The earth is flat and we never went to the moon

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patrick jane

I get the feeling flat earthers don't do math
But you do, right? Please quit tagging me when I'm already online. I did it to you after you tagged me. I pay attention to the posts the flat earth debate and I'll quote your post when I can. As far as spamming videos, some people prefer more visual information rather than reading pretend mathematicians on an internet forum posting lame tired "experiments" and telling flat earthers they're dumb. You don't like the videos because they decimate your pretense. Like the shadow experiment from you that the videos prove false.

If you didn't have doubts you wouldn't be on this thread because there's no need to debate with the "irrefutable evidence" you have against loony delusional folks with no common sense and no math skills. Are you concerned that I'm leading folks astray, into doctrines of devils? Are you so concerned about the masses on TOL being told flat earth lies and your objective is ensure that nobody even considers that we don't live on a flying spinning ball?

patrick jane

[h=1]TIMELAPSE OF THE SUN PROVES FLAT EARTH - HD perspective matrix[/h]
From the video description: This is an upgraded version of the original with added timelapse footage. The old, low resolution footage has been replaced with high resolution HD footage. Watch how the sun comes at you when it's rising and goes away from you when it's setting. See how the sun's light at sunset shrinks and trails after it - not at all what we would expect to see if the sun is 93,000,000 miles away. - 20 minutes - click on link for full screen view


Right Divider

Body part
But you do, right? Please quit tagging me when I'm already online. I did it to you after you tagged me. I pay attention to the posts the flat earth debate and I'll quote your post when I can. As far as spamming videos, some people prefer more visual information rather than reading pretend mathematicians on an internet forum posting lame tired "experiments" and telling flat earthers they're dumb. You don't like the videos because they decimate your pretense. Like the shadow experiment from you that the videos prove false.

If you didn't have doubts you wouldn't be on this thread because there's no need to debate with the "irrefutable evidence" you have against loony delusional folks with no common sense and no math skills. Are you concerned that I'm leading folks astray, into doctrines of devils? Are you so concerned about the masses on TOL being told flat earth lies and your objective is ensure that nobody even considers that we don't live on a flying spinning ball?
Simple geometry and trigonometry are enough PJ. And anyone can prove it without the help of experts.But instead your run to a video or change the subject.

Are protractors and triangles also a NASA conspiracy?

patrick jane

Simple geometry and trigonometry are enough PJ. And anyone can prove it without the help of experts.But instead your run to a video or change the subject.

Are protractors and triangles also a NASA conspiracy?
No, mathematics is not a conspiracy. The measurements of earth, the sun, the moon and stars are invented to FIT THE MATH - The distances, measurements, sizes and velocities and virtually all calculations of heavenly bodies are made up or distorted.

Right Divider

Body part
No, mathematics is not a conspiracy. The measurements of earth, the sun, the moon and stars are invented to FIT THE MATH - The distances, measurements, sizes and velocities and virtually all calculations of heavenly bodies are made up or distorted.
PJ... give us the size of the earth and the elevation of the sun based on the flat earth model. From these ALONE we can easily disprove the flat earth model.

Were my numbers wrong in this post?

Let me know and I'll recalculate. Either way flat earth will lose.


New member
But you do, right?

The math isn't very complicated. You should give it a try. :thumb:

As far as spamming videos, some people prefer more visual information rather than reading pretend mathematicians on an internet forum posting lame tired "experiments" and telling flat earthers they're dumb.

That's the beautiful thing! You don't have to be a 'mathematician' to prove the flat earth theory is wrong. It's just some simple geometry. These experiments are no lame or tired, they are easy for anyone to do so that they can determine for themselves if the earth is flat or a globe.

You don't like the videos because they decimate your pretense. Like the shadow experiment from you that the videos prove false.

It's futile for us to throw videos at each other as if it is at all compelling. Make an argument on your own for a change and let's see if it holds up. I'm not watching videos to debunk them otherwise I might as well do so in the youtube comment section. You like a certain video, repeat its most compelling argument and we can take it from there.

If you didn't have doubts you wouldn't be on this thread because there's no need to debate with the "irrefutable evidence" you have against loony delusional folks with no common sense and no math skills. Are you concerned that I'm leading folks astray, into doctrines of devils? Are you so concerned about the masses on TOL being told flat earth lies and your objective is ensure that nobody even considers that we don't live on a flying spinning ball?

I'm curious to see whether you are actually intellectually curious enough to test some of this independently of youtube videos.

Right now you seem to be swaying in the wind depending on which way it's blowing.


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No, mathematics is not a conspiracy.

Is it possible that the Greeks got it right on calculating the size of the earth, at least in the ballpark?

The measurements of earth, the sun, the moon and stars are invented to FIT THE MATH -

So then it should be easy to show where their math is wrong, right? Could you do so for us here?

The distances, measurements, sizes and velocities and virtually all calculations of heavenly bodies are made up or distorted.

Again, would it then be easy to show where the math is wrong, and show your work here? (as opposed to just posting Youtube videos)

patrick jane

Again, would it then be easy to show where the math is wrong, and show your work here? (as opposed to just posting Youtube videos)
Welcome to 2018 and the age of visual evidence. We don't have to read a prepared scripted explanation anymore. Writing and typing are wonderful but I get so much more from videos. I know you don't watch and maybe nobody does so why does it matter? As far as the Greeks knowing the size of the earth they may have been close. Once you have one number you can find many many ways to arrive at that number through math. I wonder if they ever sailed from the top of the ball to bottom of the ball and came back up the other side? With the same "odometer" NASA uses.

