The fossil record shows there never was evolution.


New member
Would you be interested in material showing how fruit fly studies have provided key insights into the process of speciation? Be honest, because I don't want to bother if you're not actually going to read any of it.

I would be interested in reading it if any of the fruit flies became something other than Ephydroidea.


Well-known member
Proof please. Bone bed with dino and human bones? Cow bones with dino bones. Dino bones and cow bones in the same strata.

Have you got anything? Anything at all to support your assertion?


Dr. Carl Werner has written a book that gives details of Scientifically Incorrect Fossils, fossils that have been found in the wrong layers.

This book is filled with examples of Scientifically Incorrect fossils (fossils that should not exist in the layers with fossils that are O.K.)

Living Fossils Evolution: The Grand Experiment Vol. 2 Dr. Carl Werner New Leaf Press ISBN 13:978-0-89221-691-8 ISBN 10: 0-89221-691-3

p. 160 Turtles with Dinosaur fossils

Birds with dinosaurs

p. 163 Dr. Strickberger “Unfortunately, no feathered intermediates appear between Archaeopteryx and its dinosaur ancestors, nor do further birdlike fossils show up until about ten million years later in the Cretaceous period. These Cretaceous [dinosaur-age] fossils are exclusively those of aquatic birds or shore birds, a few already representative of modern groups such as flamingos, loons, cormorants, and sandpipers, although some, such as Hesperornis, still retained reptile-like teeth.”

p. 164 Dr. Paul Sereno, from the University of Chicago . . . He suggested that not only parrots but penguins and owls had been found in dinosaur rock layers too.

p. 166 Dr. Stidham revealed several more birds from the dinosaur era.

p. 167 Dr. Stidham in Nature “most or all of the major modern bird groups were present in the Cretaceous.”

p. 168 Glaucous-winged Gull (Dinosaur name Larus glaucescens) lived with Pterodactylus

Mammals and Dinosaurs

p. 173 Dr. Zhe-Xi Luo at the Carnegie Museum of Natural-History “Nearly 100 Complete Dinosaur-Era Mammal Skeletons Found”

p. 173 Dr. Burge curator of vertebrate paleontology, College of Eastern Utah Prehistoric Museum “We find mammals in almost all of our [dinosaur dig] sites.

p. 176 Hedgehog-Like Mammal Found in Dinosaur Rock Layers

p. 178 Possum-Like Mammal Found in Dinosaur Rock Layers

p. 182 Other Mammals Found in Dinosaur Layers

p. 183 Modern Plants found in Dinosaur Layers

Dr. Brad Harrub has documented evidence of a dinosaur that was found in a mammal stomach.

Their layers are far from pure.

Cambrian Fossils Found in 'Wrong' Place
by Brian Thomas, M.S.

Many extinct and strange creatures were only known from Cambrian rocks--until now. Newly discovered fossils in higher, more "recent" rock layers in Morocco show "remarkable preservation" and hold a host of what were for decades considered exclusively Cambrian sea creatures. These fossil finds were quite unexpected by evolutionists, who had pictured a different evolutionary scenario.

In the geologic timescale, the "Cambrian period" refers to the lowermost densely fossil-bearing rocks. These rocks record the sudden appearance of creatures, with representatives of almost every living phylum found fully formed and with no signs of evolutionary transition, which is an enigma for evolution.1

The soft-bodied creatures found in Cambrian strata were considered stem or basal creatures. They were supposed to have been the worms, arthropods, and other odd creatures that "gave rise" to subsequent body forms found in upper strata. Although none of them ever showed clear transition toward the more familiar sea animals that are found in higher strata or are living today, they were considered to be evolutionary predecessors because they were thought to be exclusive to Cambrian rocks.

Now all of that has changed. A recent study in Nature reported that some of the same soft-bodied "Cambrian" sea creatures were found in Morocco--preserved in brilliant reds and yellows because of the oxidation of pyrite that occurred on their soft tissues while they were being fossilized--in a higher layer, mixed in with "later" animals.2 This discovery erases the argument for evolution, which relies on the absence of these creatures in higher layers to support the assumption that they "diverged" into "later" life forms--and eventually into people.

This find forces evolutionists to add a new belief in order to support their overall concept of past life. Before, evolutionists believed that some creatures evolved into others--an easy story to assert but one that lacked the expected transitional forms in the fossil record.3 Now, they must also believe that some creatures evolved into others, and at the same time spawned more of themselves in "parallel." They must insist that the "stem" soft-bodied animals "gave rise" to newer life forms found in higher sediments, as well as to populations that continued to produce more forms just like themselves.

Since both of these "parallel" populations lived alongside one another, instead of in separate periods of time, then why are the Cambrian creatures not typically found as fossils in higher strata? The study's authors said, "The rarity of Burgess Shale-type taxa [organisms] in post-Middle Cambrian rocks elsewhere probably results from a lack of preservation rather than the extinction and replacement of these faunas during the later Cambrian."2 (The Burgess Shale Formation is widely known for soft-tissue preservation in its fossils.)

