are not descended from Noahs family?
The peoples of the earth were dispersed. Are you suggesting I'm not related to Orientals? Africans? You posted the odd pictures as if they couldn't possibly be from Noah. Are you joining Darwin at that point and suggesting there are inferior evolutionary races? :think:
Everybody on TOL thinks you are odd. I realize you and the other UB folks can't understand that. Were you a Mormon like Free?

Lazy afternoon

Quack science from idiots at AIG perhaps, but real scientific inquiry reveals an old earth layered with fossils of different kinds that lived in different ages. The oldest were the primitive life forms, the youngest contain evolved humans.

That idea was proven false many times over the years.