The Ever Present Problem of Atheism (HOF thread)


Resident Atheist
Originally posted by Freak
But you are a scientific religious zealot.
I disagree with this baseless assertion. If you have proof, trot it out for every one to see...

... The truth is sometimes hard to swallow.
There's little likelihood of that being a problem reading your posts, since there is so little truth there...


New member
Originally posted by shima
Don't worry, I don't worship science.

You could have fooled us.

On the other hand, I don't reject what science has to say either

Of course you don't. That would be like rejecting your god.

Science has a much more objective approach to the quest for knowledge than any other endevour, including Christianity.

Christianity is filled with objective standards that you dismiss because of moral reasons.

If Christianity had its way, the truth would never come out.

Shima, it's apparent you're one sad Scientific Religious Zealot---as you can't even see the truth staring right at you---Christianity embodies the truth in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ who said "I am the way the truth..."

The progress mankind has made over the last few hundred years would be thrown out because some of it contradicts their "truth".

Ever encountered a atheistic hospital? It is the Christians who help humanity--if atheists had their way all of mankind would suffer and suffer. What an appealing religion you have, Shima.

The fact is, Freak: you have no evidence that any of the claims in the bible are more "true" than the claims in the Qur'an, or the claims of the Hindi, or the claims of Buddhists.

Christianity is quite unique in many ways---centering around the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. Just curious from your studies of the world religions please inform me of another religion that requires nothing (works) for salvation just acceptance of a loving relationship with a God who loves humanity? I'll be waiting.

If you had such evidence, you would be able to show it to everyone and everyone would be christians.

Since the world is blinded many don't see but those who do see accept it. My recent trip to Haiti proves it, thousands upon thousands dedicated their lives to Jesus Christ because the Gospel message is so attractive.

Since you cannot or will not show that evidence, it can only mean that any "evidence" that you have is very subjective.

Ha! My evidence in very reasonable----the love found in Christ is real & objective. Would you like to experience a loving relationship with Christ?


New member
Originally posted by Zakath
I disagree with this baseless assertion. If you have proof, trot it out for every one to see...

Zakath the scientific religious zealot doesn't want to be a zealot no more----o poor baby. I'm sorry.

There's little likelihood of that being a problem reading your posts, since there is so little truth there...

I don't expect fanatical mindless zealots like you to understand.:rolleyes:


Resident Atheist
Originally posted by Freak
Zakath the scientific religious zealot doesn't want to be a zealot no more----o poor baby. I'm sorry.
Well, I'm glad you realize you're sorry. If you only knew how sorry you really are. :rolleyes:

What about that proof of your still baseless assertion that I am a scientific religious zealot?

Oh, you don't have any...

Why am I not surpised that, once again, you're firing blanks.


New member
Originally posted by shima
As I have a physics degree myself

Your religious degree helps in your religious studies?

I know what I am talking about.

Sure you do we all can see that. Ha!

You don't see anyone bowing down and worshipping

Another scientific religious zealot using religious terms once again.

...the Law of Science is open to everyone, and you don't even have to have a certain faith.

But does it offer peace, love, joy, eternal life, the forgiveness of sins, etc????

Now, which assumptions must you make to accept the God of the bible?
1) The world as shown by our senses is the real world.
2) The bible is the Word of God and absolutely true, even when contradicting the real world.
3) etc etc ect.

Unlike you Sima I'm not limited in what sources I might draw from. You're religion is quite intolerant.


Resident Atheist
To keep with the original point of the thread...

It would seem that one "ever present problem of atheism" is dealing with religionists who make up definitions and terms as they go along.


New member
Originally posted by Zakath
Well, I'm glad you realize you're sorry. If you only knew how sorry you really are.

Yes, I'm sorry you have bought into a false religious system. You scientific religious zealot.

What about that proof of your still baseless assertion that I am a scientific religious zealot?

The fact remains. No escaping the reality. Your extreme devotion to science lends to my conclusions. I believe the title of a scientific religious zealot is appropriate for you.


New member
Originally posted by Zakath
To keep with the original point of the thread...

It would seem that one "ever present problem of atheism" is dealing with religionists who make up definitions and terms as they go along.

Yes, Zakath, it is common for scientific religious zealots like yourself to redefine terms and reality to fit your twisted world-view.;) :p


New member
Zakath doesn't like being called a scientific religious zealot. O poor baby.....Do you want me to pull back alittle, Zakath?


Resident Atheist
Originally posted by Freak
The fact remains. No escaping the reality. Your extreme devotion to science lends to my conclusions. I believe the title of a scientific religious zealot is appropriate for you.
What "extreme devotion to science"? Is this another means of venting your frustration over the fact that you do not have the necessary science training to allow you to do real counseling? :chuckle:


New member
Q: What do you call a :zakath: who also happens to be a scientific religious zealot?

1. John Travolta
2. Zakath
3. Bozo


New member
Originally posted by Zakath
What "extreme devotion to science"?

Oh come on...Zakath. Being a scientific religious zealot has it advantages I would being intolerant. Hmmm...

Is this another means of venting your frustration over the fact that you do not have the necessary science training to allow you to do real counseling?

Look, I'm not the one touting a "doctorate" as you do. After watching your debate with Bob I'm starting to question the veracity of your claims of having a "earned" "doctorate"--Zakath perhaps your "doctorate" was in underwater basket weaving. Perhaps? If that is the case then you can have your "doctorate."


New member
Originally posted by RogerB
Q: What do you call a :zakath: who also happens to be a scientific religious zealot?

1. John Travolta
2. Zakath
3. Bozo

:chuckle: :chuckle: :chuckle:

Perhaps we can get Zakath to answer the question--you know someone with a "doctorate" surely knows the answer.


Resident Atheist
Go ahead fellas, your audition for "Beavis and Butthead"'s summer replacement seems to be going well so far.


New member
Originally posted by Zakath
Go ahead fellas,

Dr. Zakath (honorary doctorate for the advancement of underwater basket weaving studies)---for someone who has used profanity, using the F word on this Christian site, I don't believe you have room to talk.



Resident Atheist
Originally posted by Freak
Dr. Zakath (honorary doctorate for the advancement of underwater basket weaving studies)---for someone who has used profanity, using the F word on this Christian site, I don't believe you have room to talk.
Merely speaking your name is profanity enough, Jay Bartlett. And it's an earned doctorate... :D

BTW, if you had read the FAQs you would be aware that there is a censor system on this site that prevents the use of certain words. It is very plainly spelled out in the FAQs:
Certain words may have been censored by the administrator. If your posts contain any censored words, they will be blanked-out like this: ****.

The same words are censored for all users, and censoring is done by a computer simply searching and replacing words. It is in no way 'intelligent'.

Since my post had retained the first letter of the word, that means that I typed it that way, the first letter and a string of asterisks. If the editor had modified it all the characters would have been replaced. I typed a meaningless character string to see your response. It was predictable... :rolleyes:

So twice more, you're shown to be either tremendously ignorant or a liar.

Care to try again?


New member
Originally posted by Zakath
Merely speaking your name is profanity enough, Jay Bartlett. And it's an earned doctorate...

Prove it. I don't buy it anymore--anyone reading the debate you're having with Bob would also question your alleged "doctorate."

Regarding your use of profanity, all one has to do is contact/pm Knight & ask him if I'm lying. ;) :p
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Resident Atheist
If you really think I'm lying make your case to Knight and have him ban me.

But he won't, because I'm not...

At last, Jay, it's ignore list time for you.

You know that makes life so much simpler...