This one brief statement rewrites a foundational part of the evolutionary story. Instead of going extinct because they evolved into subsequent forms, it must now be believed that they evolved into other forms despite what these new fossils show--not transitional forms evolving, but stable forms persisting. This find forces the evolutionary story to take too many twists and turns to be true.

On the other hand, if God created all creatures during the same week-long miraculous event, and if God subsequently judged the world in a globe-covering watery catastrophe, then one would expect to find exactly what has been described: ancient sea creatures that were fully-formed and coexisted in time, buried together in mud in a massive, worldwide graveyard.

Dinosaur Fossil Found in Mammal's Stomach

In China, scientists have identified the fossilized remains of a tiny dinosaur in the stomach of a mammal. Scientists say the animal's last meal probably is the first proof that mammals hunted small dinosaurs some 130 million years ago.

It contradicts conventional evolutionary theory that early mammals couldn't possibly attack and eat a dinosaur because they were timid, chipmunk-sized creatures that scurried in the looming shadow of the giant reptiles.

Are There Human Fossils in the "Wrong Place" for Evolution?

Geological column is sometimes out of order (Talk.Origins)


Well-known member
“If Noah’s flood were true you would expect to find millions of dead things buried in rock layers laid down by water all over the earth, and what do we actually see in the fossil record? Millions of dead things buried in rock layers laid down by water all over the earth!” Ken Ham​

Any particular order expected?


New member
Velikovsky - Earth in Upheaval (p.29)

Even if the phenomenon took place very long ago, an ice cover thousands of feet thick in the
hottest places of the world is a challenging enigma. R. T. Chamberlin says: "Some of these huge
ice sheets advanced even into the tropics, where their deposits of glacier-borne debris,
hundreds of feet in thickness, amaze the geologists who see them. No satisfactory explanation
has yet been offered for the extent and location of these extraordinary glaciers. . . . Glaciers,
almost unbelievable because of their location and size, certainly did not form in deserts. . . ."


New member
Velikovsky - Earth in Upheaval (p.31)

Spitsbergen in the Arctic Ocean is as far north from Oslo in Norway as Oslo is from Naples. Heer identified 136 species of fossil plants from Spitsbergen (78°56' north latitude), which he ascribed to the Tertiary Age. Among the plants were pines, firs, spruces, and cypresses, also elms, hazels, and water lilies. At the northernmost tip of Spitsbergen Archipelago, a bed of black and lustrous coal twenty-five to thirty feet thick was found; it is covered with black shale and sandstone incrusted with fossilized land plants. "When we remember that this vegetation grew luxuriantly within 8° 15' of the North Pole, in a region which is in darkness for half of the year and is now almost continuously buried under snow and ice, we can realize the difficulty of the problem in the distribution of climate which these facts present to the geologist. There must have been great forests on Spitsbergen to produce a bed of coal thirty feet thick. And even if Spitsbergen, almost one thousand miles inside the Arctic Circle, for some unknown reason had the warm climate of the French Riviera on the Mediterranean, still these thick forests could not have grown there, because the place is six months in continuous night. The rest of the year the sun stands low over the horizon.


Velikovsky - Earth in Upheaval (p.31)

Spitsbergen in the Arctic Ocean is as far north from Oslo in Norway as Oslo is from Naples. Heer identified 136 species of fossil plants from Spitsbergen (78°56' north latitude), which he ascribed to the Tertiary Age. Among the plants were pines, firs, spruces, and cypresses, also elms, hazels, and water lilies. At the northernmost tip of Spitsbergen Archipelago, a bed of black and lustrous coal twenty-five to thirty feet thick was found; it is covered with black shale and sandstone incrusted with fossilized land plants. "When we remember that this vegetation grew luxuriantly within 8° 15' of the North Pole, in a region which is in darkness for half of the year and is now almost continuously buried under snow and ice, we can realize the difficulty of the problem in the distribution of climate which these facts present to the geologist. There must have been great forests on Spitsbergen to produce a bed of coal thirty feet thick. And even if Spitsbergen, almost one thousand miles inside the Arctic Circle, for some unknown reason had the warm climate of the French Riviera on the Mediterranean, still these thick forests could not have grown there, because the place is six months in continuous night. The rest of the year the sun stands low over the horizon.

You live in the UK. I know there are universities there. find the closest one with a geology department. Go there. Have someone explain this to you.
You'll feel much better.

patrick jane

I'm not following you.
look up evolve

[COLOR=#878787 !important][/COLOR]

  • 1.
    develop gradually, especially from a simple to a more complex form.
    [COLOR=#878787 !important]"the company has evolved into a major chemical manufacturer"[/COLOR]
    synonyms:develop, progress, advance; More

    • [COLOR=#878787 !important][/COLOR]

  • 2.
    give off (gas or heat).
    synonyms:develop, progress, advance; More
