Originally posted by Zakath
Your philosophy and theology are incomplete or outright false, since they cannot deal with how real humans act....
Whoa, stop right there. This is your problem. It's not about how we act or what decisions we make that constitutes our belief in God; it's about His actions and His decisions. God chose me, I didn't choose Him. He has promised eternal life to those that believe with a heart that God has changed. That means, if you truely believed at one time, you always will...
I'd suggest you try thinking about things instead of blindingly accepting what you've heard from a pulpit or read somewhere...
I'd suggest you try thinking about things instead of blindingly accepting what you've heard from a scientist or read somewhere...
Real, in a philosophical sense, means: "Existing objectively in the world regardless of subjectivity or conventions of thought or language. "
For example, the computer upon which I type this message is real.
But if you fastforward into the future, the computer will be no more. It will cease to exist. Therefor, it's not real. It's purpose will be irrelevant, for it does not exist anymore. What isn't real is not important. What is real is where we need to focus our everything; and that which is real is eternal. It will never fade away and it's purposes and will will always stand relevant...
Your definition of "truth" isn't the same as mine.
Dosn't make the Truth any less valid. The Truth is the truth, whether you define it the same way or not.
If we cannot communicate in plain English, how do you expect to convey a convincing argument?
I'm not arguing; just stating a mere fact about yourself. If you believed at one time, you can not be an atheist. If you are truely an atheist, you always were...