The earth is flat and we never went to the moon

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[MENTION=4980]DFT_Dave[/MENTION] and [MENTION=16629]patrick jane[/MENTION]

Another simple experiment you can do if you know someone who lives far enough away from you and also owns a phone (assuming you own a phone)

One of the best documented methods for determining the Earth's roundness was first performed (to our knowledge) by the ancient Greeks.

This was achieved by comparing the shadows of sticks in different locations.

When the sun was directly overhead in one place, the stick there cast no shadow.

If the Earth were flat then both sticks should show the same shadow (or lack of) because they would be positioned at the same angle towards the sun.

The ancient Greeks found the shadows were different because the Earth was curved and so the sticks were at different angles.

They then used the difference in these angles to calculate the circumference of the Earth.

They managed to get it to within 10% of the true value.

Perhaps the two of you could :idea: call each other and determine that the earth is not flat at the same time!

patrick jane

But, you'd rather sit in front of your computer watching youtube videos that confirm your bias.
And you'd rather sit in front of your computer and tell people to "get a telescope and do your own test". Tell me Wiz, what do you see when you look through a telescope at night? Do you whip up some equations and calculations and prove it's a globe by yourself, or do you rely on the work of others?

Right Divider

Body part
@DFT_Dave and @patrick jane

Another simple experiment you can do if you know someone who lives far enough away from you and also owns a phone (assuming you own a phone)

One of the best documented methods for determining the Earth's roundness was first performed (to our knowledge) by the ancient Greeks.

This was achieved by comparing the shadows of sticks in different locations.

When the sun was directly overhead in one place, the stick there cast no shadow.

If the Earth were flat then both sticks should show the same shadow (or lack of) because they would be positioned at the same angle towards the sun.

The ancient Greeks found the shadows were different because the Earth was curved and so the sticks were at different angles.

They then used the difference in these angles to calculate the circumference of the Earth.

They managed to get it to within 10% of the true value.

Perhaps the two of you could :idea: call each other and determine that the earth is not flat at the same time!
Don't you know that the ancient Greeks were in cahoots with NASA?

patrick jane

@DFT_Dave and @patrick jane

Another simple experiment you can do if you know someone who lives far enough away from you and also owns a phone (assuming you own a phone)

One of the best documented methods for determining the Earth's roundness was first performed (to our knowledge) by the ancient Greeks.

This was achieved by comparing the shadows of sticks in different locations.

When the sun was directly overhead in one place, the stick there cast no shadow.

If the Earth were flat then both sticks should show the same shadow (or lack of) because they would be positioned at the same angle towards the sun.

The ancient Greeks found the shadows were different because the Earth was curved and so the sticks were at different angles.

They then used the difference in these angles to calculate the circumference of the Earth.

They managed to get it to within 10% of the true value.

Perhaps the two of you could :idea: call each other and determine that the earth is not flat at the same time!
Doesn't the "phones" use the same calculations that scientists and NASA use? How can you prove a flat earth when NASA results are "programmed" into the phone? Your tests are lame, but good for a quick exit in a debate.


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Yes I do, it's not accurate. You think the Greeks figured everything out? They worshiped pagan gods.

I think that the Grecians were a very smart people, with strong interest in mathematics and philosophy. I think their philosophy was not grounded in truth, but I'm pretty sure mathematics can't be influenced by philosophical beliefs. 1+1=2 whether you're a polytheist or atheist or monotheist.

patrick jane

[h=1]Heliocentric model DEBUNKED With Evidence[/h]From the video: The continuation of looking at the terminator line advancement on the earth absolutely shows with 100% certainty that the heliocentric model can not be true. There is no way with the current science model to "advance" the terminator line for one half of the earth and not the other in the current heliocentric model. Those who argue that the Mercator projection and the terminator line would be straight when applied to a globe are either lairs or stupid. Either one can thumb down & sow their ignorance rather than face undeniable facts. Show me who you are!

[h=1] - [FONT=&quot]14 minutes[/FONT][FONT=&quot] -[/FONT] if you can't watch this then you are playing a joke on yourself and you can't debate the issue.[/h]Click on link for full screen view - Sometimes clicking on the picture of the video cuts off half the screen

<strong><span style="color:#800080;">


Right Divider

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View attachment 26163
PJ, if Polaris were even ONLY 1000 miles above the "flat earth", the viewing angle from the equator would be approximately 5 degrees.... but it is NOT .... it is ZERO degrees.
PJ, if Polaris were view-able at even 1 degree above the horizon, that would put Polaris only a little over 200 miles above the earth. Is that what you think?

Why can't you understand something that a high school student can figure out?


New member
And you'd rather sit in front of your computer and tell people to "get a telescope and do your own test". Tell me Wiz, what do you see when you look through a telescope at night? Do you whip up some equations and calculations and prove it's a globe by yourself, or do you rely on the work of others?

These are all such simple tests! I am simply recommending, rather than getting upset by my challenge to you, have the intellectual curiosity to test it for yourself. I have presented 3 very simple tests for you. Get off your computer and try 1 or all of them out. It is quite simple to prove or disprove a flat earth versus a globe yet we're here throwing what amounts to propaganda videos at each other.

Do you live near a hill or mountain? Can you put a tall ladder next to a tree or get on your roof? Do you own a telescope or good pair of binoculars? Can you put a stick in the ground and have someone else further away do the same so that you can compare the results of the angles of the shadow?

If you have not attempted or are unwilling to attempt these simple tests, then you're just not interested in the truth.

patrick jane

[h=1]Shadows in the TIMELAPSE PROVES FLAT EARTH[/h]

From the video: Take a good look at the shadows from the trees and buildings! Those shadows can only be created by a sun that you see in the flat earth model..Its (by my understanding) impossible in the Heliocentric model.. - 2 minutes - click on link for full screen view



New member
Doesn't the "phones" use the same calculations that scientists and NASA use? How can you prove a flat earth when NASA results are "programmed" into the phone? Your tests are lame, but good for a quick exit in a debate.

Are you kidding me?

Do you believe that phones work? Have you ever placed a telephone call in your life?

If so, call someone who is far away from you. Each of you put a stick in the ground. Measure the angle of the shadow. If the angle of the shadow is different when you are both looking at it at the same 'time' then we cannot live on a flat earth! Otherwise all angles would be the same.


New member



You can test this yourself!

Right Divider

Body part
How high is the sun above the earth in the flat earth model? I saw one page that said 3000 miles, is that correct?

Since the flat earth is approximately 25000 miles in diameter, in the northern winter the sun would be at it's furthest point south (furthest from the north pole). Therefore an observer at the furthest point from the sun would be about 18750 miles in horizontal distance from being directly under the sun.

With these measurements, the sun would be 9 degrees above the horizon and definitely not BELOW the horizon.

Why can't the sun be seen with a telescope when it's 9 degrees above the horizon and only about 19000 miles away?
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