Right Divider

Body part
Welcome to 2018 and the age of visual evidence. We don't have to read a prepared scripted explanation anymore. Writing and typing are wonderful but I get so much more from videos. I know you don't watch and maybe nobody does so why does it matter? As far as the Greeks knowing the size of the earth they may have been close. Once you have one number you can find many many ways to arrive at that number through math. I wonder if they ever sailed from the top of the ball to bottom of the ball and came back up the other side? With the same "odometer" NASA uses.
Not true PJ

Geometry and trigonometry do not lie. YOU... YOURSELF can easily prove it. Why won't you?


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Welcome to 2018 and the age of visual evidence. We don't have to read a prepared scripted explanation anymore. Writing and typing are wonderful but I get so much more from videos. I know you don't watch and maybe nobody does so why does it matter?

This is a written forum, not a video sharing site.

If I wanted to watch YouTube videos, I'd open up the YouTube app on my phone or the page on my computer's browser and watch them there.

But I'm on TOL, not YouTube, meaning I'm here for written discussion and reading responses.

As far as the Greeks knowing the size of the earth they may have been close. Once you have one number you can find many many ways to arrive at that number through math.

So could you retract your argument that 'because they were pagans, it calls into question their math'?

patrick jane

This is a written forum, not a video sharing site.

If I wanted to watch YouTube videos, I'd open up the YouTube app on my phone or the page on my computer's browser and watch them there.

But I'm on TOL, not YouTube, meaning I'm here for written discussion and reading responses.

So could you retract your argument that 'because they were pagans, it calls into question their math'?
Nobody is making you watch anything. :idea:

patrick jane

This is a written forum, not a video sharing site.

If I wanted to watch YouTube videos, I'd open up the YouTube app on my phone or the page on my computer's browser and watch them there.

But I'm on TOL, not YouTube, meaning I'm here for written discussion and reading responses.

So could you retract your argument that 'because they were pagans, it calls into question their math'?
This is what I said about Greeks: Yes I do, it's not accurate. You think the Greeks figured everything out? They worshiped pagan gods.

I did not say mathematics has anything to do with worshiping pagan gods. I am not questioning the mathematical discoveries of the Greeks. Getting back to the videos, again, nobody forces you to watch them. They provide visual information and many people like them. We have the ability to post them here, I didn't make that possible. I found out this weekend that on a smart phone like Tapatalk that I finally set up, shows pictures on most every thread. I'm sure other forums do the same.

Right Divider

Body part
This is what I said about Greeks: Yes I do, it's not accurate. You think the Greeks figured everything out? They worshiped pagan gods.

I did not say mathematics has anything to do with worshiping pagan gods. I am not questioning the mathematical discoveries of the Greeks. Getting back to the videos, again, nobody forces you to watch them. They provide visual information and many people like them. We have the ability to post them here, I didn't make that possible. I found out this weekend that on a smart phone like Tapatalk that I finally set up, shows pictures on most every thread. I'm sure other forums do the same.
Let's talk about triangles....


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Nobody is making you watch anything. :idea:

Never said anyone was.

This is what I said about Greeks: Yes I do, it's not accurate. You think the Greeks figured everything out? They worshiped pagan gods.

No, I don't think they figured everything out. I think they were lacking quite a bit.

I did not say mathematics has anything to do with worshiping pagan gods. I am not questioning the mathematical discoveries of the Greeks.

So you're not questioning that one can use math to determine if the earth is round or flat? Because (tongue in cheek) it's simple trigonometry...

Getting back to the videos, again, nobody forces you to watch them.

Again, never said anyone was.

They provide visual information and many people like them. We have the ability to post them here, I didn't make that possible. I found out this weekend that on a smart phone like Tapatalk that I finally set up, shows pictures on most every thread. I'm sure other forums do the same.

Again, not my issue. My issue is that when people resort to posting videos to make their argument for them, it ends up being all they do, and they don't put in the effort to explain the arguments the video makes, and it ends up filling up the thread with nothing but YouTube links from one or both sides of the discussion.

Here is my recommendation:

Instead of finding a video you like that you think explains a certain aspect of the flat earth and then immediately posting the link to the video here and hitting "Send," try to explain the point or points made in the video here first, and then provide a link to the video at the bottom of your post. That way, those who, like myself, would rather not spend their time having to watch each and every second of the videos that are posted here don't have to, but can still engage the points made in the videos.

Just my $0.02.

patrick jane

Never said anyone was.

No, I don't think they figured everything out. I think they were lacking quite a bit.

So you're not questioning that one can use math to determine if the earth is round or flat? Because (tongue in cheek) it's simple trigonometry...

Again, never said anyone was.

Again, not my issue. My issue is that when people resort to posting videos to make their argument for them, it ends up being all they do, and they don't put in the effort to explain the arguments the video makes, and it ends up filling up the thread with nothing but YouTube links from one or both sides of the discussion.

Here is my recommendation:

Instead of finding a video you like that you think explains a certain aspect of the flat earth and then immediately posting the link to the video here and hitting "Send," try to explain the point or points made in the video here first, and then provide a link to the video at the bottom of your post. That way, those who, like myself, would rather not spend their time having to watch each and every second of the videos that are posted here don't have to, but can still engage the points made in the videos.

Just my $0.02.
You're right. I'm pumping these videos way too much and you helped me see that. I knew I was doing it and I still will, but not in this thread. Any questions specifically for me with scientific data should go to the Conspiracy thread since flat earth IS a conspiracy THEORY. Any Biblical evidence for a flying spinning ball should go to one of the other Biblical sphere or enclosed earth and firmament thread. I will do my best to stick to typing if I can do it better than a video. If I do post videos I will try to do short ones. That is for my own threads. I may get baited back into this thread but I can't juggle 3 threads like this anymore. I'm getting all the questions with the answers already prepared and I can't keep up.

I'm just not 100% either way anymore and it's that simple. If you are, that's great. I think it's a worthy topic if you're not 100% sure.
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