The Elephant In the Room


I have admitted numerous times on the Forum that I am a sinner, and that by Jewish standards, I Sin.

Furthermore, even as a new covenant believer, I have admitted that I fail God and commit willful sin.

I do not sin that Grace might abound!

I also recognize that genuine Sin destroys my life and others lives.

I never desire that any should sin because of my words.

However, I admit my short comings to encourage my brothers and sisters that do admit that they struggle with sin daily, and have victories and failures.

I also am open and honest to encourage people that do not believe, and feel that God demands perfection, because many of this world claim to know Jesus, but deny that they continue to need Jesus.

I propose that: to say that the flesh does not sin at the point of salvation, and to profess ones self without sin is not only a lie. It is the ultimate rejection of the need for Jesus.

I furthermore propose that this lie, whether blatant, or blind is destructive to the message of the cross.

The point of the Cross is that Only Jesus is perfect, and we can be ye perfect as He is perfect by accepting His Loving sacrifice and putting Him on like a cloak.

I could claim to be sinless by the message that there is no sin where there is no law to transgress, but in witness, there is no edification for lying to people and becoming a literal Hypocrite.

Whether an internal or external struggle. We all struggle with sin.

Pointing to self righteousness is frustration of the quickness of the gospel.

I worked with a pastor for many years and they told me that those who claim to be without sin and bind people to their sinless doctrines are the biggest troublemakers and carry the most disturbing secrets of sin.

That has stuck with me throughout my life.

This minister was a Love first kind of person, and they brought healing to many lives. They also never pointed to themselves, but Jesus as their shining example.

I propose that the only thing that could allow a person to demand perfection of themselves and others is the idea that Jesus was not God.

Equality with God is a calling of Love as co heirs. It is not a calling to BE LIKE GOD.

Only YHWH is genuinely sinless, and the message is that the sinless loves the sinners and took the punishment for all sin that the sinless could be declared sinful, that the sinner could be declared sinless.

1 John says that if we say we are without Sin, then we lie and there is no Truth in us.

As I believe Jesus was indeed God, and He called Himself the TRUTH, this means that I would be without Jesus if I lied and declared myself without sin.

I confess that I am a sinner, beggar, spiritual leppor that is only counted clean by the Loving sacrifice of Jesus, and the hurting world is not aided by a group of people that count themselves better than they are by lying and denying that they struggle with sin just as they do.

I propose that too much emphasis has been placed on self, and way too much light has been taken away from the Shining light of hope that we know as JESUS, our PROPITIATION by the work of the place of the SKULL.


I add a link to a beautiful song.

If the link doesn't work, please look up Jesus Friend of Sinners, by casting Crowns.
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The Elephant In the Room


1 badge of courage for you!

Whether someone is positive or negative here, I don't care.

Thank you for at least recognizing you took the time to read this.

You are counted positive! And... AMEN

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Why? We only sin because we choose to do so. Why do you choose to sin?

Adam sinned because he wanted to sin, he wasn't deceived. It was his choice.

If you want to live, stop sinning. It's not necessary to sin. Don't do it.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post and leave a comment.

Do you select the sarcastic optional reply, or do you wish me to leave it at thank you?


Seriously, no one will step up to this one?

I'm in too. Joy.
Well, if I say I don't sin I'm referring to my newborn human spirit and not my current duality of my flesh and spirit.

I know that there are failures every day. Willfully sinning.

But if I identify me to be a sinner then I am referring to my flesh and not my newborn human spirit.

What's difficult to accept and fathom is that the will can be controlled by either my flesh or my spirit. My actions, words and thoughts will indicate whether or not I am walking in my flesh or my newborn human spirit.

Therefore I choose to refer to myself as that which is born of God and not to refer to myself as the sinner. Well I do sin but I know that God views us as not sinners but new creations in Christ.
The way I understand it is that in order to please God I must have faith in what God declared me to be, justified (Just if I'd never sinned).

So I'm not traumatized as much by my weaknesses and failings. And I can confess my sins every night and be restored and forgiven every day so I can serve the Lord.

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The Elephant In the Room

I'm in too. Joy.
Well, if I say I don't sin I'm referring to my newborn human spirit and not my current duality of my flesh and spirit.

I know that there are failures every day. Willfully sinning.

But if I identify me to be a sinner then I am referring to my flesh and not my newborn human spirit.

What's difficult to accept and fathom is that the will can be controlled by either my flesh or my spirit. My actions, words and thoughts will indicate whether or not I am walking in my flesh or my newborn human spirit.

Therefore I choose to refer to myself as that which is born of God and not to refer to myself as the sinner. Well I do sin but I know that God views us as not sinners but new creations in Christ.
The way I understand it is that in order to please God I must have faith in what God declared me to be, justified (Just if I'd never sinned).

So I'm not traumatized as much by my weaknesses and failings. And I can confess my sins every night and be restored and forgiven every day so I can serve the Lord.

Sent from my iPhone using TOL

Into Joy!!!

Beautifully spoken!

One badge of courage for you

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The truth hurts you ? post 10

You have pressed the Sarcasm button:

Wow Patrick, your answer has genuinely revealed depths of your personal walk that help me better keep this dialogue going.

Signature: "If I've offended you, that's me getting in the way of Jesus. If you search the Scriptures open to only the guidance of God's Spirit to Theologically level me..... I've succeeded."


New member
You have pressed the Sarcasm button:

Wow Patrick, your answer has genuinely revealed depths of your personal walk that help me better keep this dialogue going.

Signature: "If I've offended you, that's me getting in the way of Jesus. If you search the Scriptures open to only the guidance of God's Spirit to Theologically level me..... I've succeeded."

We don't commit sin we are sinners, there's a difference. Those who externalize sin and try to make it something we do are condemned by the sermon on the mount. Jesus said all of our thoughts, desires and motives are sinful. That's not something I can control or choose. We are evil to the very core of our being and God won't heal us until we see and acknowledge this.

patrick jane

You have pressed the Sarcasm button:

Wow Patrick, your answer has genuinely revealed depths of your personal walk that help me better keep this dialogue going.

Signature: "If I've offended you, that's me getting in the way of Jesus. If you search the Scriptures open to only the guidance of God's Spirit to Theologically level me..... I've succeeded."
You're all over the place; you're lost


You're all over the place; you're lost

I am deeply sorry, but there is a 45 minute delay on repressing the sarcasm button.

More to come in a bit.

Signature: "If I've offended you, that's me getting in the way of Jesus. If you search the Scriptures open to only the guidance of God's Spirit to Theologically level me..... I've succeeded."


The Elephant In the Room

We don't commit sin we are sinners, there's a difference. Those who externalize sin and try to make it something we do are condemned by the sermon on the mount. Jesus said all of our thoughts, desires and motives are sinful. That's not something I can control or choose. We are evil to the very core of our being and God won't heal us until we see and acknowledge this.


1 Badge of courage for you

Well spoken!


Signature: "If I've offended you, that's me getting in the way of Jesus. If you search the Scriptures open to only the guidance of God's Spirit to Theologically level me..... I've succeeded."
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